
gōng shǐ xián cān zàn
  • minister-counsellor;counsellor with the rank of minister
公使衔参赞[gōng shǐ xián cān zàn]
  1. 他目前在中国常驻日内瓦代表团担任公使衔参赞。

    He is currently Minister Counsellor at the Chinese Mission to the United Nations in Geneva .

  2. 其中意大利对华出口同比增幅高达22.2%。中国驻意大利使馆公使衔参赞李滨表示,进口博览会不仅会推动直接经济贸易,还将有助于中意投资。

    bilateral trade volume between China and Italy hit around 50 billion US dollars , with Italy 's export volume to China growing by over 22-percent Li Bin , Minister-Counselor with the Chinese Embassy in Italy , says the CIIE will not only promote the direct economic and trade , but will also benefit China-Italy investment .