
  • 网络Random Testing;Ad hoc testing;ad-hoc testing
  1. 基于随机测试的SoC系统级验证方法研究

    Research on Methodology of SoC System Level Verification Based on Random Testing

  2. 针对自适应随机测试(ART)存在的高维和距离度量问题,提出一种改进的软件自适应随机测试策略。

    Adaptive Random Testing ( ART ) is an enhanced version of Random Testing ( RT ) . There are two factors that restrict the performance of ART , high-dimension data and distance metric .

  3. 该方法应用于IP的功能验证阶段,融合了随机测试,功能覆盖率收集,断言验证等验证手段来保证该阶段验证的全面性、正确性。

    This method is used for IP functional verification , and includes random test , function coverage and assertion verification , in order to ensure that this phase of verification is full-scale and accurate .

  4. 基于CDV的随机测试技术

    Technology of Random Test Based on Coverage Driven Verification

  5. 研究细胞自动机(CA)在超大规模集成电路(VLSI)伪随机测试中作为测试激励的结构和实现方法。

    Investigates the implementation scheme of cellular automata ( CA ) for application in the pseudo-random test of very large scale integration ( VLSI ) as a test pattern generator .

  6. 测试结果表明,用拓扑结构为3301的BP网络,经学习40000次后,随机测试样本局部冲刷深度其计算结果和测试结果的相对误差不超过2%;

    By adopting the BP network with the structure 3-30-1 and after 40 000 times study , the test results of the network illustrates the error of the random samples does not exceed 2 % .

  7. 为在不引入额外的硬件开销下以较短的测试序列获得较高的故障覆盖率,提出一种基于细胞自动机(CA)的数字集成电路加权随机测试方法。

    In order to obtain higher fault coverage with shorter sequence length and no additional hardware overhead , we presented a weighted random test approach of digital integrated circuits based on Cellular Automata ( CA ) .

  8. 论文的开始介绍了SoC系统级验证方法学和有关随机测试的理论,这两方面是进行论文研究的背景知识。

    The methodology of SoC system level verification and the theory of random testing are introduced directly at the start of this dissertation , which are the background for researches in the thesis .

  9. 通过对4×4包交换芯片的系统级模型进行一系列的验证实验,证实了基于随机测试的SoC系统级验证方法是可行的。

    The methodology of SoC system level verification based on random testing is demonstrated on a series of experiments , which implement functional verifications on system level models of 4 X 4 package switch .

  10. RUP认证随机测试了所有主要领域的技能,确保了拥有RUP认证的专业人士具有整体过程框架的知识,而不仅仅是其中的一部分。

    The RUP certification randomly tests skills across all subject areas , ensuring that a certified RUP specialist has considerable knowledge of the entire process framework , not just part of it .

  11. 其次,结合伪随机测试原理及MarchC算法完成了基于FPGA的随机逻辑和嵌入式存储器的内建自测试电路设计和仿真,并采用特征分析法实现对测试响应信号的压缩和分析。

    Secondly , design and simulation of FPGA-based random logic and embedded memory BIST circuit were completed based on pseudo random testing theory and March C algorithm , and characteristic analysis was used to realize the compression and analysis of testing response signal .

  12. 论文撰述了应用Android系统自身提供的自动化测试工具Monkey,采用随机测试方法,根据项目需要采用多台同型号手机进行了测试。

    The thesis writer used automation test tool Monkey which is provided Android itself , using random testing methods , according to the need of the project , adopt many sets of the cell phone to the test .

  13. 与Chen和Yu在测试用例放回情况下的研究成果相比,一个不同的发现是,在平分子域、错误数、测试次数时,分割测试不如随机测试效果好。

    One difference from the results done by Chen and Yu is that when the domain is divided into such subdomains with the same size , the same failures and the same test numbers , partition testing performed worst than random testing .

  14. RRTL:一种缩短随机测试长度的方法

    RRTL : A New Approach to Reducing Random Test Sequence Length

  15. AMT基于自适应随机测试产生原始用例,提供对复合蜕变关系的支持,并且是一个开放的系统,为新的原始用例生成策略预留了接口。

    It generates test cases based on Adaptive Random testing and supports compound metamorphic relations . Moreover , it is an open system which also provides an interface to add new original test case generation strategies .

  16. 由于结合了确定性测试和伪随机测试的优点,该方法具有低功耗、长度短、故障覆盖率高、测试图形自动生成等特色,特别适于CMOS组合逻辑电路的测试。

    The BIST has merits of combining deterministic and pseudorandom test , and has the features of low power consumption , low length , high fault coverage , and pattern generated automatically , and is especially suitable for testing of CMOS combinational logic circuits .

  17. 该文比较目前主流的RTPG技术和验证策略,提出基于验证库的随机测试程序生成工具。

    Random Test Program Generation ( RTPG ) is one of the efficient ways to verify an instruction set .

  18. 在系统可靠性测试方面,除了采用传统的随机测试、基准测试集测试外,研究了基于FPGA的软硬件协同验证方法与基于马尔科夫使用模型的测试用例生成方法。

    For the reliability testing of the platform , random test and benchmark test are traditional test methods . Apart from that , this paper includes some research on the FPGA-based hardware and software co-verification method as well as the test case generation method based on the Markov usage model .

  19. 这种新技术首先使用一个小的线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR),生成伪随机测试模式测试容易测试的故障,并且获得一个硬故障测试立方集T;

    Firstly , this new technique uses a small LFSR to generate pseudo random patterns to eliminate the easy to detect faults and obtain a set T of hard fault test cubes .

  20. 提出一种新颖的乘法器核内建自测试(BIST)方法,结合C可测性与伪随机测试的优点,所设计的测试电路的附加面积比传统的伪随机电路要低56%。

    A novel built-in self-test ( BIST ) scheme for multiplier cores is proposed . The scheme combines the advantages of C-testable and pseudorandom testing , and the designed test circuit imposes small extra hardware , which is less than that of the pseudorandom testing circuit by 56 % .

  21. 其中翻转控制块的作用是解决伪随机测试生成与自动测试向量生成器(ATPG)生成的测试向量中有冲突的确定位。

    Inverter block in which the role of inversion is to solve the pseudo-random test generation and automatic test pattern generator ( ATPG ) generated test vectors in a conflict between the care bits .

  22. FSCS在发现程序错误的能力上比随机测试(RandomTesting,RT)有显著的提高,但是由于FSCS输入域的有界性导致了FSCS的边界效应现象。

    The ability of the FSCS to find bugs increased significantly compared with the Random Testing ( RT ) . However , for FSCS , due to the limitation of the input field has led to the phenomenon of boundary effect .

  23. 在用PERL语言编写产生的随机测试机器码的基础上,利用Accellera组织提出的PSL/Sugar语言,结合Cadence公司的ABV验证工具,探讨了一种新颖的RTL级RISC模块的ABV验证模式。

    Based on the PSL / Sugar language and implemented by the ABV verification tool of Cadence , this article discussed a novel ABV verification method on RISC model . Here we used PERL programs to produce the binary random machine codes for RISC .

  24. 您赶到出事地点,运行了一个随机测试。

    You rush to the site and run a random test .

  25. 地下行驶设备传动特性的随机测试方法

    Random Test of Driving Characteristics of Underground Travelling Equipments in Mines

  26. 该工具支持多种测试策略下的软件自动化测试及评估试验,包括随机测试策略、自适应测试策略等。

    The tool contains several testing strategies and softwares to be tested .

  27. 调制域分析仪中减少随机测试误差的小波变换方法

    A Wavelet Transform Method for Denoising in Modulation Domain Analyzer

  28. 对现有的长期供应商,产品的随机测试也应存在。

    For existing long-time suppliers , random testing of products should occur .

  29. 在测试用例不放回时比较随机测试和分割测试

    Comparing Random Testing with Partition Testing Without Test Cases Replacement

  30. 考虑测试剖面时随机测试与划分测试的比较

    Comparison of Random Testing and Partition Testing Considering Test Profile