- fair price

People tend to form strong views about what a fair price is for a house , and behavioural economists call this anchoring .
By computing its terminal value , the model gives a fair price of European option - Black-Scholes formula independent on every investor ' risk aversion .
The new favoured price a de facto target is a third higher than the $ 75-a-barrel level that King Abdullah said was a " fair price " in November 2008 .
Income approach to fair market value
It is good karma to find a beautiful place to live and rent at a fair price .
Fair price discovery is impeded because a portion of demand and supply for a stock is effectively concealed .
Arm 's length price : Price Between corporations under fully competitive conditions ( the opposite of transfer price ) .
Poverty release , fair price theory and ban on usury were main means for the medieval Christian to restrain commerce .
This part stresses to analyze such factors relation to fair value as market value of share , minority discounts and marketability discounts and interest of share .
Few dissent shareholders can ask the company purchase the shares with fair price and leave the company , and this is the appraisal right of dissent er .
He said the Department of Justice wants to make sure Americans can buy e-books at a fair price . He said the case was part of that effort .
Since the insurance contracts are regarded as a kind of financial derivatives , the option pricing theory could be applied to decide the insurance fair rates based on no-arbitrage principle .
For whatever reasons , the new buyer will pay an amount that is fair in the marketplace , commensurate with a particular demand or need , and only after all cost burdens are considered .
And given the lack of bank debt and huge weight of equity seeking a home , right now is the toughest time I can ever remember to carry out solid acquisitions at a fair price .
Our stubborn preference for a just price evolved in a setting that is no longer common ; but evolution does not respond quickly , which may be why we still shriek with outrage at price hikes .
From the point view of efficiency , the current compensation price , which is lower than the fair market price , causes the loss of the farmers ' land benefit and the waste of levied land for commonweal construction .
They are sold at a fair price .
He also asks how much of the Fairtrade price premium actually goes to the producers .
But we would like to see regulations on resource sharing to improve efficiency and fairer price competition
To remain in business they must give students what they want to learn at a fair price .
If it is , and you can offer us a fair price , we might buy one or two Containers at least .
A franchisee shall ensure the continuance , safety , high quality , high efficiency , equity and reasonable price of the universal service .
Cost comparisons for desalted water are often made to existing water supplies which did not include a full , fair cost-benefit analysis when the were developed .
Financial markets streamline the process of bringing together suppliers and demanders of funds , and they allow transactions to be made quickly and at a fair price .
It calls for fair price , high-quality product and service , and meanwhile all parties should enhance relation and communication in many aspects such as economics , technology and society .
How much an executive annual salary should be and how many stock options should be given to reflect a comparatively fair price of the intellectual capital value of the executives ?
Finally , we point put that preventing the non-governmentally-run firm which has no aptitude for exploitation oil is right , but the private assets must been buy not reclaimed by force .
Company all my colleagues to innovative and realistic , the spirit of forging ahead in unity , with the best quality , fair price , good service and the majority of users for a better tomorrow .
In this capacity , Morgan Stanley researched the company to determine a fair price for the shares and handled other logistical matters that would transform Facebook from a private company to a public company trading on the NASDAQ .
Though it is illegal to demand recompense , the newspaper quoted an official from the taxi drivers'union , who said that HK $ 1,000 ( $ 128 ) was considered a fair price for the return of a laptop .