
chǎn hòu
  • postpartum;after delivery;puerperal;after childbirth;after child-birth
产后 [chǎn hòu]
  • [after child-birth;puerperal] 即产褥期,孕妇分娩以后的一段时间

  • 产后出血

产后[chǎn hòu]
  1. 尽管做更多更可怕的梦并不会让人快乐,但做奇怪或令人不安的梦的妈妈可能实际上很幸运:以色列一项对166名孕妇的研究发现,一名妇女做的梦越痛苦,她患产后抑郁症的可能性就越小。

    Although more -- and scarier -- dreams aren 't necessarily pleasant , a mom-to-be with strange or upsetting dreams might actually be in luck : An Israeli study of 166 pregnant women found that the more harrowing dreams a woman had , the less likely she was to develop postpartum depression .

  2. 多类反应结果的logistic回归在产后出血影响因素分析中的应用

    Application of polychotomous logistic Regression in the Study of Risk Factors Predisposed to Postpartum Hemorrhage

  3. 产后只有通过锻炼才能使腹部收平。

    Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby .

  4. 生我3个儿子时,我每次都出现产后大出血。

    I haemorrhaged badly after the birth of all three of my sons

  5. 同时,产后的女性平均会休息十周以上的时间。

    Meanwhile , the average for women who take leave is more than 10 weeks .

  6. 样本是高雄地区129位产后六周的产妇接受问卷调查。

    A descriptive correlational method of investigation was implemented .

  7. 她说,还需要进一步的追踪研究来确定女性的端粒在生孩子之前、怀孕期间和产后的长度。

    More studies are needed that follow women over time and measure the length of their telomeres before , during and after pregnancy , she said .

  8. 怀孕的女人本就需要身兼多职,而研究却证实长久以来流传的“孕傻”说法是真的,怀孕会造成准妈妈记忆力衰退,其影响力甚至会波及到产后一年。

    Just when a pregnant woman might need to multitask , research has confirmed that the long-suspected " baby brain " effect kicks in , as suspected , and may impair memory for up to a year after birth .

  9. NO、NOS与宫缩乏力性产后出血关系的研究

    The relationship between NO , NOS and postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia

  10. B组的会阴裂伤、绒毛膜炎、产后出血和阴道手术助产率显著高于A组(P<0.001)。

    Group B had higher rates of perineal trauma , chorioamnionitis , postpartum hemorrhage , and operative vaginal delivery than group A ( P < 0.001 ) .

  11. 结果合并SLE孕产妇产前焦虑阳性率97.53%,产后71.60%;

    Results Anxiety was found in 97.53 % of pre-natal patients and in 71.60 % of postpartum patients .

  12. 目的评价利用经导管动脉栓塞术(Transcatheterarterialembolization,TAE)急诊治疗产后大出血的临床疗效。

    Purpose To evaluate the clinical effect on using transcatheter arterial embolization ( TAE ) in treating postpartum hematorrhea .

  13. TCu380AIUD适合中国妇女产后立即放置。

    The TCu 380A IUD appears to be suitable for postpartum insertion in Chinese women .

  14. 结果剖宫产后发生率0.05%,8061例盆腔子宫内膜异位症术后无AWE发生。

    Among 8,061 patients with endometriosis of pelvis treated by surgery , no AWE case was observed .

  15. 产后2h总失血量平均235.3±142.9ml。

    The average amount of blood loss within 2 hours postpartum was 235 . 3 ± 142 . 9 ml.

  16. 结果,血浆SOD活性组内比较:产后健康组整个检测期在一定范围内波动,差显不显著(P>0.05);

    The results showed : Intragroup comparation of T SOD : T SOD was no difference in the whole experimental period in CG ( P > 0 05 );

  17. 在高产奶水平下,饲喂阴离子盐使产后胎衣不下的发病率从43.7%下降至12.5%(P<0.05)。

    The urine pH values were dropped to 6.24 ( P < 0.01 ) after feeding anionic salts for 5 days , and incidence of retained placenta decreased from 43.7 % to 12.5 % ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结果GDM产后近期随访诊断为显性糖尿病者23例,糖耐量减低11例,列为产后糖代谢异常组。

    Results 23 of the patients had diabetes and 11 had IGT in the early postpartum follow up .

  19. 粮食产后系统的GAMS仿真与优化

    GAMS Simulation and Optimization on Comprehensive Appraisal of Grain Post-production System

  20. TPOAb、TgAb和可溶性CD4是目前预测产后甲状腺炎发生的较好指标。

    TPOAb , TgAb and soluble CD4 are good predictive indexes for PPT at present .

  21. 应用子宫内压力测定方法研究米索前列醇(Mis)对早孕、晚孕和产后大鼠在位子宫收缩活动的影响。

    Effects of misoprostol ( Mis , 30-1000 g / kg ) on uterine contraction of the anesthetized early , late-pregnant and postpartum rats were studied by measuring intra-uterine pressure .

  22. 方法采用由Zung编制的SAS和SDS自评量表,调查分析81例合并SLE的孕产妇产前、产后的心理状况。

    Methods Prenatal and postpartum psychological status of 81 pregnant women complicated with SLE were assessed by using Zung SAS and SDS Tables .

  23. 结果:实验组在产后24h内纯母乳喂养率达95%,对照组仅为8%,两组差异有高度显著性(P<001)。

    Result : In experiment group pure breast feeding ratio can reach 95 % , while 8 % in control ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 初产妇325例,53例子宫内有残留物,发生率为13.14%,两者比较,产后宫腔内有残留物的经产妇显著多于初产妇(P<0.01)。

    Intrauterine residue were found in 49 out of 129 multiparas ( with incidence rate of 32.56 % ), and 53 out of 325 primiparas ( 13.14 % ), the former being significantly higher than the later ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 【结果】高危儿的母亲产后3个月内出现SDS标准分>50分者59例,占21.07%;

    【 Results 】 During the initial 3 months following parturition , 59 cases of HRI mothers showed SDS standard score ≥ 50 , taking 21.07 % .

  26. 孕鼠于产后72h分别用灭菌PSS和50μg大肠杆菌(escherichiacoli)内毒素经乳头管灌注到大鼠第四对乳腺内。

    Either sterile PSS or 50 μ g Escherichia coli endotoxin was inoculated into the fourth ( abdominal ) mammary gland via the teat duct 72 h after parturition .

  27. 产后治疗两组在尿蛋白消除的时间上无差异,P0.05,而水肿的消除时间单独用利尿剂组提前(P0.05)。

    After delivery , there was no significant difference in two groups about eliminate the urine protein , P0.05 . The time of edema elimination in no protein group was shortening ( P0.05 ) .

  28. 尿蛋白改善、分娩方式、产后出血及新生儿Apgar评分与对照组比较均无明显差异。

    No difference was found in albuminuria , delivery pattern , postpartum bleeding and neonatal Apgar Score between the two groups .

  29. 结论产后甲状腺炎与HLA-DP、HLA-DQ位点可能无相关性。

    Conclusion Perhaps PPT is not associated with HLA-DP and HLA-DQ alleles .

  30. 作者通过对120例足月正常产妇,产后1~6d初乳内免疫球蛋白水平的检测,进一步阐明初乳的优点及初乳对新生儿健康的重要性。

    The immunoglobulin level of colostrum was assayed 1 ~ 6 days after childbirth in 120 normal lying-in women .