- 网络moral purpose;moral end;ethical aim

Over a century ago , most university administrators and faculty members would have said the moral purpose is the most important .
The teachings of the ancient sages reached the peasants through these scholars and redefined again and again the sense of moral purpose which peasant and gentry had in common .
On Teleology and the Theory of Morality and Justice
Correct values and corresponding moral ends offer the standard to judge and draw up ecological ethic norms .
So good ecological ethic norms depend on wether they accord with the morals purpose and proceed from ecological fact .
Second , to arrive the ultimate moral aim must suppose existence of God , which combine nature with liberty .
Ethical teleology and ethical instrumentalism are two doctrines which study the nature , functions and roles of morality and moral values .
Green bridged the freedom and its moral concerns , the common social welfare , namely , by distinction of negative freedom from positive freedom .
With the strong intention of morals , Tacitus applied his mind to the modern times , The ignominious businesses within the confined scope and The troublesome and tedious themes .
Those looking for a higher moral purpose in this catalog of wonders may note how often these lives have been cut short by venal , inadequate , or positively clueless medical care .
What we have before us then , is three distinct purposes for a university : the commercial purpose ( starting a career ) , Pinker 's cognitive purpose ( acquiring information and learning how to think ) and Deresiewicz 's moral purpose ( building an integrated self ) .
Law should aim at the perfection of morality and base on it .
He must demonstrate good sense and calm judgment , a flair for leadership and moral purpose .
Most schools have specific and explicit purpose for moral education ; their educational methods and ways are trying to change . Some schools established the evaluating system used to evaluate the students ideology .
One of the aims in inquiring into the traditional moral is to supply the strengthening of citizen moral with theoretical reference and ethical resources , so it 's an important and passable viewpoint of considering Confucian moral .
Looking at the two top countries - Finland and South Korea - the report says that there are many big differences , but the common factor is a shared social belief in the importance of education and its underlying moral purpose .
Looking at the two top countries - Finland and South Korea - the report says that there are many big differences , but the common factor is a shared social belief in the importance of education and its " underlying moral purpose . "
On the theories of Origin and End of Morals
Wisdom of Morality : Purpose of Education in Ethics
Analysis of Moral Punishment and Its Aims
Analysis of Moral Punishment and Its Aims This is the request of the education purpose .
The theory of spiritual state is the teleology of moral cultivation , explaining the meanings of life .
In the artistic freedom , freedom is expressed as arts ' morality , purpose and originality , exemplary of genius .
On the Origination and Times ' Meaning of Collectivism Also on Verifying the Targets Requirements of Moral Education according to Reality
He expounded the legitimacy of power by giving the reason that the power conformed with human nature , morals and purposes .
At present moral education in institutions of higher learning has some shortage because it only aims at " the loftiness of personality " .
Third , the extensive morality teaching values , is about teaching as a tool to instill moral discipline to the members of society .
The purpose of moral education is to develop a gentleman ( including persons and sage ), we have to Confucian classics-oriented , with saints as models for moral education .
We should construct a virtuous , fair system of rewards and punishment in order to achieve the final moral objective , assure the fair ethics and build the good-ordered society .
Market economy ethical beginning purpose sounds development of market economy , people interests realize and people morals conscience smooth , the end purpose is that the society harmonious with the society in order .