
rén zhèng
  • testimony of a witness
人证 [rén zhèng]
  • [testimony of a witness] 能证实案情的人(区别于物证)

人证[rén zhèng]
  1. 与争议中的事实直接相关的证据(通常是人证)。

    Evidence ( usually the testimony of a witness ) directly related to the fact in dispute .

  2. FrederickZimmerman,一位就职于Washington大学,Seattle分校研究儿童发展和经济关系的专家,称从来没有人证实过这些效果。

    But none of these claims has ever been verified , says Frederick Zimmerman , who studies the relationship between child development and the economy at the University of Washington , Seattle .

  3. 销售合同可以用包括人证在内的任何方法证明。

    It may be proved by any means , including witnesses .

  4. 法律将禁止被告家属作不利人证。

    Law would ban relatives of the accused from testifying against them

  5. 刑事诉讼中运用品格证据判断人证真实性研究

    To Judge Witness Authenticity Using Character Evidence in Criminal Procedure

  6. 据我所知没有任何重要的人证。

    Not great witnesses as far as I 'm concerned .

  7. 刑事人证调查是刑事庭审证据调查的中心。

    Criminal witness investigation is the center of criminal evidence investigation on trial .

  8. 条件就是你要当他的人证,然后来换取免费的整形手术,是吗?

    You were his alibi in exchange for free plastic surgery , right ?

  9. 四是与具体法律制度的冲突。如人证制度和律师制度,与沉默权生长的土壤也不能相融。

    The fourth is with concrete law regulation such as witness and lawyer regulation .

  10. 希望检察院检能传唤他作人证。

    If prosecution calls him as an eyewitness .

  11. 她说她要作为她丈夫生命的人证。

    She said she wanted to be a witness to her husband 's life .

  12. 论证人证言及作证义务

    The Testimony and Liability of Witness

  13. 如果你充当我的人证,你的陈述一定要证实我说的话。

    If you 're going to be my witness , your story must corroborate my story .

  14. 刑事诉讼中运用品格证据审查判断人证真实性是我国法律中的空白点。

    Using character evidence in criminal procedure to judge witness authenticity is nonexistent in our country law .

  15. 从来没有人证实过隐藏的最终老大魔神,但也有可能。

    No one has ever confirmed about the hidden final boss Fiend , but it could be possible .

  16. 适航是一个事实问题,船舶只有在各个方面真正满足适航规定才会被判定为是适航的,任何关于船舶适航的人证、物证都不是船舶适航的最终证明。

    Any testimony of witness or material evidence should not be the final testify of the ship 's seaworthiness .

  17. 琼斯与展会上的其他人证实了哈萨克斯坦潜在考生的浓厚兴趣和优良素质。

    Ms Jones and others at the fair confirmed both the high level of interest and the quality of potential students from Kazakhstan .

  18. 销售合同可以用包括人证在内的任何方法证明。我们从你方的销售说明书中已有所了解。

    " It may be proved by any means , including witnesses . " We have read about this in your sale literature .

  19. 听证会如调查委员会或大陪审团举行的听证人证词的会议听取意见可以采取座谈会、论证会、听证会等多种形式。

    A session , as of an investigatory committee or a grand jury , at which testimony is taken from witnesses . The gathering of opinions may be in various forms such as panel discussion , feasibility study meeting , hearing etc.

  20. 而其中证人证言应指证人的陈述,对应英文为Testingmony,这是从证据方法的角度界定的,而从证据角度的方法看,证人本身就是言词证据,就是一种人证。

    From the point of Evidence Law , the testimony therefore shall be the statement of witnesses . However , from the method of the point of evidence , the witnesses are themselves verbal evidence , namely a kind of human testimony .

  21. 在现代法治国家,证据调查是刑事庭审的核心,法庭庭审程序的进行是围绕着证据调查而展开,物证、书证、人证的调查都是通过既定的程序进行。

    In modern legal countries , criminal evidence investigation on trial is the center of criminal trial , which the whole process of the criminal trial goes around , The investigation of physical evidence and documentary evidence is advanced in the way of the established procedure .