
  • 网络warwick;The University of Warwick;warwick university;University
  1. 华威大学约有550名外国留学生。

    Warwick is home to some 550 international students

  2. 华威大学是一所英国名校。它与世界紧密相连,具有前瞻性和企业家精神。

    The University of Warwick is one of the UK ’ s leading universities : globally connected , forward-looking and entrepreneurial .

  3. 《时代》(Time)杂志的一篇文章描述了华威大学的博伊斯和卡迪夫大学的摩尔这两位心理学家的最新研究。

    An article in Time describes new research from Chris Boyce , a psychologist at the University of Warwick , and Simon Moore , a psychologist at Cardiff University .

  4. 这项研究是由伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)和伦敦经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)的教授德内夫(Jan-EmmanuelDeNeve)和华威大学(UniversityofWarwick)经济学教授奥斯瓦德(AndrewOswald)共同进行的。

    according to research from University College London and London School of Economics professor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve and University of Warwick economics professor Andrew Oswald .

  5. 华威大学(WarwickUniversity)是一所一流学府,但并没有给同名城市华威带来多少游客,因为这所大学既没有作为景点的吸引力,也根本就不在华威。

    Warwick University is a superb seat of learning but it attracts no visitors to Warwick , since it is neither attractive nor in Warwick .

  6. 华威大学(WarwickUniversity)经济学教授安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德(AndrewOswald)基于生活满意度调查提供了如下数据点,供我们思考。

    Andrew Oswald , professor of economics at Warwick University , provides the following data points to ponder , based on surveys of life-satisfaction .

  7. 华威大学国际商业教授西蒙柯林森(simoncollinson)引导aim资助的研究走上了这样一个方向:英国企业应当如何在中国运营。

    Simon Collinson , Professor of international business at Warwick , led aim-funded research into how UK businesses should operate in China .

  8. 来自英国名校华威大学的AndrewOswald教授是该研究的合作者,说道:这项研究表明了建立一个健康家庭环境的必要性。

    Professor Andrew Oswald of Warwick University , the studys co-author , said : This research provides yet another reason for the need to create an emotionally healthy home environment .

  9. 英国华威大学(universityofwarwick)的安德鲁奥斯瓦尔德(andrewoswald)指出,沃顿商学院的研究可能没有成功地将收入与失业分开人们早就知道,失业是最令人沮丧的经历之一。

    Andrew Oswald of Warwick University points out that the Wharton research may not have successfully disentangled income from unemployment , which has long been known to be one of the most depressing of experiences .

  10. 不过,正如华威大学(warwickuniversity)俄罗斯与中国工会问题专家西蒙克拉克(simonclarke)强调指出的,在中国和东南亚,独立的工会常常转瞬即逝,而且入会仍然很危险。

    However , as Simon Clarke of Warwick University , who studies unions in Russia and China , stresses , independent unions in China and South East Asia are often fleeting , while membership remains hazardous .

  11. 华威大学的专家经测验后,官方声明NagaViper是世界上最辣的辣椒,同时NagaViper也荣登世界吉尼斯记录。

    Experts at Warwick University carried out tests on the chilli and officially declared it the world 's hottest chilli in the Guinness Book of World Records .

  12. 即使无子女的中年人也会认为生活满意度比年轻或年老时要低,研究合作者AndrewOswald如是说。他是英国华威大学的经济学教授。

    Even among the childless , those in midlife reported lower life satisfaction than the young or old , says study co-author Andrew Oswald , an economics professor at the University of Warwick in Britain .

  13. 英国华威大学中东地区国际政治专家NicolaPratt表示,周四的会议为过渡国民委员会提供的平台是非常重要的。

    Nicola Pratt , an expert on the international politics of the Middle East at Warwick University in Britain , says the platform that Thursday 's conference provides for the NTC is important .

  14. 华威大学的研究人员与高科技材料公司PVAXX研究和发展有限公司已经展开合作,寻求上述问题的解决方法。

    Researchers at Warwick University , working in conjunction with hi-tech materials company PVAXX Research and Development Ltd , have been looking into a solution .

  15. 来自英国西米德兰兹郡考文垂市华威大学的WorldFirst赛车科研小组希望赛车运动管理部门能更改比赛规则,这样他们就能参加下季的锦标赛。

    The WorldFirst team , from Warwick University , in Coventry , West Mids , hope racing chiefs will change the rules so they can compete in championship races next season .

  16. 就职于英格兰华威大学的心理学家DieterWolke表示多数关于孩子被欺负的研究都会把焦点集中在虐待而非简单的欺侮,前者既包括心理上、精神上的虐待还包括忽视或者其他可能的伤害。

    Dieter Wolke works at the University of Warwick in England . Until recently , most studies of child victims focused not on bullying but on maltreatment , this psychologist says . Maltreatment includes physical or emotional abuse , neglect or other behaviors that can harm a child .

  17. 教学质量内部保证体系述评&以英国华威大学为例

    A Review of the Internal Teaching Quality-guaranteeing System of Warwick University

  18. 第四部分探究华威大学的经费管理。

    Fourth , to explore funds management of the university of Warwick .

  19. 第二部分探究华威大学的战略规划。

    Second , to explore strategic planning of the university of Warwick .

  20. 创新、企业家精神与现代大学的成功治理&以英国华威大学为例

    Innovation , Entrepreneurship and the Successfully Running of Modern Universities

  21. 他的全篇论文可登陆华威大学网站查看。

    His full thesis is available on the University of Warwick 's website .

  22. 第三部分探究华威大学的教学管理和质量控制。

    Third , to explore the teaching management and quality control of the university of Warwick .

  23. 这种新型扬声器的发明者是华威大学的邓肯•比尔森博士和哈钦斯教授。

    The inventors are Dr Duncan Billson and Professor Hutchins of the University of Warwick , says Couchman .

  24. 自主创新型大学的可持续性变革&以英国华威大学为例

    On the Long-enduring Transformation of the Universities of Independent Innovation & Taking the University of Warwick as an Example

  25. 华威大学是一所在短时间内迅速崛起的新大学,它的成功与其教学质量内部保障体系关系密切。

    The teaching quality assurance system of Warwick University has contributed a lot to the university 's quick success .

  26. 这项研究是由卡斯商学院、华威大学以及威斯康星大学开展的,共调查了4600名工作者。

    The study , by the Cass Business School and the universities of Warwick and Wisconsin , looked at 4600 workers .

  27. 英国华威大学硕士预科荣誉讲师,授课风格灵活生动,广受学生好评。

    Honored teacher of Pre-master Course of University of Warwick , His class is lively and interesting , enjoyed by most students .

  28. 安德鲁奥斯瓦德,华威大学经济学教授说在未来的20年幸福会胜出。

    Andrew Oswald , professor of economics at Warwick University , said that in the next 20 years happiness will have won out .

  29. 华威大学经济学和行为科学教授安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德表示,他对这些结果感到非常吃惊。

    Andrew Oswald , professor of economics and behavioural science at the University of Warwick , said he was surprised by the findings .

  30. 华威大学的科学家发现,以7年为一个周期,已婚男性相较于单身男性所出现的死亡几率将降低6%。

    Scientists at Warwick University found that married men were 6 per cent less likely to die in a seven-year period than single men .