
  1. 金融监管分工、竞争与协作

    Division Competition and Cooperation in Financial Supervision

  2. 从现代制度经济学的理论出发,银企关系的实质应是交易关系,银企交易关系的形成可从货币金融领域的社会分工和产权界定中得到说明。

    From the theory of the institutional economics , the essences of the relationship between banks and enterprises is a relationship of transaction .

  3. 分三种情况:流动性不足、不良资产和资本金不足,来分析财政金融救助政策的分工和配合。

    Divided three ways : the lack of liquidity , bad assets and capital shortage , to analyze the fiscal and financial aid policy and coordination division .

  4. 供应链金融是金融业在社会分工不断深化、经济全球化不断深入下诞生的,面向供应链管理的金融创新服务。

    Supply chain finance is the innovative services of the financial industry for supply chain under the social division of labor continuing to deepen and deepening of economic globalization .

  5. 金融开放条件下货币政策与金融监管的分工与协作

    The Divorce and Coordination between Monetary Policy and Financial Supervision in an Open Financial system

  6. 中央也提出要建立和完善以合作金融为基础,商业性金融、政策性金融分工协作的农村金融体系。

    Central Government also proposed to " establish and improve the financial basis of cooperation , commercial finance , financial policy division of labor in the rural financial system " .

  7. 包括央行、银监会以及证监会在内的10个部委本月联合印发指导意见,就“互联网金融”给出官方定义,并明确了对各类互联网金融机构的监管分工。

    Ten agencies including the central bank , the banking regulator and the securities regulator jointly issued guidelines this month that provide an official definition of " internet finance " and specify which agencies are responsible for regulating which types of internet financial institutions .

  8. 金融经营体制的演变,其本质是金融基本功能竞争性配置导致的金融分工深化。

    According to functional theory , the evolution of banking scope is driven by competitive allocation of basic financial functions .

  9. 首先,必须明确金融各类型金融机构的改革方向和目标任务,特别是政策性金融、商业性金融与合作性金融的分工必须明确,鼓励多种类型的金融机构创新发展。

    First , you must know the objectives and tasks of all types of financial institutions in rural financial reform , particularly , the division policy finance , commercial finance and cooperative finance must be clear , encourage many types of financial institutions to innovates and develops .