
  1. 在北房的廊子下面站着一个戴着蓝格子头巾的女孩子。

    A girl with a blue chequered headcloth was standing on the verandah adjacent to the northern room .

  2. 饭厅的格子窗向着大街,冉阿让一动不动地在黑暗中闪亮的窗子下面站了几分钟。

    The long windows of the dining-room opened on the street . Jean Valjean stood for several minutes , erect and motionless in the darkness , beneath those radiant windows .

  3. 于是我们就从衣橱里拿出一张床单,在树下面张开站好。

    So we grabbed a sheet from the closet and went to hold it beneath the tree .

  4. 可是五分钟后,仍不见她的身影,为了不耽误下面几站同修的时间,只好请司机先生准备开车,然而这会儿却找不到司机了!

    Even then , she did not come after five minutes ; in order not to delay the fellow practitioners , the driver was asked to start . however , the driver could not be found !

  5. 看啊下面的公车站能送我回家过两条街就到!

    Look , there 's a bus that could take me home two blocks away !

  6. 还没有等我想玩我就看见一个排在我前面的小女孩被工作人员系上了红带子,她站到竹台上望着下面忽然她站在那里不敢跳了。

    Before I want to play I saw a row in front of me little girl was working personnel department on the red tape , so she stood in bamboo stage looked at below suddenly she stood there can 't jump .

  7. 下面停在哪站?

    Which station are we stopping at next ?