
gòng fàn
  • accomplice;complicity;partner in crime;confederate;participate criminal
共犯 [gòng fàn]
  • (1) [particeps criminis]∶在一项罪行中的同谋或其他参与者

  • (2) [accomplice]∶和他人一起干坏事的人;作为主犯或从犯和他人一起犯罪的人

共犯[gòng fàn]
  1. 因而,甲、乙成立故意伤害B的共犯关系。

    Therefore , established Jia and Yi intentionally hurt the accomplice of B relationship .

  2. 首先,对共犯的概念作简要概述。

    Firstly , it give the brief study about the accomplice .

  3. 在刑法理论中,通常将教唆犯作为共犯的一种类型加以探究

    It is not a and differs from instigator in nature .

  4. 该部分首先重点论述了片面共犯的构成要件。

    This part firstly focuses on the elements of unilateral accomplice .

  5. 本章讨论了信用证诈骗犯罪的未完成形态以及共犯形态。

    This chapter discusses credit fraud crime of unfinished and accomplice .

  6. 本文是关于片面共犯这一重要问题的粗浅研究。

    This article is about the important problem of one-sided accomplice .

  7. 我国通说亦主张应当对正犯与共犯进行区分。

    Chinese Tong-saying also advocates a distinction between perpetrator and accomplice .

  8. 再者,研究了绑架的共犯问题。

    Finally , the author studies the problems on joint offenders .

  9. 共同犯罪包括全面共犯和片面共犯。

    The common crime included full complicity and one-sided accomplice .

  10. 对向犯是必要共犯中的一种特殊犯罪类型。

    Correspondence offense is a special type of indispensable co-offender .

  11. 他若非目击者就是共犯或凶手。

    He is either a material witness or accomplice or the perpetrator .

  12. 徒刑的内容&行刑视角的思考大陆法系共犯种类之比较

    Content of Imprisonment-From the Perspective of the Forms of Punishment

  13. 交通肇事罪共犯质疑

    To Query the Accomplice in Crimes of Causing Traffic Casualties

  14. 我们可以控告你是谋杀共犯。

    We can get you on conspiracy to commit murder .

  15. 论信息共同犯罪的片面共犯

    On One-sided Accomplice of Fellowship Crime in the Information Space

  16. 他开枪打我,你们就是谋杀罪的共犯!

    He shoots me , you 're accomplices to murder !

  17. 有的学者认为:片面共犯成立共同犯罪。

    Some scholars argue that one-sided accomplice is joint crime .

  18. 我们首先必须承认片面共犯的现实存在是不容置疑的。

    The existence of the unilateral accomplice is out of the question .

  19. 日本刑法结果加重犯中的共犯的理论与实践

    Japanese Criminal Law : Joint Crime in Consequence aggravated Crime

  20. 片面共犯是共同犯罪的特殊形态;

    One-sided accomplice is a special pattent of joint hostility .

  21. 论受贿罪共犯的认定

    Analysis of the Determination of Participant in a Bribery Crime

  22. 第三部分探讨了必要共犯的刑法适用问题。

    Part two discusses the type of the essential accomplice .

  23. 经济犯罪条文中的共犯规定是注意规定,不是法律拟制;

    The economy criminal terms regarding accomplice isn 't the legal fiction .

  24. 劳勃,我决不当谋杀共犯。

    I will not be part of murder , Robert .

  25. 共犯处罚根据类似说将共同正犯作类似于共犯的解释,与刑法规定不符。

    Accomplice punishment do not conform to criminal law .

  26. 片面共犯的存在形式有片面教唆犯、片面帮助犯,片面实行犯要严格限定范围,片面组织犯不成立。

    One-sided accomplice exists in instigator 、 accessory and executor in some scope .

  27. 简析以共犯论处

    An Analysis of " Punishes by the Accomplice "

  28. 但霍布斯先生也是共犯

    but Mr. Hobbs is complicit in the crime .

  29. 波比将会作为共犯接受制裁

    And Bobby will be charged as an accomplice .

  30. 主要论述了无身份者与有身份者成立共犯的问题。

    This part mainly discusses the relation of the status and the accomplice .