
  • 网络Financial sector;finance sector;financial department
  1. 在加入Lotus之前,Ray在一个金融部门工作,负责部署公司的网络和消息系统。

    Prior to Lotus , Ray worked in the financial sector deploying corporate networks and messaging systems .

  2. 这份报告是基于IMF和世界银行(worldbank)在去年6月至12月进行的中国金融部门评估规划。

    The report was based on the Financial Sector Assessment Program for China conducted by the IMF and World Bank from June to December last year .

  3. 一个监管更为严格的经济体,尤其在金融部门中,意味着利润在GDP中占得份额更少吗?

    Will a more regulated economy , particularly in the financial sector , mean that profits form a lower proportion of GDP ?

  4. 在接受调查的女MBA们中,27%的人曾经在金融部门工作过,17%的人就职于咨询行业。

    Of the MBAs surveyed , 27 percent had careers in the financial sector and17 percent worked in consulting .

  5. 金融部门(TheofficeofFinance,OF)向12个区域性FHLB提供了服务功能。

    The Office of Finance ( OF ) provides issuance and servicing functions to the12 regional FHLBs .

  6. IMF主张,与其求助于刺激,中国应当推进改革,特别是金融部门的改革。

    Rather than resort to stimulus , China should push forward with reforms , particularly financial sector reforms , the IMF argues .

  7. 金融部门负债的增长甚至更快,因为各银行寻求通过提高杠杆率来提高股本回报率(ROE)。

    The financial sector 's debts grew even faster as banks sought to bolster their returns on equity by levering up .

  8. G20各国财长同意,有必要在经济实现稳固复苏后,撤销特殊的财政、货币和金融部门支持措施,但退出过程必须透明、可信。他们是对的。

    The G20 finance ministers were right to agree the need for a transparent and credible process for withdrawing our extraordinary fiscal , monetary and financial sector support as recovery becomes firmly secured .

  9. 除了为世人瞩目的瑞银集团,还有稍逊的竞争对手瑞士银行(creditsuisse)外,受益于相对稳定私人银行业务,金融部门避开了信贷危机的最坏时期。

    With the notable exception of UBS and , to a lesser extent , the rival Credit Suisse , the financial sector had avoided the worst of the credit crisis thanks to its concentration on relatively stable private banking .

  10. WTO在全球化过程中具有里程碑意义,但是全球化却增加了各成员国金融部门的风险,也增加了金融风险转化成金融危机的机率。

    In the process of globalization , WTO , as a landmark , plays a very important role , but it has increased the risk of the financial sectors of the Member States , and also added the possibility of the financial risks into financial crisis .

  11. 我们已通过“金融部门评估方案(FSAP)”与发展中国家开展这方面的合作。

    We already work together in developing countries through the Financial Sector Assessment Program ( FSAPs ) .

  12. 检控官办公室表示,金融部门将询问作出该指控的法国律师RobertBourgi。此人声称他是这种交易的中间人。

    The prosecutor 's office said its financial division would question the French lawyer who made the allegations , Robert Bourgi , who has said he was the go-between in the transactions .

  13. 上周我在文章中提到(《保尔森计划非全面解危方案》),美国金融部门总债务占GDP的百分比从1980年的21%,上升到2007年的116%。

    As I noted last week ( Paulson 's plan was not a true solution to the crisis , September 23 ), the gross liabilities of the US financial sector have soared from just 21 per cent of gross domestic product in 1980 to 116 per cent in 2007 .

  14. 斯特劳斯-卡恩在对路透社(Reuters)所作的评论中表示:我们正在研究一种针对金融部门的税收,按照戈登布朗的说法,这种税收将相当于向风险较高的商业活动收取保险费。

    Mr Strauss-Kahn , in comments to Reuters , said : We 're working on a tax on the financial sector which , in line with what Gordon Brown said , would solicit an insurance premium from a business activity that is riskier than others .

  15. 所以金融部门还有很多事情要做。

    So the financial sector didn 't have much to do .

  16. 一个地方是它本身对金融部门的破坏。

    One reason is the damage to the financial sector itself .

  17. 分界点就是金融部门的不良债权基本得到解决。

    Cut-off point is distressed debt basic solved the financial sector .

  18. 对金融部门进行宏观审慎监管;

    To take a macro-prudential view of the financial sector ;

  19. 金融部门投资转化率对资本积累的影响

    Financial sector affects capital accumulation by converting funds to investment

  20. 金融部门改革也能直接提高居民投资收入。

    Financial sector reform would also boost household income from investments directly .

  21. 其余裁员主要针对消费者金融部门。

    The remaining cuts are elsewhere in consumer banking .

  22. 与金融部门合作,开发体育概念的新型融资工具。

    Cooperate with the financial departments to develop new-type financing instruments with sports concepts .

  23. 金融部门监控保安系统的设计

    Supervision and Security System Design for Financial Institution

  24. 金融部门发展问题捐助者工作组

    Donor 's Working Group on Financial Sector Development

  25. 本文主要探讨马来西亚政府对金融部门的干预措施及其对社会经济发展的作用。

    This article mainly analyses the role and effects of government financial intervention in Malaysia .

  26. 在司法实践中人民法院与金融部门有时存在工作冲突。

    There are conflicts in the work between people 's court and the banking department .

  27. 我们也将面对金融部门的大部分痛苦。

    Most of the pain in the financial sector is also still ahead of us .

  28. 本文分别建立了引入金融部门的新古典增长模型和内生经济增长模型,并对金融发展的增长效应和水平效应进行比较分析。

    The paper compares and analyzes financial development effects with neo-classical and endogenous growth models .

  29. 信托公司还是中国金融部门规模增长最快的公司群组。

    It is also the fastest growing group of companies in China 's financial sector .

  30. 自从旗下消费金融部门在美国遭受惨重损失后,汇丰便撤离了美国市场。

    HSBC retreated from the US after suffering heavy losses in its consumer finance arm .