
  • 网络corporate culture;Enterprise culture
  1. 工业区环境绿化是企业文明发展的标志。

    Industrial environmental greening is a symbol of the enterprise civilization development .

  2. 所做出的成绩多次获得当地政府部门的肯定并连续被评为AAA级信用企业、文明单位等称号。

    Haiken was approved as the AAA level Credit Enterprise ; the Credit Enterprise of Strictly Abides by Contracts awarded by local government .

  3. 是经深圳市认定的高新技术企业和文明单位。

    Was found in Shenzhen high-tech enterprise and civilization units .

  4. 论施工企业安全文明工作的标准化

    The work of safety civilization should practise standardizing management in construction enterprise

  5. 企业精神文明建设面临的挑战与对策

    Challenge and countermeasure in the construction of enterprise civilization

  6. 企业顺应文明时代的发展趋势,以科学发展观为指导,积极履行社会责任,这是构建和谐社会、实现企业科学发展的现实需要。

    In order to adapt to the development trend of civilization , enterprises should actively fulfill their social responsibilities under the guidance of the scientific development , which is a realistic necessity for the construction of a harmonious society and achieve enterprises ' scientific development .

  7. 劳动保护用品是用来保护劳动者安全与健康的用品,管好用好劳动保护用品可以促进生产企业的安全文明生产。

    Labour protection necessities are used to protect the safety and health of labourers .

  8. 认为:企业是工业文明社会人类劳动方式的主体;

    The writer believes : ( 1 ) enterprises are the main from of labor style in the industrial civilization ;

  9. 公司相互持股现象是公司企业的商业文明在20世纪飞速发展的产物。

    Companies holding other companies ' stock is a creation of enterprises and the product of rapid development of companies in the 20th century .

  10. 班组是企业两个文明建设的最小单元和细胞,是企业一切工作的落脚点和基石。

    Teams and groups are minimum unit of two-civilization construction of enterprises , and the temporary lodging and foundation stone of all enterprise 's work .

  11. 办法要求寄递企业规范操作和文明作业,避免抛扔、踩踏等行为。

    The guideline also requires companies to deliver parcels appropriately , banning behavior such as tossing and stamping on parcels .

  12. 浅谈建筑施工企业安全防护、文明施工措施费的提取、使用和管理

    Discussion about Extraction , Use and Management of Safety Security and Civilization Measures Expenses of Construction Enterprise

  13. 企业文化是人类文明的组成部分,更是当今社会现代化、信息化、全球化的集中体现;

    The enterprise culture is an inseparable part of human civilization , and more importantly , it embodies the modernization , informationization , and globalization of present-day society .

  14. 企业应从企业制度、企业目标、企业环境和精神文明等方面进行建筑施工企业的文化建设。

    The enterprise should from aspects and so on enterprise system , business goal , enterprise environment and spiritual civilization carries on the construction enterprise 's cultural reconstruction .

  15. 一是职工体育的良性发展代表着企业积极向上的文化形象,在丰富职工业余文化生活,强化企业精神文明建设起着不可替代的作用;二是职工体育是全面提升职工健康素质的有效载体。

    First , the development of staff sports represents a positive culture image of enterprise and plays an irreplaceable role to richen the leisure life of workers and strengthen the spiritual civilization in enterprises . Second , the staff sports are effective carrier to comprehensively promote workers ' physical constitution .

  16. 企业思想政治教育作为企业发展的一个动力系统,是企业进行两个文明建设的可靠保障。

    The ideological and political education a dynamic system which develops as the enterprise , which is the enterprise carries on the reliable safeguard two cultures constructions .