
  • 网络recoil mechanism;recoil system
  1. 反后坐装置物理模型的研究

    A Study of Physical Model in Recoil System

  2. 《火炮反后坐装置设计》课程教学探索

    Exploration on the Teaching and Learning of the Design of Recoil System for Guns

  3. 基于BP神经网络的火炮反后坐装置故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis of Gun Anti-Recoil Mechanism Based on BP Neural Networks

  4. 火炮反后坐装置的故障诊断,采用3层BP神经网络。

    The fault diagnosis of gun anti-recoil mechanism adopted three-level BP neural network .

  5. 火炮维修保障中,以反后坐装置为例,应用以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)进行分析。

    Taking anti-recoil system for an example , analyze through the reliability centered maintenance ( RCM ) in the artillery maintenance and support situation .

  6. 针对火炮磁流变阻尼器反后坐装置进行了后坐过程仿真、开环控制、ON-OFF控制和模糊控制仿真。

    An open-loop control , ON-OFF control and a fuzzy control method are introduced to control the artillery recoil resistance . Lastly , a finite element method is adopted to analyze the magnetic field in the piston gap .

  7. 介绍了某型坦克炮的反后坐装置的组成。

    Composition of recoil mechanism of a tank gun is presented .

  8. 火炮反后坐装置故障机理研究

    Study on the Failure Mechanism of Gun Recoil / Counterrecoil Mechanism

  9. 火炮反后坐装置故障模式、影响及危害性分析

    Failure mode , effects and Criticality Analysis of gun conter-recoil

  10. 反后坐装置故障的分析方法及模糊预测系统的研究

    Study on Analytic Method of Counterrecoil Mechanism Fault and Fuzzy Forecast System

  11. 反后坐装置漏液漏气故障分析模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Fault Analysis on Leaking Liquid and Gas in Recoil System

  12. 反后坐装置模糊故障预测系统研究

    Research on Fuzzy Fault Forecast System for Recoil System

  13. 火炮反后坐装置动力学耦合分析与优化

    Dynamic Coupling Analysis and Optimization of Gun Recoil Mechanism

  14. 此种方法已成功的应用在反后坐装置故障模糊预测系统中。

    The method has succeeded in counter recoil mechanism fault fuzzy forecast system .

  15. 可压缩液体反后坐装置的原理和应用

    Principles and application of compressible fluid recoil mechanisms

  16. 针对反后坐装置故障模式复杂的特点,详细地论述了基于动态模糊综合评判的故障预测方法。

    A new fault forecast method based on dynamic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is presented .

  17. 驻退机是反后坐装置中控制火炮后坐规律的关键部件。

    Recoil mechanism is the crucial part which controls the backward movement of a gun .

  18. 火炮反后坐装置模糊相似性分析

    Fuzzy Similarity Analysis in Recoil System

  19. 基于虚拟样机的火炮反后坐装置性能仿真和定量化评估研究

    Research on Simulation and Quantitative Evaluation of Performance of Recoil System Based on Virtual Prototyping of Guns

  20. 某模拟发射装置的反后坐装置采用双驻退机和单复进机的结构形式。

    Recoil mechanism of simulated firing device consists of structural forms of double recoil brakes and single recuperator .

  21. 探讨了采用电流变液体作为驻退液的火炮反后坐装置的可行性。

    This paper describes the theory , structure and experiment of ER fluid application in gun recoil system .

  22. 炮口制退器属于火炮反后坐装置,对火炮的轻量化、机动性具有重要的作用。

    Muzzle brake belongs to artillery reverse recoil device . It plays an important role in lightweight and mobility .

  23. 反后坐装置的检查,一直是部队战斗前或射击前检查的重要内容,实现快速检查是根本途径。

    Inspection of recoil mechanism is always an important matter before fight or firing of army force with fast inspection being a primar approach .

  24. 首先分析了反后坐装置对火炮系统的重要性,阐述了对火炮反后坐装置性能定量化评估的必要性和意义。

    The important functions of recoil system for guns were analyzed , and the necessity and significance of quantitative evaluation of its performance were demonstrated .

  25. 通过确定权重系统集和模糊关系矩阵,建立了反后坐装置的动态模糊综合评判模型,给出了基于模糊评判的知识表示方法。

    By the confirmation of the dynamic weight coefficient set and the dynamic fuzzy relationship matrix , a fault forecast model for recoil system is established .

  26. 通过定义评估函数建立了反后坐装置性能综合评估模型,实现了火炮反后坐装置性能评估的定量化,仿真实例说明了虚拟样机技术的优越性和对火炮反后坐装置工作性能评估的可行性。

    Quantitative evaluation of performance of recoil system was realized , and simulation and evaluation results suggest the feasibility of quantitative evaluation with virtual prototype and the superiority of virtual prototyping .

  27. 理论分析和试验表明,在电流变液体屈服应力值较低时,电流变效应在火炮反后坐装置中应用的效果不明显,因此需发展新的电流变液体来满足工程应用的要求。

    Theoretical analysis and test shows the effect of ER in gun recoil system is not great when the yield stress of ER fluid is low and new ER fluid is needed to neet the requirements of engineering application .

  28. 火炮系统中的反后坐装置是典型的冲击缓冲器件,其作用是在限定的后坐行程范围内尽可能地减小传递到炮架上的力,从而减小火炮振动。

    The gun recoil device is a typical shock isolator which can reduce the peak force transferred to the gun carriage within the limitation of the stroke . The purpose to use recoil mechanism is to reduce the vibration of the gun .

  29. 复合材料身管在使用过程中,受到高温、高压火药燃气脉冲式高速冲击作用,弹丸的挤进作用,弹带的导转作用,以及反后坐装置的轴向拉伸作用。

    In shot process , Composite barrel comes under propellant gas with high temperature and high pressure pulse style high speed impact , the projectile packed into action , cartridge belt guiding turns action , and axial tension action of the recoil mechanism .

  30. 制退机是火炮反后坐装置的重要部分,在火炮射击过程中,它产生一定规律的阻力用于消耗后坐能量,将后坐运动限制在规定的长度内,并控制后坐运动的规律。

    Recoil absorber is an important part of gun recoil mechanism , during firing process , it produces a certain law of resistance for consuming the recoil energy and limiting the recoil movement within the specified length , which can control the recoil movement .