
  • 网络Trust Law;law of trusts
  1. 对于PRIMA的来源,主要认为有以下三种:物之所在地法、信托法和行为地法。

    About the sources of the PRIMA are usually thought to be the lex situs , trust law and lex loci delicti .

  2. 其二,信托法理念的融入,在公司型和契约型这两类REITs组织形式中究竟包涵着什么样的法律关系?

    Secondly , while drawing into the trust law , which kinds of legal relationship are included in two types of REITs ( namely company type and contract type )?

  3. 我国《信托法》有关受益人的规定值得商榷之点

    Worthwhile Discussing on Regulation of Concerning Beneficiary in Chinese Trust Law

  4. 信托财产权、信托法与民法典

    Property Rights in Trust , Trust Law and Civil Code

  5. 在信托引进国,信托业法是关于金融信托业务的基本法,与《信托法》并列为信托法制的基石。

    Trust Business Law is the basic law on financial trust operation .

  6. 对信托法的具体规定,也有可质疑之处。

    The concrete provisions of the trust law can also be challenged .

  7. 第二,《信托法》调整对象有待统一。

    Second , the trust law regulation object is unified .

  8. 我国台湾亦于1995年颁布了信托法。

    Our Taiwan also issued in 1995 the trust law .

  9. 其次,银行可以通过信托法的自力保护来防范风险;

    Second , the bank can protect itself by mechanism of trust law .

  10. 信托监察人的法律设置及完善&评《台湾信托法》第五章

    Perfection and Legal Establishment and Perfection of Trust Protector

  11. 论我国《信托法》的法律适用困难

    China 's Difficulties in Application of the Trust Law

  12. 论信托法的基本原则

    The view on the basic principle of trust law

  13. 第三部分从信托法的角度对房地产投资信托基金设立的理论基础进行较为详尽的分析。

    Part III analyzes the theoretic basis of REITs from trust law perspective .

  14. 这个规定不仅在内容上残缺不全,而且违背甚至扭曲了信托法的基本理念。

    Simple in content , this Regulation even distorted some fundamental conceptions on Trust .

  15. 信托法受托人制度研究

    The Research on Trustee System of Trust Law

  16. 我国《信托法》第四章第三节是关于受益人的专门规定。

    Section 3 of chapter 4 in trust law is special regulation concerning beneficiary .

  17. 中国信托法具体修改建议

    Concrete Revision Suggestion on Chinese Trust Law

  18. 日本信托法修改及其信托观念的发展

    On the Revision of Japan 's Trust Law and the Development of the Trust Concept

  19. 1922年,日本制定了《信托法》和《信托业法》。

    In 1922 , Japan has formulated the trust law " and " the business law .

  20. 信托财产与中国信托法

    Trust and Trust Law of China

  21. 《统一信托法典》是美国信托法发展中的重要里程碑。

    The UTC is the milestone of the history of trust law in the United States .

  22. 其次对于信托型资产证券化的信托法原理及民法原理进行了阐明。再次论述了信托型资产证券化交易结构所达成的法律效果。

    Secondly , clarify the trust law theory and civil law theory of Trust Property Securitization .

  23. 英美法系各国的信托法均以判例法形式存在,其中英国信托法已有了六百多年的历史并早已趋于完善和定型;

    And the trust law in the Anglo-American legal system exists in the form of case law .

  24. 我国于2001年颁布了信托法,也不可避免地存在上述问题。

    China issued the law of trusts in 2001 , and there are also problems above in it .

  25. 养老基金与信托制度&基于信托法基本理论的分析

    Pension And Trust System

  26. 我国《信托法》中对信托的定义不够准确,容易与委托相互混淆,应将信托的定义予以修正,明确信托制度与代理委托制度的界限。

    The definition of trust is not exactly . Trust Law of our country confuses trust with commission .

  27. 但遗憾的是,我国《信托法》对涉外信托的法律适用没有作出具体规定。

    However , There are no provisions about the application of law of trust relation to foreign affairs .

  28. 信托之困境抑或信托业之困境&论我国《信托法》下的资产管理市场

    The Difficulty on Trust or Trust Companies : Study on the Asset Management Market under PRC Trust Law

  29. 我国《信托法》第16条确立了信托财产的独立性原则。

    The 16th item of The Trust Law of PRC establishes the principle of independence of trust property .

  30. 英国也根据判例及一般的契约或信托法原理来规制非婚同居者;德国、法国也都对该问题有相关的一些法律规定;

    England also , according to judicial precedents and general contracts or trusts , protects unmarried cohabitation spouses .