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lín lǐ
  • neighborhood;neighbourhood;neighbor;neighbours;people of the neighborhood;people of the neighbourhood
邻里 [lín lǐ]
  • (1) [neighborhood]∶邻居;家庭居所

  • 邻里之间

  • (2) [neighbor;people of the neighborhood]∶邻居或同乡

邻里[lín lǐ]
  1. 这些街头少年团伙使得周围邻里谈之色变。

    These street gangs have become the terror of the neighbourhood .

  2. 那孩子走遍了邻里街坊,找他那条狗。

    The boy wandered the neighbourhood , looking for the dog .

  3. 我们得到了朋友和邻里的很多照顾。

    We 've had a lot of support from all our friends and neighbours .

  4. 这件事使得村里邻里间反目成仇。

    The case has set neighbour against neighbour in the village .

  5. 普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处的动机心存疑虑。

    Ordinary people have some reservations about their president 's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors .

  6. 他一贯欺压邻里,积怨甚多。

    He always rode roughshod over his neighbours and incurred widespread resentment .

  7. 我们与邻里保持亲切友好的关系。

    We maintain cordial relations with our neighbours .

  8. 这里是一些帮你快速被邻里接纳的小贴士。

    Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly .

  9. 蜂群嗡嗡喧闹的哀鸣振动邻里

    The colony whines a centerless loud drone that vibrates the neighborhood .

  10. 他们赌上一切,换来了我们家人和邻里的安全。

    They risked all so our families and neighbourhoods could be safe .

  11. 我喜欢这儿的周围邻里。

    I love the neighborhood here .

  12. 我知道时常能在邻里间碰到李先生,所以我没有理他。

    I knew I could see Mr. Lee any old time around the neighborhood , so I didn 't pay any attention to him .

  13. 简单而言,我们不会把自己跟全世界的人对比,但是会跟邻里或者相同处境的人相比。

    Simply put , we compare ourselves not globally , but to our neighbours or people who are in the same boat as we are .

  14. 主人出门后,正好这时有邻里人家在奏乐,这个仆人很想去听,不能安心地看守房子。

    After the master had left , the servant heard someone playing music in the neighborhood . Unable to restrain himself , he wanted to go there and listen .

  15. 其两大组成理论为传统邻里社区发展理论(简称TND)和公共交通主导型发展理论(简称TOD)。

    Two compose theory of New urbanism are Traditional Neighborhood Development ( abbreviate as TND ) and Transit-Oriented Development ( abbreviate as TOD ) .

  16. 城市社区邻里关系的空间效应

    The effects of the special setting on neighborhood in urban community

  17. 然后她们会在'李氏邻里市场'里喝茶。

    Then they would have tea at lee 's neighborhood market .

  18. 快速的城市化进程导致家庭分离,摧毁了村庄和传统邻里关系。

    Rapid urbanisation has split families and destroyed villages and neighbourhoods .

  19. 图③:邻里在观赏柴恩家的剪纸作品。

    Figure ③: neighborhood watch Chian home in the paper-cut works .

  20. 他总是与邻里们吵架。

    He is always spending his time fending with the neighbors .

  21. 居住小区邻里关系的心理分析

    The psychological analysis of neighbours ' relationship in a residential quarter

  22. 高层住宅内部交通系统中邻里交往空间的研究

    The neighbor contact space in the internal transportation system in high-rise residence

  23. 如果邻里间更多一点互相关心和患难与共的精神。

    If there was just more caring and sharing in the neighbourhood .

  24. 浅析居住区邻里交往空间设计的要点

    Key points for design of neighborhood communication space in community

  25. 创造新的生活品质,体现邻里的人文关怀。

    Create new life style and materialize the humanistic solicitude among neighborhood .

  26. 邻里日常交往的连结大小近似正态分布;

    The sizes of social ties among villagers are near normal distribution ;

  27. 社群与邻里在公共生活中所扮演的角色

    The role that community and neighborhood played in public life

  28. 她的花园受到所有邻里居民们的羡慕。

    Her garden was the admiration of the whole neighborhood .

  29. 我在邻里公园义务教几位华人学太极拳。

    I teach taiji at a neighbourhood park on a voluntary Basis .

  30. 邻里之间是否有需要良师益友的孩子

    Are there kids in your neighborhood who could use a mentor ?