
  1. 仲裁和解制度比较研究

    Arbitration The Comparative Study of Arbitral Pacification System

  2. 前项争议,得由本公司调处或商请期货商业同业公会、全国期货商业同业公会联合会为仲裁前之和解。

    This corporation may mediate disputes referred to in the preceding paragraph or may request reconciliation by a futures industry association or the Federation of futures industry associations prior to arbitration .

  3. 如双方未能私下达成友好协议的,任何纠纷都将最终由国际商会指派的一名或多名仲裁员以和解与仲裁原则,用英语进行解决。

    Failing an amicable understanding , any dispute not settled by mutual consent will be finally settled under the rules on conciliation and arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with said rules , in English language .

  4. 医疗纠纷的替代性解决机制主要包括临时仲裁、调解、和解。

    The ADR of medical dispute mainly includes arbitration , mediation , and negotiation .