
  • 网络the power of faith;The Power of Belief;The Strength of Belief
  1. 这种信仰的力量促使主人公茜莉从一个懦弱可欺的悲苦女性成长为一个无论在经济还是人格上都完全独立的新女性。

    The strength of belief encourages the protagonist to grow up from a wimp and miserable girl into a totally independent new woman economically and physically .

  2. 信仰的力量决定了信仰能始终给人以幸福;

    The power of belief determined that belief can always bring happiness to human ;

  3. 他们缺少信仰的力量及跟随其教义的积极性。

    They lack strength in faith and enthusiasm to follow its teachings .

  4. 这个宗教信仰的力量是多么大啊!

    What a powerful force this religious belief is !

  5. 找到你信仰的力量。

    Find the power of your faith .

  6. 信仰的力量沉静而坚定,彷如飓风中不移之叶。

    The power of faith is quiet . It is the leaf unmoved by the hurricane .

  7. 在他崇高的博爱思想和广博的学识之中,已经被深深地融入了信仰的力量。

    In his noble soul love and widest knowledge were blended with faith that had become insight .

  8. 暴风雨不会击垮我们,我们可以用信仰的力量超越风雨,在其上翱翔。

    We can allow the power of belief to lift us above them , we can soar above the storms .

  9. 信仰的力量不是来自于每天没有感动的祷告,而是来自于你内心的反省与愿意叫上帝开恩的心。

    Heartless prayers do not bring strength in faith ; self examination and a willing heart for god 's mercy do .

  10. 重要的不是物质,而是信仰的力量和精神的传承和演变。

    It 's not the material that matters ; it is the power of faith and the carriage and evolution of the spirit .

  11. 当被问及她是否担忧她的政策会使欧洲伊斯兰化的时候,她敦促基督徒不要再指责穆斯林,而是要展现自己的信仰的力量。

    Asked whether she was concerned that her policies would Islamisise Europe , she urged Christians to stop blaming Muslims and show the strength of their beliefs .

  12. 我就是在这里的街道上见证了信仰的力量,见证了这些靠双手吃饭的人面对生活的挣扎和失利时展现出的泰然自若。

    It was on these streets where I witnessed the power of faith , and the quiet dignity of working people in the face of struggle and loss .

  13. 童年时代所具有的那种朝气蓬勃的精神,无忧无虑的心清,对爱的要求和信仰的力量,将来还会复返吗?

    Do in after life the freshness and light-heartedness , the craving for love and for strength of faith , ever return which we experience in our childhood 's years ?

  14. 法律虽然具有自治性,但是其需要人类精神的支撑,因此法律之中不但需要理性,而且需要人类信仰的力量。

    Although the law has autonomy , it needs the support of the human spirits , so the law requires not only a rational being , but also the power of human faith .

  15. 对中国现代化历程进行回顾,以义和团运动为切入点,重新回到20世纪初中国民间与西方的对抗现场,揭示出民间传统信仰的力量。

    Trace Chinese modern history ( the Boxer Rebellion as a starting point ) back to confrontation scene between Chinese folk and Western in the early twentieth century to reveal the power of a traditional folk belief .

  16. 对费什来说,弥尔顿总是在提醒我们自身作为读者的,堕落,我们也不断的被激励着,屈从于自身的不确定和,对信仰的力量的犹疑。

    So for Stanley Fish , Milton is always reminding us of our fallen-ness as readers and we 're continually being encouraged to submit all of our uncertainties and all of our doubts to the power of faith .

  17. 他的生活正是这种伟大真理的完美写照。在他崇高的博爱思想和广博的学识之中,已经被深深地融入了信仰的力量。他看到了——

    and you have the key to Heaven . " And his life was a happy illustration of this great truth . In his noble soul love and widest knowledge were blended with faith that had become insight . He saw

  18. 不,我只是好奇你是否信仰更高层的力量。

    No , I 'm just curious if you believe in a higher power .

  19. 欧肯认为,一个实行法治和遵守限制利益集团的权力、秩序政策优于过程政策这两条原则的国家是建立竞争秩序的最重要的力量,但社会信仰也是不可或缺的力量。

    The state is the greatest role to erect the competitive order , which abide by two principles : first , rule of law ; second , restricting the power of interest group and making the Order policy advance to the process policy .