
  • 网络Citizen Kane;Orson Welles
  1. 在成为一名完全成熟的导演之前,他曾经是电影《公民凯恩》的剪辑师。

    Before becoming a full-blown director , he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane .

  2. 在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中也有这样的一个著名桥段——主角临终前神秘地低语:“玫瑰花蕾!”

    One of the most famous moments in film is the mysterious deathbed murmur in " Citizen Kane " : " Rosebud ! "

  3. 他表示,在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中,凯恩在临终前所拿的雪景球就是为了唤起怀旧情结,追怀一段永远回不去的时光。

    In Citizen Kane , he said , the snow globe that Kane holds on his deathbed is meant to evoke a nostalgia for a time he could never get back to .

  4. 在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中,查尔斯·福斯特·凯恩(CharlesFosterKane)的顾问和法定监护人沃尔特·帕克斯·撒切尔(WalterParksThatcher)告诉他,他的报纸正在大幅亏损。

    In " Citizen Kane , " Charles Foster Kane is notified by his adviser and legal guardian Walter Parks Thatcher that he is losing a great deal of money on his newspapers .

  5. 从1962年起一直占据榜首的奥森・威尔斯(OrsonWelles)的《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane,1941)被阿尔弗雷德・希区柯克(AlfredHitchcock)的《迷魂记》(Vertigo,1958)取代,降至第二位。

    After occupying the No. 1 position since 1962 , Orson Welles ' ' Citizen Kane ' ( 1941 ) was demoted to second place by Alfred Hitchcock 's ' Vertigo ' ( 1958 ) .

  6. 这两部电影都源于导演的自我认知(《公民凯恩》或许也源于编剧曼凯维奇(HermanMankiewicz)对威尔斯的更多的了解)。

    The films originated in the self-knowledge of their makers ( and in Welles 's case , perhaps , the even greater knowledge about him of Herman Mankiewicz , the writer ) .

  7. 几十年来,《公民凯恩》的统治地位似乎都屹立不摇。

    For decades ' Citizen Kane ' seemed to reign by default .

  8. 《迷魂记》和《公民凯恩》有何伟大之处?

    What is so great about ' Vertigo ' and ' Citizen Kane ?

  9. 《公民凯恩》(赫尔曼-曼凯维奇与奥森-威尔斯)

    Citizen Kane ( Herman Mankiewicz and Orson Welles )

  10. 浅析《公民凯恩》的现代性指向

    On The Modern Pointed Direction Of Citizen Kaen

  11. 昨天还在和编年报合作的人&《公民凯恩》。

    Who were with the chronicle until yesterday .

  12. 公民凯恩是一部上映于1941年的一部剧情电影,导演兼主演-奥逊·威尔斯。

    Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film , directed by and starring Orson Welles .

  13. 多重视角的多重形态&《英雄》《公民凯恩》《罗生门》叙事结构之比较

    The Multiformity of Multi - Angled Focus A Comparison of Narrative Structure among Hero , Citizen Kane and Rashomon

  14. 而《公民凯恩》是好莱坞经典叙事的突破和新商业片的模示,以闪回结构塑造人物,跨越时空,切换凯恩的一生的不同时期。

    Citizen Kain is a break through of Hollywood classical narrative film and a model of new commercial film .

  15. 我对《公民凯恩》、《迷魂记》和其他一些电影位居榜单前列非常满意。

    I 'm perfectly happy with ' Citizen Kane , ' ' Vertigo ' or a number of other films topping the list .

  16. 摘要《公民凯恩》是现代电影的滥觞之作,是划分现代电影与传统电影的转折点。

    Citizen Kaen is the originate work of the modern films and the turning point of the distinction between the modern and traditional films .

  17. 即使你已经看过50次《公民凯恩》,当你换台时偶然看到它时,可能也很难根据你看到的任何一方说出这是什么场景。

    Even if you 've seen ' Citizen Kane ' 50 times , when you come across it while channel-surfing , you might be hard-pressed to name the scenes on either side of the one you 've stumbled on .

  18. 电影评论家不断地在问,“你最喜欢的电影是哪部?”我发现回答《公民凯恩》很容易,希望这能让提问者的目光跳过,我就能避免一场争论了。

    Movie critics are constantly asked , ' What 's your favorite film ? ' I found it easy to reply ' Citizen Kane , ' hoping that my questioner 's eyes would glaze over and I could avoid a debate .

  19. 杰克逊一生一直勤奋工作,45岁前他的头发就已经掉光了。奥逊·威尔斯在导演、编剧和主演电影《公民凯恩》时年仅26岁。

    Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of 45 . Orson Welles was a mere 26 when he wrote , produced , directed , and starred in Citizen Kane .

  20. 电影《英雄》《公民凯恩》《罗生门》均使用了多重式聚焦叙述结构,让不同的人物从各自的角度、以完全不同的方式来解释、讲述同一事件。

    Hero , Citizen Kane and Rashomon , the three movies , all employ the narrative structure of multi - angled focus , which makes different persons to explain and narrate the same thing from their own angles in completely different ways .

  21. 许多影评人认为这部电影是有史以来最优秀的电影,这让传奇批判家-罗杰·艾伯特开玩笑地说:“就这么定了,公民凯恩是最伟大的官方电影”。

    Many film critics consider Citizen Kane to be the best film ever made , which has led legendary critic Roger Ebert to joke : " So it 's settled : Citizen Kane is the official greatest film of all time . "

  22. 《迷魂记》和《公民凯恩》有何伟大之处?撇开会让我们争论一整天的技术和艺术问题,真正吸引我的是,这两部电影都具有强烈的个人性和自传性。

    What is so great about ' Vertigo ' and ' Citizen Kane ? ' To set aside matters of technique and artistry , which would keep us here all day , what fascinates me is that both films are intensely personal and autobiographical .