
sī fǎ ɡuān
  • judge;justiciary
  1. 认为封建时代并不存在现代意义上的司法官,封建时代的法官是多种社会角色的糅合;马锡五审判方式下的法官扮演着案件事实侦查者的角色。

    In Feudal period , there was no judge of modern concept , the " judge " had various social roles .

  2. 所以当想美国国务秘书HillaryClinton以及德国司法官AngelaMerkel等职场女强人喜欢裤装示人,并以因此使人联想到强势和成功时,裙装则更容易给人一个更加正面的第一印象。

    So while trouser suits – favoured by powerful women such as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and German chancellor Angela Merkel – are associated with ambition and success , a skirt suit gives a more positive first impression .

  3. 古代中国司法官的处事风格与角色意识

    The Dealing Style and Role Consciousness of Ancient Chinese Judicial Officers

  4. 他话还没说完,司法官就将一把刀扔到他面前说。

    And it was thrust before him by the Sheriff .

  5. 近代广西第一次司法官考试研究

    The Research of the First Test of Law - officer in Guangxi

  6. 司法官被他的对手杀死。

    The sheriff was killed by his rival .

  7. 司法官宣判那人犯有谋杀罪。

    The sheriff convicted the man of murder .

  8. 要么由司法官把他从这儿赶出去。

    Or have him evicted by the sheriff .

  9. 司法官:这儿除了厨房用品什么也没有。

    Sheriff : Nothing here but kitchen things .

  10. 你们也在今天的授学位典礼上得到了承认一位联邦行政司法官

    Who are being recognized here today at the commencement ceremony a federal magistrate .

  11. 司法官须将他交付监狱。

    The magistrate must commit him to prison .

  12. 1.法律的实施;执法市司法官美国市法律执行官员,负责实施法庭命令

    A city law enforcement officer in the United States who carries out court orders .

  13. 国际法警和司法官联合会

    International Union of Bailiffs and Law Officers

  14. 司法官对嫌疑人表达了谢意。

    And the sheriff thanked the suspect .

  15. “好了,好了,司法官,”罗克沃尔说,“别使我们难堪。

    ' Look , sheriff , 'said Rockwall , 'don 't be too hard on us .

  16. 民国时期的广东司法官群体研究(1927-1938年)

    The Research on the Law-officers in Guangdong Province in the Republic of China ( 1927-1938 );

  17. 最高级别的司法官任命由女王根据首相的建议做出。

    The highest judicial appointments and made by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister .

  18. 司法官猜想她大概不会讲丹麦文,因此把他的要求又用德文讲了一遍。

    The Councillor thought she did not understand Danish , and therefore repeated his wish in German .

  19. 刑事鉴定启动机制大体分为分为司法官启动制和当事人启动制。

    The criminal identification starting system has the judicial officer starting system and the party starting system .

  20. 超过了法定的权力或职权的范围,或者滥用了法定的权力或职权。一个司法官的职权范围。

    Beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority . the jurisdiction of a justiciar .

  21. 司法官现在清楚地看见他面前点着一盏很亮的灯,灯后面有一幢大房子。

    The Councillor saw quite distinctly before him a lantern burning , and behind this a large handsome house .

  22. 为此司法官下了一道禁令。禁令上写着他们不能再演奏音乐,否则将被关进监狱。

    It said that they were not allowed to play music anymore , otherwise they 'd be kept behind bars .

  23. 但司法官却认为汉斯①王朝是一个最可爱、最幸福的时代。

    The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period . *

  24. 艾琳是副司法官,送传票,赶走不付租的房客及在法庭充当法警。

    Irene works as a deputy marshal , serving subpoenas , evicting lax tenants and serving as a bailiff in courts .

  25. 如果一项公诉成立,大陪审团要在开庭的时候将把它汇报到法官或司法官那里。

    If an indictment is found , the grand jury will report it to the judge or a magistrate in open court .

  26. 行政长官,司法官古罗马共和国一年选举一次的司法官,位列执政官之下,但具有与执政官几乎相同的职权。

    An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman republic , ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul .

  27. 司法官思索着这个问题,眼睛也不向左右看;他一直走过东街,走到高桥广场。

    Reflecting on the matter , and without looking right or left , the Councillor went through East Street and across the Habro-Platz .

  28. 县法官:(对彼得斯司法官,持续中断的谈话)没有外人进入的迹象。

    County attorney : ( To Sheriff Peters , continuing an interrupted conversation . ) No sign at all of anyone having come from the outside .

  29. 骑马的人沿着四面八方的路去追捕他,镇上的司法官深信:天黑之前就会逮到他。

    Horsemen had departed down all the roads in every direction , and the Sheriff " was confident " that he would be captured before night .

  30. 司法官用手支着头,深深地吸了一口气,思索着在他周围所发生的一些怪事情。

    The Councillor supported his head on his hand , drew a long breath , and thought over all the wondrous things he saw around him .