
  • 网络kalimantan;Kalimantan Island;Borneo
  1. 南部陆架-陆坡区的物源主要有湄公河和加里曼丹岛,但两者的混合明显。

    The provenance of Southern shelf and slope should include the Mekong River and Kalimantan Islands .

  2. 加里曼丹岛、巴厘岛苏拉维西岛和龙目岛的动、植物群有显著差别。

    Flora and fauna differ markedly between Kalimantan , Bali , and western islands on the one hand and Sulawesi , Lombok , and islands further to the east on the other hand .

  3. 俯冲过程中加里曼丹岛北缘在晚渐新世一中中新世发生大规模的构造岩浆活动及浅成低温热液金成矿作用。

    During the subduction , large-scale tectono-magmatic activities and epithermal Au mineralizations happened during the late Oligocene-middle Miocene .

  4. 在海区南部存在一个反气旋式环流,在加里曼丹岛西北还有一个尺度不大、冷的气旋式涡。

    In the southern SCS there is an anticyclonic circulation , and also there is a smaller scale cold water and cyclonic eddy .

  5. 南海北靠中国大陆和台湾岛,南接加里曼丹岛和苏门答腊岛,东临菲律宾群岛,西接中南半岛和马来半岛。

    To its north are the mainland and Taiwan Dao of China , to its south Kalimantan Island and Sumatra Island , to its east the Philippine Islands , and to its west the Indo-China Peninsula and the Malay Peninsula .