
lì shǐ
  • history;chronicle;past records
历史 [lì shǐ]
  • (1) [history]

  • (2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科

  • (3) 沿革,来历

  • (4) 过去的事实

  • 他的历史很不简单

历史[lì shǐ]
  1. 和平使这个国家的历史翻开了新的一页。

    Peace marked a new dawn in the country 's history .

  2. 威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。

    Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history .

  3. 学历史的学生会对这个讲座特别有兴趣。

    The lecture will be of especial interest to history students .

  4. 随便翻阅一下历史就足以证实这种观点。

    A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view .

  5. 早在有历史记载之前很久这个地区就有人居住了。

    The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history .

  6. 这是我国历史上的一个新纪元。

    It was a new era in the history of our country .

  7. 历史上有很多人梦想过没有战争的世界。

    Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war .

  8. 她的著作涵盖了该国漫长的历史。

    Her book covers the long sweep of the country 's history .

  9. 有些历史遗迹相当古老。

    A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity .

  10. 今天欧元的兑换价降到了历史最低水平。

    The euro hit a record low in trading today .

  11. 必须把这些事件同它们的历史环境联系起来看。

    You must place these events in their historical context .

  12. 我们应该更加爱护有历史意义的建筑。

    We should take more care of our historic buildings .

  13. 这是票房收入创历史之最的影片之一。

    It is one of the biggest grossing movies of all time .

  14. 他为公司悠久的历史而感到骄傲。

    He prides himself on the longevity of the company .

  15. 这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久。

    The company has a long tradition of fine design .

  16. 该城的历史可以上溯到公元1500年以前。

    The town 's history stretches back to before 1500 .

  17. 这个村子的历史可追溯至中世纪。

    The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages .

  18. 人们因宗教信仰而受迫害的情况贯穿了整个历史。

    Throughout history , people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs .

  19. 这部书表现出对历史背景肤浅的理解。

    The book shows only a superficial understanding of the historical context .

  20. 我上学时喜欢历史。

    I loved history when I was at school .

  21. 他相信自己一定会在历史上占有一席之地。

    He is assured of his place in history .

  22. 我把历史课作为辅修科目。

    I 'm taking History as a subsidiary subject .

  23. 本章旨在讲述历史背景。

    This chapter concerns itself with the historical background .

  24. 股价从49便士暴跌到40便士的历史最低位。

    The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p .

  25. 我9点钟有历史课。

    I have a history class at 9 o'clock .

  26. 你最喜欢生活在哪一个历史时期?

    Which period of history would you most like to have lived in ?

  27. 展览记载了这座王宫的历史。

    The exhibition charts the history of the palace .

  28. 种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的问题。

    Race has always been a hot button in this country 's history .

  29. 今天是我国具有历史意义的日子。

    Today is a historic occasion for our country .

  30. 这个学校的历史可以追溯到1865年。

    The school traces its history back to 1865 .