
  • 网络sanctify;consecrated
  1. 33又有分别为圣之物,公牛六百只,绵羊三千只。

    And the consecrated things were six hundred oxen and three thousand sheep .

  2. 凡愿意的,他都分别为圣,立为丘坛的祭司。

    Anyone who wanted to become a priest he consecrated for the high places .

  3. 首先,我们是分别为圣归给神;

    First , we are set apart unto God .

  4. 要抹洗濯盆和盆座,使盆分别为圣。

    And you shall anoint the laver and its base , and sanctify it .

  5. 今天的经文提醒我们,即使是分别为圣的信徒,也会像普通人一样遇到各种问题。

    Today 's reading reminds us that saints can have problems just like anyone else .

  6. 你牛群羊群中头生的,凡是公的,都要分别为圣,归耶和华你的神。牛群中头生的,不可用它耕地。

    Set apart for the LORD your God every firstborn male of your herds and flocks .

  7. 请记著,顺服神和分别为圣,乃是走上蒙福之途的两块踏脚石。

    Remember , obedience and separations are stepping stones on the pathway to God 's blessing .

  8. 我为他们的缘故,自己分别为圣,叫他们也因真理成圣。

    And for their sakes I sanctify myself , that they also might be sanctified through the truth .

  9. 我已将你所建的这殿分别为圣,使我的名永远在其中。

    I have consecrated this temple , which you have built , by putting my Name there forever .

  10. 26七日内,祭司要为坛遮罪,洁净坛;要这样把坛分别为圣。

    Seven days they shall make expiation for the altar and cleanse it , and so consecrate it .

  11. 他们将争战时所夺的财物分别为圣,以备修造耶和华的殿。

    Some of the plunder taken in battle they dedicated for the repair of the temple of the Lord .

  12. 29你要这样使这些分别为圣,好成为至圣;凡触着这些的都成为圣。

    Thus you shall sanctify them that they may be most holy ; whatever touches them shall be holy .

  13. 他若从禧年将地分别为圣,就要以你所估定的价为定。

    If he dedicates his field during the Year of Jubilee , the value that has been set remains .

  14. 在她的不住请求下,终于告诉她,他的头发是他分别为圣归给神的标记(13节)。

    Finally in answer to her pleadings , he mentioned his hair ( v.13 ), the symbol of his consecration .

  15. 各人所分别为圣的物,无论是什么,都要归给祭司。

    And every man 's hallowed things shall be his : whatsoever any man giveth the priest , it shall be his .

  16. 即使我们已经被饶恕,我们仍然在经历着被分别为圣的过程,以变得更有基督的模样。

    While we have been forgiven we are still going through the process of sanctification in order to be more like Christ .

  17. 只是你分别为圣的物和你的还愿祭要奉到耶和华所选择的地方去。

    But take your consecrated things and whatever you have vowed to give , and go to the place the LORD will choose .

  18. 神只希望祂的儿女能够过分别为圣的生活,行事为人不要追随世俗的标准。

    He wants us to be completely separate from the world In our standards even though we continue to live in this world .

  19. 这牌必在亚伦的额上,亚伦要担当干犯圣物条例的罪孽;这圣物是以色列人在一切的圣礼物上所分别为圣的。

    It will be on Aaron 's forehead , and he will bear the guilt involved in the sacred gifts the Israelites consecrate , whatever their gifts may be .

  20. 七日祭司洁净坛,坛就洁净了。要这样把坛分别为圣。

    For seven days they are to make offerings to take away sin from the altar and to make it clean ; so they are to make it holy .

  21. 奉给你们的一切礼物,要从其中将至好的,就是分别为圣的,献给耶和华为举祭。

    Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the LORD , of all the best thereof , even the hallowed part thereof out of it .

  22. 现在我已选择这殿,分别为圣,使我的名永在其中,我的眼,我的心也必常在那里。

    For now have I chosen and sanctified this house , that my name may be there for ever : and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually .

  23. 亚撒将他父所分别为圣,与自己所分别为圣的金银和器皿都奉到神的殿里。

    He took into the house of God all the things which his father had made holy and those which he himself had made holy , silver and gold and vessels .

  24. 总的而言,他们承诺要分别为圣,要坚守神的律法和奉献支持神的殿。

    What did they promise ? That they would be separated from the world around ; they would stand up for God 's laws and they would support God 's house .

  25. 又要吩咐一切心中有智慧的,就是我用智慧的灵所充满的,给亚伦做衣服,使他分别为圣,可以给我供祭司的职分。

    You shall speak to all the skillful , whom I have filled with a spirit of skill , that they make Aaron 's garments to consecrate him for my priesthood .

  26. 父所分别为圣、又差到世间来的、他自称是神的儿子、你们还向他说、你说僭妄的话麽。

    Say ye of him , whom the Father hath sanctified , and sent into the world , thou blasphemest ; because I said , I am the son of god ?

  27. 要拿膏油来,抹帐幕和其中所有的,使帐幕和一切器具分别为圣;帐幕就成为圣。

    And you shall take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it , and sanctify it and all its utensils ; and it shall be holy .

  28. 你吩咐亚伦和他子孙说,要远离以色列人所分别为圣,归给我的圣物,免得亵渎我的圣名。我是耶和华。

    Tell Aaron and his sons to treat with respect the sacred offerings the Israelites consecrate to me , so they will not profane my holy name . I am the lord .

  29. 惟独牲畜中头生的,无论是牛是样,既归耶和华,谁也不可再分别为圣,因为这是耶和华的。

    ' No one , however , may dedicate the firstborn of an animal , since the firstborn already belongs to the Lord ; whether an ox or a sheep , it is the Lord 's.

  30. 对他说,你向我所祷告祈求的,我都应允了。我已将你所建的这殿分别为圣,使我的名永远在其中。

    The Lord said to him : 'I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me ; I have consecrated this temple , which you have built , by putting my Name there forever .