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  1. 那些日本游客启程去寻找布龙泰地区。

    The Japanese visitors set off in search of Bront ë country .

  2. 内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。

    Miserable , and unexpectedly lonely , she went in search of Jean-Paul

  3. 他们不得不去寻找衣服和燃料。

    They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel .

  4. 出于经济原因,迈克尔决意去寻找更好的前程。

    Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons .

  5. 她跑去寻找躲避处时被击中了肩部。

    She was shot in the shoulder as she ran for cover .

  6. 这些鸟类不再飞行数千英里去寻找食物,而是把垃圾场变成它们冬天的觅食地。

    Instead of flying thousands of miles in search of food , they make the waste sites their winter feeding grounds .

  7. 我希望我的学生能够通过使用各种资源去寻找问题的答案。

    I want my students to search out the answers to questions by using all the resources available to them .

  8. 我们经常听到对于缺乏好奇心的指责,这暗示出不想去寻找真相是不对的。

    The accusation of incuriosity is one that we hear often , carrying the suggestion that there is something wrong with not wanting to search out the truth .

  9. 但与大多数收藏家不同的是,扎克会去寻找奖牌的合法拥有者并把它们完璧归赵。

    But unlike most collectors , Zac tracks down the medals ' rightful owners , and returns them .

  10. 您必须自己去寻找。要不要去旅行呢?

    You must look for it by yourself.What about a journey ?

  11. 那女人立刻去寻找那颗神奇的种子。

    The woman went off at once to look for that magical seed .

  12. 一天,一个男孩离家去寻找快乐的小鸟。

    One day a boy left his home to find the Bird of Happiness .

  13. 男孩拿起盒子,女士便转身去寻找别的东西了。

    The boy took the box , and the lady turned back to search for something else .

  14. 许多人到尼斯湖去寻找这个奇怪的怪物,但只有少数人见过它。

    Many people travel to Loch Ness to look for this strange monster , but only a few people have seen it .

  15. 写下你的问题,这样下一次你再遇到同一个主题时就能记得去寻找答案。

    Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic .

  16. 通过培养一种感恩的态度,你可以远离困扰你的事情,去寻找让你快乐的事情。

    By developing a grateful attitude , you can be turned away from what 's troubling you , and toward what makes you happy .

  17. 因此,来自英国南安普顿国家海洋学中心的卡茨亚·帕波尔茨亚娃博士(DrKatsiaPabortsava)带领了一支考察队去寻找漂浮在大西洋上所有分解得不见踪影的微塑料碎片,这些碎片的大小小于人类头发的直径。

    So , Dr Katsia Pabortsava , from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton , led an expedition to find all that missing microplastic – particles , smaller than the diameter of a human hair – floating in the Atlantic .

  18. 不要去寻找复杂的解决方案,而让事情复杂化。

    Don 't over complicate things by looking for intricate solutions .

  19. 后来两人都决定去寻找对方,却发现两人身体交换时根本不生活在同一时间线上。

    Finally , they find out they don ’ t live in the same time during the body-swap .

  20. 当然,从来没有任何人能发现这个宝贝,可能,甚至也没有人去寻找过。

    To be sure , no one had ever known how to find it ; perhaps no one had ever even looked for it .

  21. 猎人拿起来复枪,喝了一大口威士忌,和妻子一起去寻找岳母。在距离帐篷不远的空地,他们看到一个令人不寒而栗的场景:岳母站在一片浓密的灌木丛前,无法后退,面前对着一头雄狮。

    The hunter picked up his rifle sight : the mother-in-law was backed up against a thick , impenetrable bush , and a large male lion stood facing her .

  22. 一个酒鬼想在冰上垂钓,因此,他整理好钓鱼用具后,便四处去寻找钓鱼场所。最终,他发现了一大块冰,就跑到冰的中心开始锯洞。

    A drunk decides to go ice fishing , so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice . He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole .

  23. 很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。

    Five hundred years after the world 's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity , and the country was divided into five warring states , it 's up to Raya to find the lone5 survivor6 : a fluffy7 , shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina .

  24. 唧唧想知道哼哼是否已经离开了C站开始出发去寻找新的奶酪,或者是否仍然被自己的恐惧所吓倒,仍旧裹足不前。

    Haw wondered if Hem had moved on , or if he was still paralyzed by his own fears .

  25. 国内的败者到不发达国家去寻找财富和荣誉(b孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    Losers at home seeking wealth and glory in undeveloped countries ( bArthur M.Schlesinger , Jr )

  26. 上世纪20年代,,如果你说“”goingtoseeamanaboutadog”,你并不是去寻找一只等待营救的小狗;

    In the 1920s , if you were " going to see a man about a dog , " you weren 't looking for a rescue pup ;

  27. 因为这个原因,为走在灵性道路上而去寻找一个古鲁(guru)或导师经常被认为是必要的。

    It is for this reason that finding a guru or teacher in order to be on the spiritual path is often deemed necessary .

  28. 《吸血鬼日记》第三季中Damon和Elena会一起去寻找Stefan他们这一路上相较于爱情,更多的则会是友情,Williamson说。

    While Damon and Elena will bond as they search for Stefan their journey will be more about friendship than romance , says Williamson .

  29. Jung开始去寻找患有心理疾病,被鬼魅所困扰的人,而且他们的年龄层已经假定没人会相信他们。

    Jung began to see the mentally ill as people who are haunted by these ghosts , in an age where no-one is supposed to even believe in them .

  30. 然而,one-size-fits-all的用户界面,使得人们不得不需要花费大量的时间和精力去寻找自己需要的信息。

    However , due to the one-size-fits-all interface people have to consume a lot of time and energy to work on the information they need .