
  1. 一种便于摄动分析的编队飞行卫星相对运动的描述

    Useful Relative Motion Description Method for Perturbations Analysis in Satellite Formation Flying

  2. 对空间运动的描述离不开物移动词。

    The description of motion involves locative verbs .

  3. 相对运动的描述及相关问题的处理

    Description of relative motion and associated problem

  4. 质点运动的描述

    Description of particle motion

  5. 全球空间测地站矢量场对板块运动的描述及地幔的经、纬向流

    The present plate movements shown by GPS vector fields and the model of the combined latitudinal and longitudinal mantle flow

  6. 利用矩阵这一强有力的数学工具,给出了一般曲线坐标系下质点运动的描述。

    Using matrix as a powerful mathematical tool , we present the description of a particle 's motion in general curvilinear coordinate system .

  7. 借鉴机械振动中阻尼运动的描述方法,将低频振荡下发电机主要变量的运动归纳为阻尼振荡和临界阻尼两种基本运动形态;

    Based on description method of damping motion in mechanical vibration , variables movement of generator are divided into two basic motion models : damping oscillation and critical damping motion .

  8. 首先建立了砂轮地貌、磨削运动的描述、磨削力、磨削温度和砂轮磨损等模拟模型。

    Firstly , simulation models of grinding process are built , which include the topograph of grinding wheel , the description of kinematics of grinding , grinding force , grinding temperature and wheel wear .

  9. 三相饱和土中的气体含量是决定爆炸波在其中传播的最重要因素,但目前理论上对其中气体运动的描述还不够准确。

    The gas content is the most important influence factor for explosive wave propagation in three phase saturated soil , however , up to now it is inadequate to describe the gas motion theoretically in this media .

  10. 具体工作如下:首先,从理论上分析目前研究较为广泛的几种相对运动的描述,基于这些描述分析圆轨道与椭圆轨道上编队绕飞的特性。

    The main contributions are as follows : First , from the theoretical analysis of some currently more extensive study of relative motion description , based on those analysis describe characteristics of the circular orbit and the elliptical orbit fly-around formation .

  11. 进一步地,从一般曲线坐标系与其对应倒基的关系出发,导出了一般曲线坐标系对应倒基下对质点运动的描述,并进而给出了质点运动对应的协变分量。

    Go a step further , beginning with the relation of the general curvilinear coordinate system and its corresponding reciprocal base , we derived the description of the particle 's motion in the reciprocal base , and the covariant components of the particle 's motion were obtained as well .

  12. 线性谐振子与q变形振子量子运动的新描述

    New Description for Quantum Motions of Linear Harmonic Oscillator and Q-deformed Harmonic Oscillator

  13. 回转径向误差运动的数学描述与仿真

    Exercise . Mathematical Analysis and Simulation on Rotary Radial Error Motion

  14. 三坐标测量机运动精度的描述

    Exercise . Describing the Motion Accuracy of 3 D CMMs

  15. 人体脊柱三维运动的数学描述

    Mathematical expression on three-dimensional motion of the human spinal column

  16. 将新的土壤结构分形维数应用于对土壤水分运动参数的描述,使饱和导水率和非饱和导水率预测的准确性有了很大程度地提高。

    To describe soil water movement with fractal model .

  17. 某型空-地反辐射导弹运动的数学描述

    Mathematical description of an air to surface antiradiation missile-flight

  18. 编队飞行星座相对运动的运动学描述与编队构型设计

    Kinematic Models of Formation Flying Constellation and Configuration Design

  19. 虚拟环境中机器人运动状态的描述

    Describing Robotic Motion in Virtual Environment

  20. 论波粒两重性的物质性基础和粒子运动的非线性描述

    On the Materialistic Basis of Wave - particle Duality and the Nonlinear Description of Motion of Particles

  21. 波浪作用下床面摩阻系数对于波浪变形和床面剪应力的准确计算,乃至海岸泥沙运动的合理描述具有重要意义。

    The estimation of friction factor under waves is very important to the calculation of wave transformation , bed shear stress and even to the description of coastal sediment transport .

  22. 本文简要介绍了坡面流的基本特征和水力学特性,综述了坡面入渗产流过程、坡面流阻力,以及坡面流运动的数学描述和预报模型等方面的研究进展。

    This paper briefly introduces the basic characteristics and hydraulics properties of overland flow , and summarizes the research advances in the processes of soil infiltration , runoff generation , the resistance of overland flow , and the prediction model of overland flow .

  23. 本文将刚体球面运动的位置描述与平面运动的位置描述相对应,建立起一种研究球面机构运动学的新方法,使球面机构的运动学研究大为简化。

    In this paper , it is presented a new method of the kinematic study of spherical mechanisms from that the position description of the rigid-body spherical motion is contrasted with that of the planar . It made the kinematic study of spherical simple .

  24. 对盐碱地土壤水盐运动的定量描述是控制区域土壤次生盐碱化的基础,其中的土壤水分扩散率是研究土壤水盐运动的重要参数之一。

    The quantificational study on water and salt motion in saline-alkali soil is the foundation to control the soil secondary saline-alkalization in region , and moisture diffusivity of saline-alkali soil is one of the essential parameters to study quantificationally water and salt motion in saline-alkali soil .

  25. 本文讨论了船舶在不规则海浪中运动的AR模型描述方法和AR模型阶的选择,并用自适应预报的方法提出了超前k步的自适应预报器。

    In this paper the description of the ship motion with AR model , the selection of the order of the AR model and the construction of the K steps advanced adaptive predictor are discussed .

  26. 进一步讨论了该磁悬浮系统在外界激励下的分叉行为及混沌动力特性,并利用Poincare映射、功率谱分析及最大Lyapunov指数等混沌运动的统计特征描述了该状态下控制系统的混沌运动特性。

    Statistical methods to describe the chaotic motion such as Poincare mapping , power spectral analysis and the largest Lyapunov exponent are used to demonstrate the chaotic characteristics of the maglev control system .

  27. 约束多体系统碰撞运动的旋量描述

    Description of collison motion of multibody system with constraints using dual vectors

  28. 3C345中视超光速节点运动轨道的数学描述

    A Mathematical Description of the Trajectories of Superluminal Knots in 3C 345

  29. 磨削运动模拟的数学描述方法

    Mathematical Description for the Simulation of Grinding Motion

  30. 采用两级实例的描述模型,用框架作为机构运动方案实例的描述手段。

    The case of mechanism kinetic scheme is described with frame , by using two-level cases model .