
zhònɡ dà ɡuò shī
  • gross negligence;severe mistake;willful,wanton and reckless negligence
  1. 一直否认自己存在重大过失的BP,已拨备出410亿美元用于支付其所估计的、与漏油事故相关的全部费用。

    BP , which has always denied gross negligence , has set aside $ 41bn for total estimated costs associated with the accident .

  2. BP说,审判中的证据不支持该裁决,并表示法律上很清楚,要达到非常高的标准才能证明存在重大过失,本案并未达到那个标准。

    BP added that the ruling was not supported by the evidence at trial , and that the law is clear that proving gross negligence is a very high bar that was not met in this case .

  3. 他们将考虑他是否犯有玩忽职守的重大过失。

    They will consider whether or not he has been guilty of serious professional misconduct .

  4. BP一直否认存在重大过失,辩称其它企业也对漏油事件负有责任,尤其是拥有并运营深水地平线钻井平台的Transocean公司,以及供应用于封填油井和避免泄漏的水泥的哈里伯顿(Halliburton)公司。

    BP has always denied gross negligence , arguing that other companies share responsibility for the spill , especially Transocean , which owned and operated the Deepwater Horizon rig , and Halliburton , which provided the cement that was supposed to seal the well and prevent leaks .

  5. 侵权行为法上的故意、过失及重大过失

    Intent , Negligence and Recklessness in Tort Law

  6. 他们被控犯有重大过失。

    They were accused of gross negligence .

  7. 在紧急事务管理时,仅就故意和重大过失负责。

    In urgent management , managers are responsible only in respect of intention and gross negligence .

  8. 如果英国石油被认定存在重大过失,这部分罚金的数额可能将达到210亿美元。

    These could reach $ 21bn , if BP is found to have acted with gross negligence .

  9. 雇主具有故意或重大过失时,雇员可以向雇主提起民事侵权赔偿诉讼。

    The employee can file a civil tort litigation when employer has the intent or gross negligence .

  10. 因故意或者重大过失给合伙企业造成损失;

    The partner has caused loss to the partnership due to his willful misconduct or gross negligence ;

  11. 在责任限制上,船舶不适航并不必然导致船东责任限制权利的丧失,除非不适航是由于船东的故意行为,或者船东的重大过失所造成。

    It is not inevitable that shipowners lost the right to limit his liability even the vessel is unseaworthiness .

  12. 学术界更有分类将重大过失界定为与故意、过失相并列的第三种过错类型。

    Some scholars even define gross negligence as a third type of fault , together with intent and negligence .

  13. 在理论上,过失被分为重大过失、一般过失与轻微过失。

    Theoretically , negligence has been specified into three categories : gross negligence , ordinary negligence and slight negligence .

  14. 如果不能证明存在重大过失,那么这家英国公司将面临最高大约45亿美元的罚款。

    If gross negligence is not proved , the British company would face a maximum penalty of about $ 4.5bn .

  15. 第一章为区分过失程度的重要性及重大过失的概念沿革。

    The first chapter is " The Importance to Distinguish Different Degree of Fault and Historical Evolution of Gross Negligence " .

  16. 善意是指对特定的物权信息的不知,善意与无重大过失应予区分,作为相对独立的两个要件。

    It should be differentiated from non-material fault , and the two shall be regarded as two relatively independent essential conditions .

  17. 因故意或者重大过失造成对方财产损失的。

    Excluding one party 's liability for property loss caused to the other party by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence .

  18. 对于第二个问题,对故意或重大过失的认定标准,应该采取综合的标准把主客观结合起来。

    To the second question , Standards for intentional misconduct or gross negligence , should adopt comprehensive standard combine subjective and objective .

  19. 在司法实践中,对过失的判断、重大过失的认定、过失相抵的运用等问题,存在比较大的分歧。

    There are relatively much more disagreements among the judge of negligence , cognizance of aggravated negligence and contributory negligence in practice .

  20. 但是,付款人以恶意或者有重大过失付款的除外。

    However , the exception is in cases when the payment is made by the payer through malice or with gross negligence .

  21. 付款人及其代理付款人以恶意或者有重大过失付款的,应当自行承担责任。

    The drawee or his agent who makes payment out of ill intention or with gross negligence shall bear liability on his own .

  22. 公证机构赔偿后,可以向有故意或者重大过失的公证员追偿。

    After the notarial office makes a compensation , it may demand the notary with intentional or serious mistake to make a repayment .

  23. 被保险人及其代表的故意行为或重大过失引起的任何损失和费用;

    Loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses caused by intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative ;

  24. 而过失根据其违反注意义务的程度又可分为重大过失、一般过失和轻微过失。

    The fault according to the degree of breach of duty of care can be divided into gross negligence , general negligence and minor mistakes .

  25. 排除不专心或重大过失情形下由卖主的管理或主导雇员所导致的。

    This exclusion from liability does not apply in the event of intent or gross negligence by the management or leading employees of the Seller .

  26. 我国采用的是德国式的求偿制度,同时采用了国际上公认的主观有故意或重大过失的规则。

    China adopts the German-style compensation demand system , and at the same time adopts the internationally accepted rule of intentional error or major error .

  27. 监督人因为故意或者重大过失造成债务人或者债权人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

    The supervisor shall be liable for compensation where damage is caused to the debtor or the creditor due to its purposeful act or material negligence .

  28. 对重大过失的认定在很大程度上决定了行为人是否需要承担责任,以及承担责任的大小、方式。

    To a great extent , gross negligence determines whether the behavior person needs to shoulder the responsibility or not , and the means to should .

  29. 在适用条件上主观要件应包括故意和重大过失,客观要件包括违法行为、损害事实及因果关系。

    In the application of conditions , subjective elements should include intentional and gross negligence , objective elements should include illegal acts , actual damages and causation .

  30. 适用过失相抵时应有所限制,在无过错责任场合,过失相抵只限于受害人具有重大过失的情形。

    Contributory negligence , which shall be applied with limits , is limited to the situation of the victims with gross negligence in the no-fault liability occasions .