
  1. 专利权价值评估的进一步探讨

    Further Discussion of the Value of Patents Right

  2. 实物期权在专利权价值评估中的应用基于熵值法的耕地集约利用评价研究

    Real Options Approach to the Value of Patents Right ; A Research on Evaluation of Cultivated Land Intensive Utilization Applying Entropy Method

  3. 文章分析了经济学上有关专利权价值的评估方法,从相关法律方面提出了专利权价值评估必须考虑的因素。

    So , this paper analyzes some evaluation systems of patents and benefits from the perspective of economics , and consequently suggests some factors which must be considered for the evaluation of patent value .

  4. 最后一章从传统的专利权价值评估方法入手,引用欧式期权方法和亚式期权方法,分别对专利权价值评估进行了研究。

    The final chapter introduces European option and Asian option methodologies , starting with traditional methods of evaluating the patent right , and then studies the valuing of patent right by the two methods each other .

  5. 本文侧重与研究外商投资无形资产中的专利权和专有技术价值评估的理论与方法。

    This article focused mainly on the theory and methods of the appraisal of the Patent rights and know-how within the intangible assets invested by foreigners .

  6. 而根据美国商标协会评估,现有商标的价值已远远超出专利和著作权的价值,这种对商标研究现状同实际需要已经不相匹配。

    However , according to the assessment of United States Trademark Association , the value of existing trademarks have gone far beyond the whole value of patents and copyrights . So it becomes obviously that present researches on trademark have not matched the actual need .

  7. 第四部分从专利使用权的出资方式、出资后的权利行使、专利权价值变化对股权的影响三个方面讨论现行规范的协调。

    The fourth part is to discuss the coordination of existing norms by discussing the patent right to use forms of investment , capital contribution after the exercise of the rights , the influence on stock equity brought in by patent changes in the value .

  8. 专利权质押的实现是专利权质押的重要环节,它关系着质押权人利益以及专利权价值的实现。

    The realization of patent pledge is a critical link in the transfer as it is of vital importance to the realization of both the interests of the pledgee and the values of patent rights .

  9. 然而,在专利制度发展的过程中,专利侵权行为也一直如影随形,专利权在经济发展中发挥的作用越大,专利权的价值逐渐为人们所认可和重视,专利侵权行为也变的越来越多。

    However , in the process of developing of system of patent , patent infringement is plenty of happening , the bigger role the patent right plays in economic development , the more attention people pay , the more patent infringement happens .

  10. 限制出质专利权转让、许可实施,质权人对专利权利用情况缺乏知情权和对由此产生的收益缺乏控制权,对专利权质押担保乃至专利权价值的充分利用存在着风险。

    Pledgeors are deprived of the rights to know the use of patents and to control the corresponding revenue . Risks exist in the patent pledge system and limit full utilization of patent value .