
  • 网络marginal price;SMP;LMP;LMPS
  1. 系统边际价格概率分布的实证分析

    Positivism Analysis on the Probability Distribution of System Marginal Price

  2. 基于粒子群广义神经网络的系统边际价格预测方法

    A Method of System Marginal Price Forecasting by General Regression Neural Network Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

  3. 本文试图把特征价格理论应用于上海住宅市场,分析上海的住宅特征、特征价格和边际价格,构建适用于上海住宅市场的hedonic模型,进一步验证Hedonic模型在住宅市场的适用性。

    This paper mainly used hedonic model to analysis the housing hedonic price and price elasticity in Shanghai market . Establish the hedonic model of shanghai housing market and validate the applicability of this model .

  4. 目前电力市场中的系统边际价格拍卖与报价价格拍卖都不能有效解决不正当市场竞争引起的电价飞升问题。

    Neither system - marginal - price auction nor pay - as - bid auction can suppress price spikes .

  5. 并介绍了另一基于按边际价格结算的日交易计划系统。

    Hello Day Another daily trading schedule system based on the uniform payment according to system marginal prices is also presented .

  6. 基于边际价格理论,提出考虑系统电压安全风险的无功定价数学模型。

    Based on margin pricing theory , a new mathematic model is proposed for reactive power pricing taking voltage security risk into account .

  7. 针对该问题,该文提出了一种基于独立分量分析-支持向量机的系统边际价格预测混合模型。

    So a novel hybrid model for forecasting system marginal price ( SMP ) in spot market is presented , which integrates independent component analysis with support vector machine , called ICA-SVM .

  8. 结果表明,采取节点边际价格体系以及相应的支撑体系,即两部清算机制和传输权市场等可以最优化短期经济调度,可以保证和促进行业发电、输电的长期投资,保证行业的持续健康发展。

    We think these systems can not only optimize short-term economic dispatch , but also ensure and improve industry 's generation and transmission investment , ensure continue and healthy development of the industry .

  9. 基于该策略,可合理地解释供给充足条件下的价格尖峰现象,该现象是传统理性分析方法所无法描述的。同时论证了在按边际价格结算的市场规则下,价格尖峰现象难以避免。

    Based on this bidding strategy , the price spikes under the sufficient supply can be explained reasonedly , and meanwhile , analyses also show that the price spikes can not be eliminated under the uniform MCP pricing .

  10. 给出价格动态调节机制关系描述和定价收敛性的一般条件,理论上证明了移动业务价格最终收敛于总体最优边际价格。

    Given the description relationship between dynamic price adjustment mechanism and the general conditions of the pricing convergence , in theory , it proved that the final price of value-added services in the convergence of optimal marginal overall price .

  11. 论文基于微观经济学中的生产者剩余和消费者剩余理论,推导论证了在对发电方和用户双侧开放的市场环境中,集中交易模式下采用全市场统一边际价格进行交易结算时产生交叉补贴的原因。

    The producer surplus theory and consumer surplus theory were applied to deduce the cross subsidies among market participants in electricity pool under double auction mechanism , when market-wide system marginal price ( SMP ) was used as settlement rule .

  12. 以消费量陷阱和边际价格折线为基础,定义了分界点、分界线,进而建立了线性最优定价模型、改进的二阶非线性最优定价模型和改进的三阶非线性最优定价模型。

    Furthermore , author provides the definitions of demarcation point and demarcation line based on the consumption trap and the marginal price curve , and finally builds the models of linear optimal pricing , improved second order non-linear optimal pricing and improved third order non-linear optimal pricing .

  13. 而由于发电机组准固定成本的存在,如无负荷费用、启停费用等,若按边际价格清除,必然会出现成本补偿问题而无法实现有效的市场交易。

    However , for the quasi fixed costs of generating unit , such as no load cost , on-off cost and so on , if clearing the schedule by marginal price , it must lead to the problem of cost compensation and can not carry out the effective market trades .

  14. 在一条拥堵的线路上得到输电容量调度计划的用户按照边际成本价格为使用这条线路输电而付费。

    The users are charged the marginal-cost-based price for using a congested path .

  15. 而且区位特征中,商圈有效购买力相对最为重要(边际特征价格高达2.781)。

    And in the location characteristic , the effective purchasing power of the trade area is most important , since its marginal price reachs 2.781 .

  16. 发现在无阻塞的情况下,无论是发电节点还是负荷节点上的边际节点价格都相等,此时电网中存在一个最优输电容量。

    It is found that in the non-blocking conditions , both the prices of power node or marginal node load are equal , and then there is an optimal transmission capacity in the power grid .

  17. 本文主要采用了静态分析法,参考最优潮流运算准则,以边际节点价格机制为基础,建立以社会福利最大化条件的短期输电效益模型。

    This paper mainly uses the method of static analysis , refer to the optimal power flow calculation standards , based on short-term marginal nodes the price mechanism , establish transmission efficiency model in the condition of maximizing the social welfare .

  18. 本文提出了相同的投标策略在加州和英国两种定价方式下投标者收益、PX购电的总支付、边际机组的价格等方面的区别。

    Then the difference of generator benefit , payment of PX and price of marginal generator under two pricing systems i.e. in California and in England are analyzed by mathematic reasoning and doing quantity of experiments .

  19. 具体表现为首先各上游子公司以边际成本的价格为下游子公司提供中间产品,以使集团利润达到最大。

    The operation steps are the upstream divisions supply the intermediate products on marginal cost price firstly .

  20. 市场势力是指企业所掌握的高于边际成本的价格加成能力,市场势力越大,企业的价格加成能力就越大。

    Market power means that companies have a price mark-up capacity higher than the marginal cost . The greater market power enterprises have , the greater price mark-up they have .

  21. 为了防止垄断企业制定高于边际成本的价格从而导致生产的低效率和社会福利损失,对其进行政府舰制符合经济效率的原则。

    In order to prevent monopolies developing a price higher than the marginal cost , which may result in low efficiency of the production and loss of social welfare , government regulation is in line with the principles of economic efficiency .

  22. 医疗服务、药品等都是健康的生产要素,人们根据其边际产出率与价格的关系来决定消费量。

    Medical service , drug , nutrition , and fitness are factors of health production .

  23. 模型对系统边际电价和“价格钉”具有良好的预测能力。

    The model can be used to forecast the system marginal price and price spike for .

  24. 如果没有充分理由认为市场价格偏离了社会边际成本,市场价格就是很好的尺度。

    Market prices serve well if there is no strong reason to believe they depart from social marginal costs .

  25. 运营商通过边际效用调节自身价格,在纳什均衡点处能够取得最优的价格策略。

    Afterwards , network operators iteratively adjust respective price by marginal utility , and capture optimal pricing strategies at Nash Equilibrium point .

  26. 不存在外部市场时,以中间产品的边际成本为转移价格优于协议价和标准成本价。

    If there are not external markets , taking the marginal cost of intermediate products as the transfer price is better than the bargain price or standard cost .

  27. 若同一金融产品的市场可细分,且不同子市场的需求价格弹性不同时,采用需求差别定价可为金融企业获得更多的收入和利润,最优的差别价格为边际收益等于边际成本时的价格。

    If the market of demand in different sub_markets are different , adoption of demand differential pricing will bring financial enterprises more income and profits , and optimal differential price is the price when marginal profit equals marginal cost .

  28. 并根据边界成本等于边际收益的原则,确定出油井增产措施的边际价格以及在现行价格体系下各项措施的取舍条件。

    According to the principle of marginal cost equivalent to marginal benefit , it puts forward the marginal price for stimulating mature oil wells and criteria for screening various measures of stimulation under the current pricing system .