
dào liú
  • Backflow;flow backwards
倒流 [dào liú]
  • [flow backwards;flow up stream] 向上游流,泛指物体向相反的方向流动

  • 堵塞了的管子使得污水倒流进入房屋

  1. 河水不会倒流。

    Rivers don 't flow backwards .

  2. 如果时间可倒流。

    If time may flow backwards .

  3. 我们无法让时光倒流。

    We cannot put back the clock .

  4. 结论BFlow技术在评判下肢深静脉倒流性疾病中有实用价值。

    Conclusion B flow ultrasonography is very helpful in detecting deep vein reflux of the lower extremities .

  5. 目的探讨二维超声血流(BFlow)显像技术在评判下肢深静脉倒流性疾病中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of B flow ultrasonography in examining deep vein reflux of the lower extremities .

  6. 时光倒流回上世纪五十年代晚期,那时的彼得•林奇还是一个十一岁的懵懂少年,却已经在马萨诸塞州牛顿市的BraeBurn乡村俱乐部(BraeBurnCountryClub)当上了小球童。

    Way back in the late 1950s , at the tender age of 11 , Peter Lynch started caddying at Brae Burn Country Club in Newton , Mass .

  7. 心是唯一的症状之一胃酸倒流及的Gord。

    Heartburn is only one of the symptoms of acid reflux and GORD .

  8. 而FDF理论分析可得出一个壁面(冷壁)或两个壁面均出现倒流的判断准则。

    The criterion for judging flow reversals can be obtained through FDF theory .

  9. 一部分人先温和的心和其他症状的Gord最天,但对大多数人来说,胃酸倒流是罕见的。

    Some people get mild heartburn and other symptoms of GORD most days , but for most people , acid reflux is rare .

  10. 时间倒流18个月,巴西在这段时间一直在努力,但是对人称“大菲尔”(BigPhil)的斯科拉里(Scolari)的任命起到了作用。他让球队重新拾回失去的信念。

    Rewind 18 months and they looked like they 'd be struggling , but the appointment of ' Big Phil ' Scolari has been inspired , and he 's brought a belief to the team that was previously missing .

  11. 奥马哈内布拉斯加大学医学中心的胃肠病学家TimMcCashland说,辛辣的菜肴会降低食道底部肌肉的压力,这样胃酸会倒流到食道。

    Chili Peppers This staple of spicy cuisine can lower the pressure of the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus , allowing stomach acid to spill back up into the esophagus , says Tim McCashland , M.D. , a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center , in Omaha .

  12. 结果彩色多普勒超声以静脉倒流时间0.5s作为判断静脉倒流的时间阈值具有较高的精确度(95%)。

    Results Color Doppler ultrasonography had high accuracy ( 95 % ) for the evaluation of venous reflux when time threshold value of venous reflux was defined as reverse flow for greater than 0.5 second .

  13. 旋启式止回阀可以防止管路中的流体倒流。

    Swing Check valves prevent reversal of flow through pipe lines .

  14. 小型水管锅炉水循环倒流计算的探讨

    Calculation of Water Circulation Backwards Flowing of Small-Sized Water Tube Boiler

  15. 啊,除非我能令时光倒流吧。

    Ah , if only I could turn back the clock .

  16. 下肢静脉倒流性病变的发病机理和诊断

    Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Venous Reflux Disorders of the Lower Extremity

  17. 深度喘振倒流在离心压缩机系统中的发生特征

    Behaviour of reversed flow during deep surge in centrifugal compression system

  18. 仿佛时光倒流,又一起坐在公车后座。

    Just like the old days , back of the bus .

  19. 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流。

    Wiped away tears waiting time can turn the clock back .

  20. 如果可能,请让时光倒流世事回转。

    If I could I would , turn back the time .

  21. 我们不能让时间倒流。

    What we can 't do is go back within time .

  22. 事发后,我得了胃酸倒流

    Ever since the scandal , I 've had acid reflux .

  23. 艾伦的时光倒流实验成为

    Ellen 's counter-clockwise experiment was the impetus for a whole range

  24. 而对另一些人来说,这种场景又犹如时光倒流。

    For others , it will be like going back in time .

  25. 腘静脉环缩术治疗严重下肢深静脉倒流性疾病

    Annular constriction of popliteal vein for treating severe venous insufficiency

  26. 你是指时光倒流?

    You mean , we 've gone back in time ?

  27. 但愿时光可以倒流,一切都没有发生?

    Would that Time flows back , and nothing happened !

  28. 行业标准《倒流防止器》(CJ/T160-2002)的分析

    Analysis on industry standard ( CJ / T 160-2002 ): Backflow Preventers

  29. 这避免粪便倒流到小肠里。

    This prevents the back flow of stools into the small intestines .

  30. 如果你可以让时光倒流的话,你将做什么呢?

    If you could turn back time , what would you do ?