
  1. 接着对CME生猪期货市场和生猪期货合约的发展及交割制度进行了介绍。

    Second it introduces the development of hog future market and hog future contracts and their delivery of Chicago Merchantile Exchange .

  2. 最后在借鉴CME成功经验的基础上,对我国生猪期货交割制度进行了初步设计,创新地提出采用实物交割和以生猪现货价格指数为结算价的现金结算两种交割方式并存的交割制度。

    Third it tries to design the delivery institution of hog future and presents innovatively that it is suitable for hog future to execute physical delivery and cash settlement by cash price index .

  3. 我国农产品期货市场交割制度研究

    The Futures Delivery System of China Grain Research

  4. 现金结算与实物交割制度相比,能够使期货价格与现货价格更具有趋同性;

    There is more consistant between the futures price and actuals price on cash settlement .

  5. 集中保管帐簿划拨交割制度

    Central depository and book-entry settlement system

  6. 在回顾现金交割制度历史的基础上,对现金交割对市场功能的影响进行了分析。

    After reviewing the history of cash settlement , we analyze the influence on future market functions .

  7. 本文以期货市场的交割环节为研究对象,联系实际,对中国商品期货交割制度进行了具体分析和探讨。本文首先介绍了期货交割的内涵、地位和作用;

    This thesis takes the process of the futures delivery as the object of the research , analyzes and investigates the physical delivery system .