
  • 网络Intermediary market;intermediate market;intermediation market
  1. 随着我国成功加入WTO,以及在国际奥林匹克竞赛中大国地位的确立,体育产业孕育着广阔的发展前景,并催生着包括体育中介市场在内的体育市场体系的成熟。

    Along with the successful entry into the WTO and established status as a great power in the International Olympic race , sports industry breeds broad prospects for development , and Sports market system become mature including the sports intermediate market .

  2. 进一步规范中国的保险中介市场

    Further Normalizing Chinese Insurance Intermediate Market

  3. 加大培育中介市场,造就合格的注册会计师队伍等完善企业内部控制的建议。

    To improve agency market and to train qualified certified accountants .

  4. 我国建设工程保险中介市场的现状和发展对策研究

    Remarks on the Reasonable Development Countermeasure to Engineering Insurance Intermediary Market

  5. 规范保险中介市场等措施。

    Rebuilding the social honesty on insurance market and standardizing insurance intermediaries .

  6. 中外保险中介市场比较研究

    Analysis and Comparison of China & Developed Countries ' Insurance Intermediary Market

  7. 保险中介市场的委托代理问题

    Research on the Principal-Agent Problem About the Insurance Agency Market

  8. 房地产中介市场的现状、问题及对策

    Situation 、 Problems and Measures of Real Estate Broker Market

  9. 浅析中国保险中介市场的法律规范

    The Analysis of law about Insurance Intermediaries in China

  10. 论我国保险中介市场的可持续性发展

    The Sustainable Development of China 's Insurance Intermediary Market

  11. 深圳税务中介市场发展状况研究

    A Study of the Developmental Conditions of Shenzhen ′ s Taxation Intermediary Market

  12. 规范和发展中国保险中介市场。

    Regulating and developing Chinese insurance agency market .

  13. 体育中介市场国际化及我国应采取的对策

    Internationalization of Sports Intermediary Market and Our Countermeasures

  14. 我国保险中介市场交易成本的影响因素及对策研究

    Research of Influence Factors of Transaction Costs and Countermeasure in China Insurance Intermediary Market

  15. 论保险中介市场的规范化专业化建设

    On Standardization and Specialization of the Intermediary Market

  16. 中介市场的初始条件决定演化均衡结果。

    The ESS is also determined by the initial state of the intermediary market .

  17. 论我国体育中介市场的现状及对策

    Talk About The Current Situation And Countermeasure Of The Sports Intermediary Market Of Our Country

  18. 中外保险中介市场比较分析及政策建议

    A Comparative Analysis on Insurance Intermediary Market in China and Abroad and Corresponding Policy Suggestions

  19. 我国体育中介市场现状与对策研究

    Research on the Present Situation and the Strategy of the Sports Agency Market in China

  20. 制约湖南省体育中介市场发展的因素是多元的。

    The constraining factor for the development of sports agency market is multiple in Hunan .

  21. 楼市将会步股市后尘中介市场该如何应对?

    The stock market will suffer an intermediary step how to deal with the market ?

  22. 行政干预与体育中介市场

    Administration Interference and Sports Agency Market

  23. 可以说,中国保险中介市场的形成和发展同保险市场的形成和发展是同步进行的。

    As we can see , the development of insurance companies and insurance intermediary was simultaneous .

  24. 地方政府促进科技中介市场发展的法律框架

    On legal framework for local governments to promote development of intermediary market of science and technology

  25. 体育中介市场活动包括经纪代理类、咨询代理类和监督类三个方面。

    Business on the sports medium market includes three aspects - brokering , counseling and supervising .

  26. 湖南省体育中介市场供给主体、供给行为和需求主体、需求行为受到政府干预的影响,供需主体发育受限。

    The acts of supply and demand in Hunan sports agency market is affected by government intervention .

  27. 分析了科技中介市场上的道德风险,以及道德风险产生的原因。

    This part analyzes the moral risks STI market , as well as the causes of the risks .

  28. 在技术供给数量有限的情况下,竞争性的中介市场组织模式会损害技术交易的效率;

    Under the condition of finite technological supply , the competitive organizations will decrease the efficiency of technological transactions ;

  29. 设计企业应充分利用保险中介市场的技术支撑,根据实际情况制定投保策略。

    So , design institute should make full use of the technical support from insurance agencies and make insurance strategies .

  30. 湖南作为体育强省之一,其体育中介市场早已存在,并具其得天独后的发展优势。

    Hunan province as one of the sports strong province , sports agency market already exists and has its development advantages .