
  • 网络Labor Price;labor cost;price of labor;labour price
  1. 劳动力价格持续上涨引起社会各界的广泛关注和激烈争议,其是否损害工业企业的竞争力成为争议的焦点所在。

    The steadily rising labor cost has been paid more and more attention by society , its effect on economy competitiveness is a focus of the dispute .

  2. 随着近几年,省内劳动力价格不断攀升,山东省的劳动力成本优势正在被逐步蚕食。

    With the price of labor rising in recent years , the comparative advantage of labor cost of Shandong province is being gradually nibbled .

  3. 加入WTO之后,因我国劳动力价格较低,劳动密集型的蔬菜生产业具有明显的竞争力。

    The plough area per person is 700 m 2 . Because the price of labor force in our country is very low , the vegetable produce region of labor intensive type has obvious competitiveness afterwards joining WTO .

  4. 如何在保持劳动力价格优势、保障更多就业岗位与改善劳动条件、维护劳动者权益之间取得符合中国经济发展水平的平衡,是工会应对SA8000策略的出发点。

    The starting point that the Chinese trade unions copy with SA8000 should include to keep the advantage of labor force price , safeguard more employment opportunities and improve labor conditions , and keep a balance between protection of laborers ' rights and interests and China 's economic development .

  5. 外资进入与所有制约束下的劳动力价格差异

    Foreign Investment and Wage Gap Restricted by Ownership

  6. 我国劳动力价格低廉对经济的影响及症结分析

    Influence and Crucial Analysis on Economy of Low Price of Labor Force in China

  7. 20世纪90年代中期,班加罗尔因其城市教育层次高、劳动力价格相对廉价而迎来了许多的跨国信息技术公司。

    In the mid1990s , Bangalore became host * educated and relatively cheap labor force .

  8. 对劳动力价格决定机制的理论思考

    Theoretical Meditation On Labor Pricing Mechanism

  9. 劳动力价格也是投入方面的一个非常重要的经济因素。

    The price of labor is also an extremely important economic factor on the input side .

  10. 因此,改善收入分配差距过大的着力点在于提高劳动力价格。

    There-fore , the focus of shortening the excessively large income gap is to raise labor prices .

  11. 如果劳动力价格上涨,对劳动力的需求可能下降,从而导致就业岗位减少。

    If the price of labour rises , demand is likely to fall . That means fewer jobs .

  12. 他们的劳动力价格及年均收入低于其他加拿大人。

    The price of their labour and their average annual income are lower than that of other Canadians .

  13. 公司走向全球的主要理由有:材料、产品、服务和劳动力价格较低;

    The major reasons companies go global are lower prices of materials , products , services , and labor ;

  14. 劳动力价格差异是造成受高等教育从业人员行业分布不均匀的重要原因。

    Differences among labour force prices is the important reason for uneven distribution of higher educated labours among industries .

  15. 劳动力价格决定是通过按劳分配与按劳动力价值分配的辨证统一实现的。

    Labor pricing is realized through the dialectic unity between distribution according to labor and distribution according to labor value .

  16. 它也使中国劳动力价格在换算成美元后显得比较低,有助于吸引海外投资。

    It also makes labor costs look lower in dollar terms , which in turn can help attract overseas investment .

  17. 与不完全自由市场竞争相联系的劳动力价格扭曲是在特定条件下形成的,既有负面的效应,也有正面的效应。

    The distorted labor force price , related to incomplete free market competition , has both positive effect and negative effect .

  18. 然而,劳动力价格具有双重性质:对于企业而言它意味着成本,对于工人而言则形成报酬。

    However , labor price has a dual nature : it means the cost to enterprises and the compensation to workers .

  19. 劳动力价格低廉又会抑制对劳动者自身及下一代的人力资本投资,这将对未来劳动者的素质产生极为不利的影响。

    Consequently the positivity of investment on human capital will be restrained , and it will impact on quality of labor negatively .

  20. 但是,它也意味着发达国家的工人要担心来自那些劳动力价格低廉、劳动者权力有限的国家的就业竞争;

    But it is also about workers in developed countries who fear losing their jobs to lower-cost countries with limited labor rights .

  21. 国有银行仅有形资产价格方面有优势,上市股份制银行在劳动力价格和资金价格方面最有优势。

    State-owned commercial banks take advantage over visible asset price , listed share-holding take advantage over the price of labor and fund .

  22. 随着国内劳动力价格及原材料成本的上升,代工生产企业的成本优势正在削弱。

    With the rising domestic price of labor and raw material costs , the cost advantage of the OEM manufacturers is being eroded .

  23. 低廉劳动力价格长期以来一直是我国经济发展的比较优势,但是其弊端越来越显现出来。

    For a long time , low labor price has been regarded as the competitive advantage of the economic development of our country .

  24. 这归咎于煤炭和食用油价格飞涨,另外还有最近劳动力价格,电费的上涨。

    Xu blamed the soaring prices of fossil and edible oil , increasing costs of labor and electric fees for the latest rise in prices .

  25. 20年来,工业全球化最重要的驱动力就是发达世界与中国之间的劳动力价格差距。

    For two decades , the biggest driving force in industrial globalisation was the gap in the price of labour between the developed world and China .

  26. 主要原因有:(1)从长期来看,我国劳动力价格必将逐步上升,深水网箱的成本优势将得以显现。

    Several reasons are responsible : ( 1 ) In the long term , labor price in China will rise and production cost advantage of offshore-cage-culture will emerge .

  27. 文章认为,中国要提升稀土国际定价权,必须高度重视其贸易全成本的合理内在化,具体而言,应形成合理的劳动力价格,应加强环境监管,应建立代际补偿基金与改革矿业税费制度。

    We suggest that China should form a reasonable price of labor , strengthen environmental regulation , establish intergenerational compensation fund and reform the system of mining tax .

  28. 基于劳动力价格理论,构建了住房补贴与市场化工资模型(含住房消费因素)。

    Based on the theory of price of labor force , the models of housing subsidies and market oriented salary ( including housing consumption factors ) are made .

  29. 当前我国应当适度地调高利率,从而保持相对低廉的劳动力价格,促进劳动力资源的充分利用。

    China should elevate interest rate so as to maintain the relatively low labor force price , so that the labor force resources can be taken full advantage of .

  30. 在任意的资本和劳动力价格组合下,持有银行股权的企业会更多的使用资本进行生产,偏好资本密集型的生产方式。

    Under any combination of the capital and the labor . Enterprises with bank equity connection will use more capital for the production , and preference capital intensive production mode .