
chú wù qì
  • demister
  1. 文章的分析结果为除雾器的优化设计和改造提供了有利参考。

    The analysis results could be useful for the optimization design and reconstruction of demister .

  2. 数值计算结果所确定的除雾器分离特性可以作为除雾器设计的参考依据。

    The demister separation characteristics determined by the numerical results can be used for a reasonable reference of mist eliminator design .

  3. 脱硫系统除雾器冲洗控制及PH调节分析

    Analysis on the Mist Eliminator Flushing Control and the PH Regulation of FGD System

  4. 除雾器ΔP-v-d(cr)选型方法研究

    A Study of the Type Selection of Mist Eliminators with the Help of a Δ P-v-d_ ( cr ) Method

  5. 阐述了静电除雾器(ESP)的工作原理和功能。

    Principle and ability of the electrostatic precipitator ( ESP ) in abroad is introduced , their structure and capability is compared .

  6. 文章采用雷诺应力湍流模型和拉格朗日多相流模型,对波纹板除雾器单通道内的流场进行了全面的计算流体力学(CFD)模拟。

    Based on the Reynolds Stress model and Lagrangian multiphase model , the 2-D two phase flow field in a channel of chevron mist eliminator is simulated using computational fluid dynamic ( CFD ) method .

  7. 135MW机组脱硫系统除雾器坍塌失火的原因分析与对策探讨

    Cause Analysis and Countermeasure Discussion on Demister Collapse Firing in 135 MW Unit 's FGD System

  8. 介绍了M330管式电除雾器在韶关冶炼厂的应用与改造实践。

    It presents the application and modification of the M330 tube-type electric mist precipitator in Shaoguan Smelter .

  9. 着重分析了石灰石/石膏湿法烟气脱硫(FGD)系统中的吸收塔、浆液循环泵、烟气换热器、增压风机、除雾器等运行情况,并提出优化运行建议。

    Important equipment , like the absorption tower , the slurry circulation pump , the flue gas heat exchanger , the supercharging fan and the demister are being analyzed , in respect to their functions , together with recommendations concerning their optimized operation .

  10. 介绍了近年来国内磺化装置在热能回收、采用硫酸装置SO3气体、用布林克多芯纤维除雾器取代静电除雾器处理磺化尾气诸方面所作的努力和工艺流程。

    Works for improving sulfonation units domestically concerning heat energy recovery , utilizing SO_3 from sulfuric acid unit and replacement of electrostatic fog-remover with multi-core-fiber-made remover to treat sulfonation tail gas are introduced . And its process flow diagram is also introduced .

  11. 生产实践表明,采用高效极线、恒流高压直流电源以及冷风封闭技术能有效改善电除雾器的电器特性,提高除雾效率。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    The production practice has proved that it is possible to improve effectively the electric behaviors and mist removal efficiency of the electric mist precipitator by adopting high-efficiency electrode , constant high-voltage DC power source and cold-air shielding technique .

  12. 导电玻璃钢电除雾器在硫酸净化工艺中的应用

    Application of FRP Electrostatic-demister with Electroconductivity in Sulphuric Acid Cleaning Section

  13. 新型纤维除雾器的开发与应用

    Development and application of a new type of fibre mist eliminator

  14. 乙烯基酯耐蚀树脂在电除雾器中的应用

    The Application of Anti-Corrosive Vinyl Ester Resin in Electric Mist Precipitator

  15. 新型电除雾器的研制及工业应用

    Development and Commerical Application of a New Type Wet Electrostatic Precipitator

  16. 波纹板除雾器流场与效率的数值计算

    The numerical calculation of flow field and removal efficiency of wave-plate demister

  17. 高效电除雾器的研制和应用

    Development and application of high - efficiency wet electrostatic precipitator

  18. 管式电除雾器张紧式电晕极系统的设计

    Design of Tension-Maintained Corona System for Tubular Wet Electrostatic Precipitators

  19. 塑料电除雾器的特性与安全运行对策

    Characters of electric plastic fog cleaner and safe operation countermeasures

  20. 湿式脱硫塔除雾器流场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of flow field for mist eliminator in wet desulphurization tower

  21. 湿法脱硫装置的脱硫效率与除雾器性能测试方法

    The test of desulfurization efficiency and mist eliminator performance of wet desulfurization equipment

  22. 湿法脱硫系统除雾器除雾特性的实验研究与数值模拟

    Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation for the Demisting Characteristic of FGD Mist Eliminator

  23. 挡板除雾器的动力学特性研究

    Study on Computational Dynamic Simulation of Vane Mist Eliminator

  24. 丝网除雾器的工作原理主要是惯性碰撞。

    The working principle of screen fog remover should mainly be inertia collision .

  25. 严格控制吸收塔的水平衡,确保除雾器的安全运行;

    Strictly control the water equilibrium of absorbing tower ;

  26. 纤维除雾器及其在化工生产中的应用

    Fiber Fog Remover and Its Application in Chemical Production

  27. 除雾器可将流动气体或蒸汽中的液滴除去。

    Mist eliminators remove drops of liquid from moving gas or vapor streams .

  28. 脱硫除雾器冲洗喷嘴性能指标研究与分析

    Study and Analysis on the Capability Indexes for Flushing Nozzles of Desulfurization Demister

  29. 如何选好用好纤维除雾器

    How to select and use a fiber mist eliminator

  30. 20kt/a硫酸厂纤维除雾器设计的改进

    Design Modification of the Fibre Mist Eliminator for 20kt / a Sulphuric Acid Plants