
quán ǒu hé
  • Fully coupled;unity coupling
全耦合[quán ǒu hé]
  1. 多相流传输THM全耦合数值模型及程序验证

    A numerical model for fully coupled THM processes with multiphase flow and code validation

  2. 首先,从应变张量出发,运用Hamilton原理推导出旋翼浆叶全耦合运动偏微分-积分方程组;

    Starting from the strain tensor and applying Hamilton s principle , the integral , partial differential equations of motion for elastic flap bending , lead-lag bending and torsion of the blade are derived .

  3. 利用这一算法和力-电全耦合单层结构模型,对一种PZT-5H压电传感/致动结构的电场和力场情况进行了分析。

    Using the model and the algorithm , the electrical fields and the interfacial stresses of a PZT-5H piezo-elastic sensor / actuator structure are analyzed .

  4. 根据BO-105直升机的飞行试验数据,利用该方法辨识得到的全耦合飞行动力学模型与飞行试验数据相比具有良好的一致性;

    A comparison with the flight test data of helicopter BO-105 demonstrates that the identification model using this method has good coherence with the data .

  5. 大跨度桥梁全耦合颤抖风振响应分析

    Fully coupled analysis of flutter and buffeting for large span bridge

  6. 多孔介质流-固-热三场全耦合数学模型及数值模拟

    Fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model of saturated porous media and numerical modelling

  7. 全耦合的一维两相喷管流的数值解

    Numerical solution of a fully-coupled model of one-dimensional two-phase nozzle flow

  8. 地下水开采与地面沉降控制三维全耦合模型研究

    Study on Three-dimensional Full Coupling Model of Groundwater Exploitation and Land-Subsidence Control

  9. 研究表明,基于全耦合的地铁网络拓扑结构具有小世界现象。

    Research shows that theAll-coupling network topology of the subway has small-world phenomenon .

  10. 流-固全耦合新模型研究

    Research on New Mathematical Model for Fluid-Solid Coupling

  11. 复杂裂隙岩体渗流与应力弹塑性全耦合分析

    Complete coupled analysis of fluid flow and elastoplastic stress in complicated fractured rock masses

  12. 全耦合梁单元的一致质量矩阵

    Consistent Mass Matrix for Complete Coupled Beam Elements

  13. 一种可预测全耦合失谐叶盘受迫响应的误差修正方法

    An Approximate Method Applicable to Calculating Forced Response of Mistuned Bladed Disks in Medium Coupling Range

  14. 三相全耦合传输线分析

    Analysis for Three-Phase Coupling Transmission Line

  15. 深厚土层流固多向地震全耦合动力响应分析

    Fully coupled soil skeleton and fluid response analysis of deep horizontally layered site under multi-directional earthquake shaking

  16. 本文研究混凝土Ⅰ型裂缝断裂和损伤全耦合分析的迭代方法。

    An iterative method for fully coupled fracture-damage analysis of mode ⅰ cracking in concrete is proposed .

  17. 在广泛研究和总结前人对于转子润滑问题研究方法和建立的模型基础上,以有限元法为基础,从流固全耦合角度建立了二维圆柱一流体耦合动力特性分析模型。

    A 2-D fully coupled dynamic model for the rotor-lubricating system is set up based on Galerkin finite-element method .

  18. 基于敏感性分析的裂隙岩体渗流与应力静态全耦合参数反演

    Parameter inversion for fully coupled problem of steady fluid flow and stress in fractured rock masses based on sensitivity analysis

  19. 根据研究对象的具体情况,分别建立了气动伺服弹性系统的全耦合模型和部分解耦模型。

    According to the characteristics of the different objects , completely-coupled model and partially-decoupled model of aeroservoelastic system were built .

  20. 通过结构、热电场的全耦合,分析了焊接过程中接触面压力变化规律,单边焊熔核形成过程以及形核特点等。

    The change rule of the contact pressure , nucleation process and character were investigated by the coupled thermal-electrical-mechanical analysis .

  21. 对于喷嘴中的二相流损失,采用龙格-库塔法求解一维定常全耦合的二相流控制方程。

    For the two-phase fluid losses in nozzle , Ronge-Kuta method is use to solve the static two-phase fluid control equations .

  22. 论文应用流体动力学理论和粘度方程建立搅拌摩擦焊过程的物理模型,将铝基复合材料看作是高粘度、非牛顿、不可压缩的流体,并建立了一个非线性、全耦合的数值分析模型。

    The Al MMC was the high-viscosity , non-Newtonian and incompressible liquid , and a nonlinear coupling numerical analysis model was constructed .

  23. 简正波耦合模式有双向全耦合模式、单向耦合模式、绝热近似模式。

    Usually , mode coupling between normal modes is solved by two-way coupling mode , one-way coupling mode and adiabatic mode theories .

  24. 研究直升机旋翼桨叶在悬停状态下挥舞-摆振-扭转全耦合运动的气弹稳定性。

    He aeroelastic stability of coupled flap - lag - torsion dynamics of rotor blades in hover is studied in this paper .

  25. 建立了一个全耦合的机身对旋翼气动干扰的迭代计算方法。

    A full coupled and iterative analytical method has been developed to investigate the aerodynamic interaction of a helicopter fuselage on its rotor .

  26. 提出了一种基于集员辨识理论的直升机全耦合飞行动力学模型参数辨识方法。

    A method based on the set-membership identification theory for the parameter identification of a helicopter fully coupled flight dynamics model is presented .

  27. 在分析等值线图后,得出了可用迭代方法对混凝土Ⅰ型裂缝进行断裂和损伤全耦合分析的结论。

    It may conclude that the proposed iterative method can be applied to analyze the fracture and damage of concrete with mode ⅰ cracking .

  28. 基于一种全耦合的等效电路模型,用提取物理上可实现的耦合矩阵来应用于器件设计。

    The generalized Chebyshev filters are based on the all-coupled model . The coupling matrix , which can be physically realized , should be extracted .

  29. 把裂隙岩体概化为等效连续介质,基于表征单元体的概念建立了统一的渗流弹塑性应力全耦合控制方程。

    A set of united coupled elasto plastic stress and fluid flow control equations are established with generalization of jointed rock masses as equivalent continuum media .

  30. 建立了球坐标系下传热、传质和化学反应全耦合的碳粒燃烧数值模拟程序。

    The programs for simulating carbon particle combustion , which take chemical reactions , heat and mass transfer into account , are established in a spherical coordinate system .