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zhuī suí
  • follow
追随 [zhuī suí]
  • (1) [follow]

  • (2) 仿效前人的事迹

  • (3) 跟随

  • 经常追随着他的记者们

追随[zhuī suí]
  1. 许多摇滚乐队都能追随甲壳虫乐队的脚步。

    Many rock bands were able to follow in the footsteps of the Beatles .

  2. 谢谢你。你给了我希望,让我可以追随我的内心。

    Thank you . You 've given me hope that I can follow my heart .

  3. 她坚称自己绝不会一味地追随时尚。

    She herself insists she is no slavish follower of fashion .

  4. 他追随贾尼丝到了纽约,她正在那里准备一个展览。

    He followed Janice to New York , where she was preparing an exhibition .

  5. 当代的艺术家们纷纷追随这一传统,通过彩蛋艺术向我们诉说着这个时代的焦虑。

    Contemporary artists have followed this tradition to create eggs that speak to the anxieties of our age .

  6. 一个好的经验是,一旦将军们和医院管理者开始追随一种管理潮流,就是发问的时候了。

    A good rule of thumb is that as soon as generals and hospital administrators jump on a management bandwagon , it is time to ask questions .

  7. 相反,她追随自己的梦想并为之奋斗。

    Instead , she followed her dream and fought for it .

  8. 如果我们有勇气追随梦想,我们所有的梦想都能实现。

    All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them .

  9. 因此,商鞅开始推行改革时,人民追随他。

    So when Shang Yang began carrying out his reforms , the people followed him .

  10. 他们说,"她是所有敢于追随自己愿望的青少年勇气的象征。"

    They said , " She is an icon of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations . "

  11. 例句你正追随你父亲的脚步,要成为一名医生。

    You 're following in your father 's footsteps and becoming a doctor .

  12. 你需要不顾风险,追随梦想。

    You need to throw caution to the wind and follow your dreams .

  13. 我们只有追随它的脚步!

    We only follow in its footsteps !

  14. 王刚决定追随他祖父的脚步,在家族的农场工作。

    Wang Gang decided1 to follow in his grandfather 's footsteps and work on the family farm .

  15. 当追随这一潮流的人数迅速增加的时候,我们就可以说这个潮流开始“流行”。

    A fad is said to " catch on " when the number of people adopting it begins to increase rapidly .

  16. 你们选择了追随那些撼动整个体制的人的无畏脚步——瑟古德·马歇尔和金博士那样的民权标杆,托尼·莫里森和斯派克·李那样的故事创作者。

    You chose to follow in the fearless footsteps of people who shook the system to its core — civil rights icons15 like Thurgood Marshall and Dr. King , storytellers like Toni Morrison and Spike16 Lee .

  17. 此后,使用following()方法检索一系列当前由经过身份认证的用户追随的用户。

    After this , use the following () method to retrieve a list of the users currently being followed by the authenticated user .

  18. Sun以前(至少10年内)从未追随过消费者。

    Sun has never really gone after the consumer client side before ( at least not in10 years ) .

  19. adhereto坚持,追随,拥护做领导就要秉持公心,不能以个人好恶行事。

    A leader should adhere to the principle of justice , and can not act according to his own preference .

  20. 如果该用户ID大于0,则使用一个查询获取此ID追随的所有用户的ID。

    If the user ID is greater than zero , use a query to pull out any user IDs being followed by that ID.

  21. 他正在通过尝试追随IBM的先例,降低惠普对硬件上的依赖,并增强软件开发和服务应用。

    He is trying to follow the example of IBM , by reducing HP 's dependence on hardware and pushing up into software and services .

  22. 我并没有发现我的同伴们喜欢去追随什么,即使他们发明了曲速引擎(warpdrive)或治愈了癌症。

    I didn 't find my fellow human beings interesting enough to follow even when they 'd invented warp drive or the cure for cancer .

  23. 尽管2012年的最终数据尚未得出,但美国的MBA招聘似乎在紧紧追随2011年的趋势。

    Although the final statistics for 2012 have not yet been compiled , MBA recruitment in the US appears to be closely tracking that of 2011 .

  24. 瑞信(creditsuisse)分析师杜锦松(音)表示,外包研究机构已经追随大型制药企业进入了拥有科研专长的低成本地区,例如中国和印度。

    Du Jinsong , an analyst at Credit Suisse , said contract researchers were following large pharmaceuticals groups into lower-cost locations with scientific expertise such as China and India .

  25. 借助一个实例化了的Api对象,您就获得自己的追随者、您所追随的人和状态(tweet);以及发布您当前的状态等。

    With an instantiated Api object , you can get your followers , people you are following , and statuses ( tweets ); post your current status ; etc.

  26. 我一直想做一个发明家,MacKenzie支持我追随内心的热情。

    I 'd always wanted to be an inventor , and she wanted me to follow my passion .

  27. 问题29.为什么“4-H”的女孩们愿意追随项目直至完成?

    Question 29 . Why do the 4-H girls agree to follow the park project through to completion ?

  28. 在美国国会以及欧盟(EU)的压力下,奥巴马政府很可能会追随对伊朗进行石油禁运的号召,但美国人对这种做法的后果显然十分紧张&而且他们的紧张有其道理。

    Under pressure from Congress , as well as the European Union , the Obama administration might well go along with calls for an oil embargo on Iran , but the Americans are clearly nervous about the consequences – and rightly so .

  29. 迪富尔表示,CFF计划追随一些欧洲发行者,在美国发行担保债券。

    Mr Dufour says CFF plans to follow the lead of some European issuers , by selling covered bonds in the US .

  30. 这样,传递的数组最少包含一个值(已登录的当前用户的ID),最多则包含当前用户ID和该用户追随的每个用户的ID。

    At minimum , this sends in an array with one value in it ( the currently logged-in user 's ID ) . At most , it sends the logged-in user 's ID and the ID of every user that user is following .