
  • 网络The Neolithic Age of China;Neolithic cultures of China
  1. 从中国新石器时代人骨遗骸中提取出古代DNA。

    Ancient DNA was extracted from Neolithic human skeletal remains excavated in China .

  2. 论中国新石器时代陶器的造型艺术

    On the Art of Chinese Pottery Molding in Neolithic Times

  3. 中国新石器时代文化区划述论

    Culture On the Division of Cultural Region in the Neolithic Age of China

  4. 中国新石器时代和现代居民的时代变化和地理变异&颅骨测量性状的统计分析研究

    Secular change and geographical variation in Chinese Neolithic and modern inhabitants : a statistical study of cranial metric traits

  5. 良渚文化以最早发现地良渚遗址命名,是中国新石器时代长江流域最重要的考古学文化。

    The Liangzhu culture first discovered Liangzhu ruins named , is the Chinese Neolithic Yangtze River Basin is the most important archaeological culture .

  6. 通过分析可知,中国新石器时代的文化区划与自然地理环境的区域差异有着广泛的一致性。

    By analysing from the cultural region and natural region in the Neolithic Age of China , we have known the extensive sameness between two kinds of regions .

  7. 中国南方新石器时代遗址哺乳动物群初探

    A preliminary study of mammalian fauna in the Neolithic sites of South China

  8. 试论中国南方新石器时代居民的种系源流

    A Preliminary Study on the Genus Origin of the Inhabitants of Southern China in the Neolithic Age

  9. 依据山西鹅毛口、广东西樵山二采石场遗址指出中国从新石器时代早期起就有了采矿技术。

    Both the ruins of quarryes one at E Mao Kou in Snanxi and another at Xioiaoshan in Guangdong , Show that China has possessed of mining technique since the early period of the Neolithie Age .

  10. 中国人在新石器时代就已经开始制作复杂的陶瓷,并在公元7世纪开始制作瓷器。

    The Chinese Began their sophisticated production of pottery in the Neolithic period and produced porcelain as early as the 7th century AD.

  11. 第二,中国北方地区新石器时代晚期混合经济的出现,进一步促进了游牧从农业中分离出来的过程。

    Secondly , the status quo of the late Neolithic Age in primitive north China when miscellaneous economy came into being is substantially analyzed .

  12. 这表明中国已经在新石器时代出现了运用笔刷进行绘制的艺术。

    The coloured pottery with painted animals , fish , deer , and frogs excavated in the1920s indicate that during the Neolithic Period the Chinese had already started to use brushes to paint .

  13. 论中国甘青地区新石器时代家养动物的来源及特征

    On the Source and Features of the Neolithic Domestic Animals in the Gansu and Qinghai Region , China