
  • 网络calorific value;NCVS
  1. 锅炉的计算效率与燃料的高低位发热值的关系

    Relationship Between the Calculated Efficiency of a Boiler and the Low and High Calorific Value of Fuel

  2. 要从发热值高的角度选择炉内燃烧的燃料,才能发出最大的热量。

    The fuels which are burned in the furnace are selected for their high calorific value , and give the maximum amount of heat .

  3. 1995年转炉煤气回收系统投入运行后当年回收发热值7300kJ/m3,煤气5600万m3,经济效益达672万元。

    Since performing operation of the gas recovery system in 1995 , recovery gas quantity , which heat value is 7300kJ / m3 , is 56 million m3 in 1995 and the profit is 6 . 72 million yuan ( RMB ) .

  4. 与燃料的发热值直接有关的是质量而不是容积。

    The energy content of fuels is directly related to the mass and not volume .

  5. 介绍了中子快速检测煤的发热值的方法。

    This paper introduce the detection method of caloric power of coal by using neutron method .

  6. 加热炉热负荷大小主要取决于燃料发热值和供入加热炉内的燃料量。

    The load of heat in heating furnace is mostly determined by the heat energy and quantity of fuel in heating furnace .

  7. 煤气发热值由800kcal/m~3提高到1000~1100kcal/m~3,因而可节约大量焦炉煤气。

    The calorific power increases from 800 kcal / m3 to 1000-1100kcal / m3 , therefore large amount of coke-oven gas can be saved .

  8. 本文探讨利用高炉大量喷吹煤粉来提高煤气发热值和增加煤气发生量。

    Injection of a great amount of coal-powder in blast furnace for increasing the calorific power and output of top gas has been investigated .

  9. 分区流化床粉煤气化以薄料层操作,有助于提高煤气的发热值;

    If fluidization index is properly raised , the heat exchange between combustion and gasification areas will meet the needs of operating , and the heat value of gas will also increase .

  10. 氢能源由于具有资源丰富、发热值大、燃烧性能好、无毒、无污染、利用形式多样等多种显著特点,已成为目前国内外学者们研究的热点。

    Hydrogen has become a hot research field at home and abroad owing to its notable features , such as abundant resources , large heat value , good combustion performance , non-toxic , non-polluting and various used forms .

  11. 天铁1高炉努力探索富氧冶炼经验,取得提高生铁产量、风口理论燃烧温度及煤气发热值,降低生铁成本等多项冶炼效果。在操作上采取新的操作方针,获得了良好指标。

    Oxygen smelting experience is hardly probed on the No. 1 blast furnace and multi smelting efficiency on improving the output of pig iron , the theoretical tuyere combustion temperature and calorific value of gas and reduction of pig iron cost etc have been achieved .

  12. 迄今为止,没有任何研究表明存在一致的证据,证明接触射频场强度低于造成组织发热的限值,会产生不良健康后果。

    To date , research does not suggest any consistent evidence of adverse health effects from exposure to radiofrequency fields at levels below those that cause tissue heating .

  13. 用热处理方法降低PTC陶瓷发热体的电阻值

    Reduction of resistance of PTC ceramic heaters by heat treatment