
  • 网络All China Women’s Federation;All-China Women’s Federation;All-China Women's Federation;All China Women's Federation;ACWF
  1. 一项由中华全国妇女联合会基金支持的调查显示,在接受访问的267万家庭中有三分之一曾经历过特定形式的家庭暴力。

    About one-third of China's267 million families have experienced some form of domestic violence , a recent survey by the All-China Women 's Federation found .

  2. 最近中华全国妇女联合会对外公布了这样一组数据:中国的丁克家庭已经突破60万,在中国年轻一代的已婚女性中有四成以上不愿意生育子女。

    Data recently released by the All-China Women 's Federation indicated China had more than 600,000 DINK ( double-income , no kids ) families , which demonstrated more than 40 percent of young married women are unlikely to give birth .

  3. 根据政府控制的非政府组织中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)(AllChinaWomen'sFederation(ACWF))统计,大约四分之一的中国妇女有过遭受家暴的经历;但专家认为实际数字可能远高于此。

    Around a quarter of Chinese women have experienced domestic abuse , according to the All China Women 's Federation ( ACWF ) , a state-controlled NGO , but experts say the real figure is probably much higher .

  4. 中华全国妇女联合会以代表和维护广大妇女利益为基本宗旨,致力于促进男女平等,提高妇女地位。

    Aiming to represent and defend the interests of women , the federation devotes itself to promoting sexual equality and raising women 's position in society .

  5. 继续进行的项目:在以往与中华全国妇女联合会相互往来的基础上,全球清洁炉灶联盟正与全国妇联就妇女获得清洁炉灶的谅解备忘录进行商讨。

    Continuing Programs : Building on previous engagement with ACWF , the Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is working toward an MOU with ACWF on cookstove access for women .

  6. 中国最大的三个社会团体是中华全国妇女联合会、中华全国青年联合会和中华全国总工会。

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions , All-China Women 's Federation and All-China Youth Federation are the three largest mass organizations with branches all over the country .