
dònɡ tài fēn xī fǎ
  • method of dynamic analysis
  1. 在传统动态分析法中加入灰生成理论中的AGO生成方法进行数据处理,在累加过程中,可以起到数据互补的作用,显化递增性。

    The AGO method in the grey generating theory was applied to the traditional dynamic analysis in data processing . During the accumulation process , the incremental feature of the data can be manifested and expressed .

  2. 3种动态分析法用于多方案比较的研究

    Study on Three Dynamic Analysis Methods Used to Compare Several Schemes

  3. 动态分析法在地层原油粘度评价上的应用

    The application of a dynamic analysis methed to calculation of oil viscosity

  4. 异动态分析法鉴定丙肝病毒混合感染

    Identification of mixed infection of hepatitis C virus by heteroduplex mobility analysis

  5. 程序控温动态分析法对聚醚醚酮热稳定性的研究

    A Study on the Thermostability of PEEK by Temperature Programmed Dynamic Analysis

  6. 泥岩压实动态分析法定量评价石油初次运移

    Quantitatively evaluating hydrocarbon primary migration by mudstone compaction dynamic analysis

  7. 动态分析法确定低渗透砂岩油藏合理井距

    Determination of rational well spacing in low permeability sandstone reservoir by dynamic analysis

  8. 风道断面优化的动态分析法

    Dynamic analysis for optimizing cross - section of airways

  9. 采用动态分析法,对男子110米跨栏跑技术特点进行分析。

    The dynamic analytic approaches were used for an analysis of 110m hurdle races .

  10. 图解动态分析法研究

    TRENDS DIAGRAM The study of Diagrammatical Dynamic Analysis

  11. 工期索赔值计算的动态分析法

    Dynamic analysis method calculating construction delay time claimed

  12. 证券投资决策的二阶段动态分析法

    Two-stage Dynamic Analyses Approach for Stock Investment Decisions

  13. 结论异双体动态分析法是一个快速,简单,准确的方法。

    Conclusion HMA is a rapid , simple and accurate method to detect mixed infection .

  14. 交通事故动态分析法在肇事逃逸案件侦查中的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Dynamic Analysis on the Case Investigation of Escape from Traffic Accidents

  15. 方法使用异双体动态分析法和测序检测混合感染。

    Methods We used heteroduplex mobility analysis ( HMA ) and sequencing to detect mixed infection .

  16. 程序控温动态分析法研究β沸石中四乙基胺模板剂的热分解机理

    Mechanism of thermal decomposition of the template in zeolite β by method of temperature programmed dynamic analysis

  17. 采用动态分析法对结构开展有限元的计算模态、试验模态分析。

    The dynamic analysis of structure to carry out the finite element calculation mode , experimental modal analysis .

  18. 结果确认此病例的基因型为1型和3型的混合感染。结论异双体动态分析法是一个快速,简单,准确的方法。

    Results The genotype of mixed infection was genotype 1 and 3 . Conclusion HMA is a rapid , simple and accurate method to detect mixed infection .

  19. 以最优化理论为基础,应用动态分析法,对热水供热管网经济比摩阻问题进行探讨,提出了合理的理论公式。

    Based on optimal theory , apply dynamic analysis to study the optimal values of economic specific frictional resistance , and put forward a sound theory formula .

  20. 对烟气脱硫装置的费用进行计算,采用动态分析法进行经济效果的分析,它考虑了投资和费用的时间价值,把等值计算引入动态分析。

    Economical effect is analyzed by analytical dynamically method . Time value of investment and expense is taken into account and equivalence calculation is used in dynamic analysis .

  21. 介绍了用于多方案比较的3种动态分析法的原理及应用,从数学上证明了利用这3种方法进行方案比较所得的结论之间的关系。

    This paper introduces principle and application on three dynamic analysis methods , and proves the relationships of the conclusions gained while using these methods to compare several schemes .

  22. 提出的“动态分析法”用于分析处理和优化解决复杂的工艺动态过程,进行最大限度的优化。

    The paper suggests using the dynamic analytic method in the analysis , treatment and optimization of the complicated dynamic process so as to obtain the very best solution .

  23. 因此,本文提出以延误事件的加载、共同延误责任分担为基础的改进后的动态分析法,即在动态分析法计算延误的基础上,考虑共同延误作用下如何分析延误双方责任和延误影响。

    M ( I.D.A.M ) on the basis of loading delay occurrences and responsibility share of concurrent delay , Namely , in combination with the principle of D. A. M , I.

  24. 运用动态分析法,可以勾勒出受案范围的有限扩展模式以及在不同法治阶段中受案范围的基本状况。

    The limited enlarging model of the scope of accepting cases and the basic situation of the scope of accepting cases in different stages of legality can be outlined by using dynamic analysis methods .

  25. 本文将费用&效益分析的原理引入对烟气脱硫装置的分析评价,用动态分析法对烟气脱硫装置的经济效果进行分析,使得烟气脱硫装置技术经济分析从大多数的定性分析而转为定量分析。

    Expense-benefit principle is used to analyze and evaluate FGD equipment . Dynamic analytical method is used to analyze economy effect of FGD equipment so as to change it 's technical and economical analysis from qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis .

  26. 提出了分裂法与FFT技术相结合的动态电路分析法。

    This paper presents a novel circuit dynamic analysis method using FFT technique based on diakoptics .

  27. 然后将VK法、均匀度和动态聚类分析法综合在一起,构成了一个适合平面有序地质变量的统计分类系统。

    The classifying system is made up of three parts : V_K method , cluster analysis and a new parameter which is defined as degree of uniformity .

  28. 采用同步法制备了聚氨酯/环氧树脂/丙烯酸酯三元互穿聚合物网络(IPN),采用动态力学分析法研究了IPN的阻尼性能,以及影响材料阻尼性能的因素。

    PU / EP / Acrylate ternary IPN were prepared , study on the properties of IPN damping material by dynamic state mechanical analysis and the influencing factor of damping nature of the material , by simultaneous method .

  29. 220kV分区电网的合理配置研究3.采用时域动态仿真分析法研究了2007年江苏全网和各分区电网的综合负荷频率特性。

    Reasonable configuration of 220 kV district grids Secondly , the sensitivities of the dynamic frequency characteristic with respect to the models and parameters of all equipments are studied .

  30. 该方法以遗传算法为基础,与已有的分析方法相比,该方法兼具静态IR-drop分析法和动态IR-drop分析法的优点,适用于包含大型组合模块的超大规模集成电路,可主动寻找电路中最大IR-drop。

    Unlike other existing techniques , this algorithm possesses merits of both the static and dynamic IR-drop analysis methods . For large scale combinational circuits , the maximum IR-drop can be automatically found following the proposed scheme .