
mén lu
  • access;pull;contact;social connection;way to do sth.knack;in
门路 [mén lù]
  • (1) [social connection;contact;pull]∶实现某种目的的道路或途径

  • 既无门路又无家庭背景

  • (2) [access;way to do sth.knack]∶做事的诀窍、方法;解决问题的途径

  • 摸到了点门路

门路[mén lu]
  1. 在那个国家中,没有一点门路就很难找到职业。

    In that country one can hardly get a job without any pull .

  2. 技术革新的门路很多。

    There are all sorts of possibilities for technical innovation .

  3. 他这个人门路很广。

    He 's a very well-connected man .

  4. haveone’sways:有门路,有办法,有路子你有路子可以买到今晚的音乐会的门票吗?

    Do you have your ways to get the tickets for the concert tonight ?

  5. 注意:在室内或无雪的门路上应制止穿戴YakTrax。

    Note : Avoid wearing the Yak Trax indoors or on roads without snow .

  6. NW向大沽河&朝连岛南断裂分为三段,北段呈门路状向湾内下降,为白垩系与胶南群片麻岩的分界断裂;

    The NW-trending Dagu river-Chaoliandao fault is divided into three parts , the north part drawdowning turn northeast step-shapedly is the boundary of the gneiss and Cretaceous .

  7. 此外,更加成功的猫咪帝国,例如Grumpy猫,就更需要将可爱的猫科动物与深知工业诀窍、有门路的所有者或者懂得游戏规则的代理商结合在一起。

    In addition , the more successful cat empires , e.g. Grumpy Cat , require a combination of adorable felines and owners with industry know-how or access to someone , an agent or similar , who knows how to play the game .

  8. 你的保释金我们有门路搞到了。

    We got a lead on some bail money for you .

  9. 但这感觉像在自断门路。

    It feels like we 're closing a lot of doors .

  10. 于是他就开动脑子想其它门路。

    Then he thinks other way with respect to actuate brain .

  11. 农民的就业空间和收入门路更加广阔。

    The space for employment and income of farmers broader avenues .

  12. 在白宫,我们可是有很多门路的。

    At the White House we have all kinds of ways .

  13. 我需要找些门路多赚点钱。

    I need to find some way of bolstering my earnings .

  14. 扩大社区服务就业门路。

    We need to create more jobs in community services .

  15. 他找到了赚钱的好门路。

    He had found a good way to make money .

  16. 他门路广而且是合法的。

    He 's got plenty of contacts , and he 's legit .

  17. 但它现在正变成一条很赚钱的门路。

    But it is now becoming a pathway to earning serious money .

  18. 他有门路,所以比其他人占优势。

    His connections gave him an advantage over the others .

  19. 去问麦可,他有一些好的门路。

    Ask mike , he 's got some good contacts .

  20. 有他的门路可以使你成为明星。

    With his contacts he can make you a star .

  21. 我们就想找点门路。

    All we want is to get a foot in the door .

  22. 这是他们的生活门路。

    This is what they do for a living .

  23. 只要我们肯做,创造就业机会的门路有很多。

    There are dozens of things we could do that would create jobs .

  24. 麦克斯有门路可以卖掉这批赃物。

    Max knew how to dispose of the stuff .

  25. 我不象丹那样有钱有门路。

    I may not have the money or the connections that Dan has .

  26. connected:有关系的好在我有门路。

    Chuck : Good thing I 'm connected . -

  27. 有人对我说,做生意完全靠门路;

    Someone said to me that succeeding in business is all about access .

  28. 营造新的经济增长点广开就业门路

    Creating new economic growth spot , widening employment way

  29. 我们要广开就业门路。

    We have opened up more avenues of employment .

  30. 各地领导部门要努力开拓就业门路。

    Local authorities should work hard to create jobs .