
  • 网络Total strain theory;total deformation theory
  1. 金属塑变的全量理论与等效硬化曲线的关系研究

    On Relation between Total Strain Theory and Equivalent Hardening Curve of Metal Plastic Deformation

  2. 在应力计算中,根据全量理论和迭代算法,全面分析磁体中轴向应力、径向应力、环向应力和等效应力的计算方法和分布情况。

    For stress simulation , the total strain theory and the iteration method are used to calculate all components of the stress .

  3. 应用塑性全量理论的Hencky应力应变关系来确定钢管进入塑性后CFRP-钢管混凝土构件的极限承载力,推导出碳纤维拉断时构件极限承载力的解析计算式;

    The ultimate bearing capacity of concrete filled CFRP-steel tube is gotten after the steel tube is plastic with the theory of Hencky 's plasticity . The equation is derived for estimating the bearing capacities of the system in the case of CFRP-sheet breaks ;

  4. 并用应变全量理论和应变增量理论分析了弯曲阶段和反向弯曲阶段的变形机理。

    Then , the deformation mechanism of bending and unbending is developed .

  5. 基于全量理论的金属体积成形有限元模拟研究

    Research on Finite Element Simulation of Bulk Metal Forming Based on Deformation Theory

  6. 塑性全量理论的结构强度试验应变数据处理方法研究

    Solution of strain data processing based on structure strength test of plasticity total theory

  7. 塑性全量理论的变分不等式模式及其无迭代解

    The Variational Inequality Formulation for the Deformation Theory in Plasticity and Its Non-Iterative Solution

  8. 弹性支承钢筋混凝土深梁试验及全量理论分析

    Research of Experiment and Full Theory Analysis for Three - Span R / C Continuous Deep Beams on Elastic Supports

  9. 本文首次将有限分析法应用于分析固体力学中的弹塑性问题,导出了二维全量理论弹塑性边值问题的计算格式。

    The purpose of this paper is to develop a finite analytic ( FA ) numerical solution for the elastic-plastic problem of total theory .

  10. 由于塑性成型是大变形问题,应变采用对数应变,本构关系也宜简化为忽略弹性变形部分的全量理论。

    Because plastic formation is a large deformation problem , logarithm strain is adopted and constitutive relation is simplified as a total theory that ignores elastic deform .

  11. 依据塑性力学全量理论,将岩体单轴压缩的非线性软化本构关系推广,得到复杂应力状态下圆形硐室围岩塑性区的等效应力与等效应变关系;

    According to the entire theory of plastic mechanics , the relationship between equivalent stress and equivalent strain of circular chamber plastic zone in the complex stress state is deduced from nonlinear softening constitutive relation of rock under uniaxial compression .

  12. 通过对圆孔翻边应力应变分析,应用全量理论,推导出了变形区应变、厚度及变形时材料真实应力的分布规律

    In the paper , based on the deformation theory , the author deduces the distribution regularities of strain , thickness of plate and real stress in the deforming region through analyzing stress and strain in the round hole burring process

  13. 本文对全量理论在金属体积成形有限元模拟中的应用进行了较为深入的研究,主要研究内容和结果如下:提出了一种基于全量理论的金属体积成形有限元方法。

    The research on application of deformation theory to bulk metal forming FE simulation is carried out in the dissertation , the main works and innovations are : A bulk metal forming FE approach based on deformation theory is put forward .

  14. A被限定在考虑各向同性强化和损伤的塑性全量理论基础上的简单的本构关系。做比例加载和临界损伤达到以后的损伤饱和假定,可以得到损伤演化方程的封闭解。

    A. is limited to a simple constitutive law based on the total deformation theory of plasticity accounting for the isotropic hardening and damage The assumptions of proportional loading and damage saturation after the damage threshold lead to a closed form solution for the damage evolution equation .

  15. 本文针对简单加载全量理论问题,建立了相应的控制变量变分原理,使得这一类工程上应用较多的弹塑性理论可以用解参数二次规划的方法求解,不再依靠传统迭代途经。

    In this paper , four minimum and two generalized energy principles are described for the deformation theory of plasticity under simple loading condition so that the most common used plasticity theory in engineering may be solved through simultaneously linear equations or quadratic programming instead of iterative methods .

  16. 采用Hill各向异性理论和全量变形理论分析了管端回转扩口变形过程的成形载荷及应力应变分布。

    Hill 's theory of plastic anisotropy and total strain theory are applied for the analysis of forming loads and stress-strain distribution in the tube-flaring with rotary punch .

  17. 采用基于全量Lagrangian理论的非线性有限元方法研究了冲击载荷作用下含层间短纤维的复合材料层板的分层扩展问题。

    The delamination crack propagation in composite panels involving interlaminar short fiber under impact load was studied using geometrically non-linear FEM , based on the total Lagrangian formula .

  18. 基于全量塑性理论及膜应变假定,推导了轴对称情况的解析计算模型;

    Then an analytical model for axisymmetric case is developed based on the total strain theory and membrane assumption .

  19. 在该算法中,采用了全量塑性理论及膜应变假定,并考虑了板材的厚向各向异性,可以直接从所需的翻边高度计算出初始坯料的尺寸。

    With the total strain theory and membrane assumption and taking the normal anisotropy of sheet metal into consideration , initial blank size can be directly calculated from desired flanging height .

  20. 本文基于全量塑性理论及膜应变假设,导出了一种新的拉伸/收缩翻过数学模型。该模型考虑厚向(平均)各向异性系数■对翻过高度的影响。

    In this paper a mathematical model for stretch / shrink flanging is developed based on the total strain theory and membrane assumption The influence of average normal anisotropic coefficient R on the flanging height can be considered in this model .