
  • 网络transmit modules
  1. 测试结果表明,转换集成电路数字逻辑部分的全部功能用FPGA实现,研制的12通道并行光发射模块传输带宽达12?

    The converter IC is realized using FPGA . Its transmission bandwidth reaches to 12 ?

  2. 硬件测试结果表明,发射模块PCB设计达到了预定的要求。

    The hardware testing result says that the design meets the specification .

  3. RFID读写器发射模块电路设计与实现

    Design of Transmitter Module Circuit for RFID Reader

  4. 体内检测数字电路CMOS发射模块设计研究

    Study on design of a digital CMOS transmitting module for measuring in the human body

  5. 基于CPLD的智能安防报警系统发射模块设计

    CPLD-based Intelligent Security Alarm System Launched Modular Design

  6. 其中硬件设计主要是PC/104工控机与FPGA和D/A转换器组成的信号发射模块电路的设计。

    The hardware design is PC / 104 、 FPGA and D / A converter circuit composed of signal transmission modules .

  7. LD数字光纤发射模块的控制方法

    Control Method of LD Digital Optical Transmitter

  8. EPON系统中突发式光发射模块及关键技术研究

    Research on the Burst Mode Optical Transmitter in EPON System and Its Key Technology

  9. 基于VHDL语言的直接序列扩频通信系统发射模块的实现

    The Realization of Transmitting Module in the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Communication System Based on VHDL

  10. 在信号发射模块,用MATLAB仿真比较,从众多的伪随机序列中找出本系统的最佳发射序列。

    In the signal transmission module , we need to find out the best launch sequence from a large number of pseudo-random sequences through MATLAB simulation and comparison .

  11. 该系统主要包括测温模块(电子体温计)、发射模块、接收模块、计算机终端。测温模块采用以美国TI公司MSP430作为采集和控制器;

    Design of wireless remote electro-thermometer system This system includes measuring temperature module , transmitting module , receiving module and computer .

  12. 基于VCSEL的光发射模块的研究与设计

    Research and design of optical transmitter module based on VCSEL

  13. 并且,采用AgilentADS软件对发射模块和接收模块分别进行了仿真分析。

    Meanwhile , the simulation analysis of transmitting module and receiving module by software Agilent ADS is proposed .

  14. 对光发射模块的两个主要器件&掺铒铌酸锂(Er∶LiNbO3)波导激光器和LiNbO3电光调制器进行了结构设计和分析。

    The configuration of the two important devices & Er ∶ LiNbO_3 waveguide laser and LiNbO_3 electro-optic modulator of the optical transmitter modules is designed and studied .

  15. TPMS发射模块的强度可靠性设计

    Strength reliability design of TPMS emission module

  16. 一种用于APON系统的突发式光发射模块

    A Burst Mode Optical Transmitter for APON Application

  17. 我国主要使用的统一S频段系统(USB),在USB测控系统中,中频发射模块对系统性能有着十分重要的意义。

    The Unified S Band System ( USB ) is mainly used in our country . In USB TT & C system , IF transmitter module is very important in system performance .

  18. 介绍2.5Gb/s外调制DWDM光发射模块设计及性能测试情况。

    The article introduce the design and testing result of external modulation transmission module at 2.5Gb/s DWDM system .

  19. 文章主要介绍2.5Gb/s小型化光发射模块的原理及性能。

    The article introduces design and test result of a tiny optical transmission module at 2.5 Gb / s .

  20. 2.5Gbit/s光发射模块的中心频率稳定性研究

    The research of the stabling center frequency characteristic for 2.5 Gbit / s transmitter

  21. 利用同一外延层集成工艺方法制作了10Gb/s电吸收调制器/分布反馈(DFB)半导体激光器单片集成光发射模块。

    A 10Gb / s transmitter module containing an electroabsorption modulator monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback ( DFB ) semiconductor laser is fabricated using the identical epitaxial layer scheme .

  22. WDMA-EPON上行信道精确波长光发射模块的研究

    Study of optical transmitter with precise wavelength for upstream path in WDMA-EPON system

  23. 在建立超声辐射力理论模型,分析其影响因素的基础上,利用CPLD作为中心控制单元开发了超声柔性发射模块,实现对超声辐射力的有效控制。

    On the basis of establishing the theoretical model of acoustic radiation force and analyzing its impact factors , an ultrasonic flexible transmitter module was developed to effectively control the acoustic radiation force by using CPLD as the central control unit .

  24. 分析了EPON系统中突发式光发射模块工作原理及关键技术,并对自动功率控制和光脉宽控制进行了详细研究,给出了实现方法。

    The work principle and the key technology of the burst mode optical transmitter in EPON system was analysed . Automatic power control and optical pulse width control was researched , and the realization method was provided .

  25. 2.5Gbit/s光发射模块消光比与光接收误码特性

    The extinction ratio of 2.5 Gbit / s optical transmiter modules and the error code charateristics of optical receiver modules

  26. 第四章主要介绍无线报警子系统,以及无线报警子系统中的无线接收发射模块LFK。

    Wireless alarm sub-system and wireless receive and launch module LFK is introduced in this chapter .

  27. 本文研究了高速率(以2.5Gbit/s速率为例)波分复用系统中光发射模块中心频率的稳定技术&温度反馈稳频技术。

    The stabling center frequency technology by temperature feedback method in high speed wavelength devision multiplexing system ( 2.5 Gbit / s ) is studied .

  28. 重点从发射模块壳体的材料选择、发射模块的强度设计和结构可靠性试验等几个方面研究了TPMS产品结构设计,试图从结构设计上对该产品的设计理论与方法进行进一步完善。

    Otherwise , the article mostly explores structure design of TPMS basing on material selection of the shell of transmitter , intensity design of transmitter and reliability experimentation of structure , trying to perfect the theory and method of TPMS design in structure design .

  29. 在1.25Gb/s速率下,发射模块的消光比达6dB,当保护时间为100ns时,接收模块灵敏度为-30dBm,饱和光功率为-1dBm,从而动态范围可达29dB。

    The extinction ratio of transmitter module was 6 dB , and the saturated optical power and sensitivity of receiver one were-1 dBm and-30 dBm with a guard time of 100 ns at ( 1.25 Gb / s ), then the dynamic range could be up to 29 dB .

  30. 介绍了光发射模块的工作原理、制作工艺和发展现状;

    The working principle and development of optical transmission module were introduced .