
  • 网络Catering services;Hospitality;food service industry;foodservice
  1. 我国餐饮服务业自改革开放以来,经历了一个蓬勃发展的时期,目前已成为拉动经济增长的主要动力之一。

    The Chinese food service industry has experienced a period of vigorous development since the reform and opening up , and has become one of the main driving forces to promote economic growth .

  2. 对餐饮服务业的要求也同样是越来越高,这就对餐饮业带来了发展机遇和巨大挑战,为了提高餐饮业的效率和服务水平,无线点菜系统应运而生。

    The requirements of the food service industry is also growing , which brought on the food industry , development opportunities and great challenges , in order to improve the efficiency and catering services , wireless ordering system came into being .

  3. 餐饮服务业废水的COD(cr)与BOD5相关研究

    Research on correlation between COD_ ( cr ) and BOD_5 of restaurant industry wastewater

  4. 乌鲁木齐市餐饮服务业污染现状及管理对策探讨

    Discussion on Pollution Status and Management Countermeasure of Catering Trade in Urumqi

  5. 浅谈小型餐饮服务业排污申报登记

    Preliminary Study on Discharge Reporting and Registering of Small Restaurant Service Business

  6. 现代铁路旅客餐饮服务业的探讨

    Discussion on Modern Rail Passenger Restaurant Service

  7. 上海餐饮服务业排污收费的影响因子及其调控

    Study on Influential Factors and Regulating on Discharge Levy of Catering and Service Industries in Shanghai

  8. 他指出,这将为中国餐饮服务业的全面升级带来巨大帮助。

    This will be very helpful to upgrade the Chinese restaurant and catering industry overall significantly , 'Mr.

  9. 利用关键事件定性分析法对餐饮服务业的服务失败和补救战略进行了实证研究。

    This study uses critical incident technique to examine how the service failure and recovery affect customer satisfaction and word-of-the-mouth .

  10. 餐饮服务业对怎样运用替代选择来保留顾客提高经营绩效也显得很茫然。

    Catering industry is still have no idea about how to use substitute selectivity to retain consumers and improve business performance .

  11. 有不洁性生活史者、旅游、餐饮服务业者、无业者及企事业员工为梅毒感染的高危人群。

    The high risk crowd infecting syphilis was the persons who had impurity sexual life , was engaged in travel , repast service , and no occupations .

  12. 简述了小型餐饮服务业的特点,指出排污申报登记制度落实难、废水中各污染物排放量核定难及申报登记表设计欠合理是小型餐饮服务业在排污申报登记中存在的主要问题。

    For discharge reporting and registering of small restaurant service business , it is difficulty to execute reporting and registering , to determine the total amount of pollutants , and registering forms are less reasonable .

  13. 提出,应加大宣传力度,进一步提高餐饮服务业业主以及广大公民的环保意识;充分发挥环境宣传教育功能促进我省环保各项工作的开展

    It should enhance the environmental propag and ism , improve the public environmental awareness . Bringing into Full Play the Function fo Environment Propag and ism and Education to Promote the Development of Environmental Protection Work in Fujian Province

  14. 结论应将肉类及其制品、调味品、蜜饯、粮油及其制品和餐饮服务业作为食品索证监督检查重点。

    Conclusions Meat and meat products , flavoring , candied fruit , grain , oil and their products , and the restaurants and service trades should be emphasized as the focus of the hygienic supervision of demanding certificates for food .

  15. 这一改变给服务行业特别是酒店业、餐饮服务业、休闲娱乐业的发展带来了极大的机会,各种类型的酒店企业、餐饮服务企业和休闲娱乐企业迅速发展,市场竞争异常激烈。

    This change has brought the great chance to the development of service industries , especially hotel industry , the service trade of food and beverage , and recreation entertainment industry . They develop rapidly and make the market competition unusually fierce .

  16. 南京市小型餐饮娱乐服务业废水排放系数计算

    Calculation of Wastewater Emission Coefficient of Small Restaurant and Entertainment Service Industry in Nanjing

  17. 一系列改革措施,有效地解决了高校发展的瓶颈制约问题,同时带动了房地产开发、物业管理、商业零售、餐饮等服务业的发展,创造了许多就业岗位。

    A series of reform measures effectively solved the bottleneck restriction problem from the university development ; meantime , it accelerated the development of the real estate , property management , commercial retail and catering services , and created a lot of job opportunities .

  18. 如果就业岗位能有所增长的话,大多会来自医疗保健、教育、餐饮及酒店服务业。

    If there is any growth in jobs , it will come mostly from healthcare , education , restaurants and hospitality services .

  19. 批发和零售贸易、餐饮业等传统服务业比重下降,通信现代服务业比重有所上升。

    The proportions of some traditional service industries such as wholesaling , retailing , and catering have gone down , and that of communication service has increased .

  20. 批发零售、贸易、餐饮业和社会服务业随城市规模的增加,替代水平迅速增加。

    With the increasement of the city size , the substitute level runs up rapidly in wholesale and retail industry , trade indus - try , catering trade and social service trade .

  21. 近年来,餐饮业作为传统服务业之一得到了快速的发展,餐饮业发展水平关系着一国的消费水平,进而影响着一个国家的经济发展水平。

    Recently , the catering industry , as one of traditional service industries , has developed rapidly , to some degree it is related to the consumption of a country , thus affecting economic development of a country .

  22. 概述了国外铁路旅客餐饮业的发展趋势,分析了我国铁路旅客餐饮服务业的现状与发展,提出了几点建议。

    The development trend in modern rail passenger restaurant service in foreign countries is summarized , the status and development of rail passenger restaurant service in China are analyzed , Some suggestions are put forward .