
sāng shì
  • funeral arrangements;things to do with a funeral;funeral affairs
丧事 [sāng shì]
  • [funeral affairs;funeral arrangements] 指人死后殓葬、哀悼等事情

丧事[sāng shì]
  1. 丧事从简。

    The funeral arrangements conform to the principle of simplicity .

  2. 大门堂下将会有两起丧事。

    That will make two funerals under the same carriage gate .

  3. 她经营一个帮人处理丧事的团体。

    She runs a group that helps people deal with bereavement .

  4. 丧事、火警和失窃能把各色人拉平。

    Death , fires , and burglary make all men equals .

  5. 丧事的第七天我就回来。

    I 'll be back for the seventh day of mourning .

  6. 办丧事的人家,总想把丧事办好。

    A household conducting the funeral would try its best .

  7. 又借了钱办了丧事。

    He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses .

  8. 他讨厌假期,只有遇到丧事或急事时才休工。

    He hates holidays and is only absent for funerals and emergencies .

  9. 那么就要办丧事而不是喜事了。

    We might end up holding a funeral instead of a wedding .

  10. 吴老太爷丧事那一天!

    The day of Old Mr. Wu 's funeral !

  11. 家中的丧事使我们的圣诞庆祝会变得令人扫兴。

    A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations .

  12. 丧事唱一天,一个人才分几十块钱。

    That only pays a few dollars per day .

  13. 办丧事那天,从早到晚的,都有很多人来看。

    A funeral would have a lot of onlookers from morning to night .

  14. 我还没有处理我父母的丧事。

    I still have not come to grips with the death of my parents .

  15. 丧事的花圈还挂在门上,他的子女就把房子卖掉了。

    His children sold his house with the black wreath still on the door .

  16. 和婚俗舞蹈一样,丧事舞蹈同样五花八门,样式繁多。

    Like the marriage dance , the funeral dance is also varied and diversified .

  17. 大约就在这一期间,赵树理的妻子死了,赵树理便回家料理丧事。

    About this time , Chao 's wife died and he went home to bury her .

  18. 白花是丧事的标志。

    Whiteflowers are insigne of mourning .

  19. 他始终没有想到丧事人家的凄惨和那父母们的伤心。

    He had no more imagined to himself the blighted home , and the miserable parents .

  20. 死亡不是喜事,也不是丧事,而是一件庄严的佛事。

    Death is an occasion for neither mourning nor celebrating , but one for solemn Buddhist practice .

  21. 谁家办丧事,方圆十里地都有人赶来看她哭。

    If there was a funeral , people from neighboring villages would come to watch her cry .

  22. 我留下几张名片,下次丧事找我们.

    I 'm gonna leave some cards here . Please think of us for you next event .

  23. 不要穿白色或黑色服装,因为这是传统意义上丧事的颜色;

    Don 't wear white or black clothing , since they are the traditional colours of mourning .

  24. 子贡是精于礼仪的,这也是孔子派他来协助处理丧事的原因。

    Zi Gong was proficient in convenance , which was the reason why Confucius sent him to there .

  25. 以往丧事都在家里举行,现在更多人战死沙场

    Where families used to grieve for the dead at home , now men die on the battlefield .

  26. 有人通知她儿子,他拿出一笔钱用来买棺材和办丧事。

    Someone had informed the son , and he had contributed money for a coffin and for the funeral .

  27. 在生活民俗舞蹈中,丧事舞蹈也占有相当大的比重。

    In the folk dances about daily life , the funeral dance also gets a considerable share of recognition .

  28. 我这里来了急电,要我去主持丧事。

    I 've had a telegram from my nephew asking me to go to Shanghai and supervise the funeral .

  29. 这些日子,家中光景很是惨淡,一半因为丧事,一半因为父亲赋闲。

    In these days home proposed projects was very bleak , half for the funeral , half for my father idleness .

  30. 家庭成员也同样参加比丘尼的丧事、为其修建灰身塔并撰写铭文等。

    Family members also participated in funeral things for Buddhist nuns , as well as built gray towers and wrote posies .