
  1. 这一类散文以杂感(随感录)为主要形式,它与五四新文化运动相互动,具有重要的思想和文化史意义。

    These essays , interacting with the May 4th Movement , take on important thoughts and cultural significance .

  2. 随感录以栏目的形式对现代杂文文体风格的生成产生了一定的影响。

    For that reason , Impressions Record would surely have influenced the creation of the style of modern essays .

  3. 随感录是《新青年》杂志中专门发表杂感的一个栏目,这种杂感是中国现代杂文的早期形态。

    Impressions Record is a column in the Youth magazine that is dedicated to publish essays inspired by random thoughts , a rudiment form of Chinese modern essay .

  4. 而随感录这一讲究时效和新闻性的杂感类文体,就成为现代中国杂文的雏形,并促进了现代杂感类文学的发展。

    But the impression , which pays attention to the speediness and news value , becomes the rudiment of modern scribble of China and accelerates the development of style of random thoughts .

  5. 此杂志一般一周一期,设有讲演、随感录、小说、白话诗、科学常识、谚语等栏目,以宣传新文化、新思想、新生活。

    The magazine generally Monday , with lectures , informal essays , novels , poetry , science knowledge , proverbs and other columns , to promote the new culture , new ideas , new life .