
  • 网络Measurable;measurability
  1. 程度补语使动作或状态呈现出可度量性。

    Degree complement made action or status measurable .

  2. 从地理学看,海岸带是一个开放的复杂的巨系统,有着明确的边界范围,具有可度量性。

    The coastal zone is a complex open system , and has a clear cut boundary range and can be measurable in geography .

  3. 基于UML的软件复杂度估计及进度控制元模型可度量性及度量方法研究

    Software metrics and process control with UML A Study of Measurability and Metrics on Meta-Models

  4. 关于个人福利可度量性的探讨

    A Discussion about the Measurability of the Individual Welfare

  5. 本文针对信息系统性能评价问题提出了一套规范的、可度量性强的信息系统动态性能评价指标体系,并对各指标进行了明确的定义和分析。

    This work is devoted to the establishment and analysis of dynamical performance evaluation indices for information systems .

  6. 另外,阐述了生态足迹指标自身分析的合理性、与可持续发展的相关性、可度量性。

    Moreover , its analy - tical soundness , and relevance with sustainable development , measurability are analysed .

  7. 长期以来,财务指标由于其可度量性、可比性以及数据的易得性,在绩效评价中占统治地位。

    The financial indicators have been dominated for a long time because of their measurability , comparability , and accessibility .

  8. 为此,我们只有明确个人福利的可度量性和可比较性,才能在批判吸收西方福利经济学理论的基础上发展社会主义福利经济学。

    We must clarify the measurability and comparability of the Individual Welfare firstly , then we can develop the Welfare Economics of socialism on the basis of criticizing and absorbing the western welfare economic theory .