
  • 网络debater;polemicist
  1. 20世纪最了不起的辩论家非列昂·托洛茨基莫属。

    The greatest polemicist of the 20th century must be Leon Trotsky .

  2. 辩论家克里斯托弗?希金斯(ChristopherHitchens)就不然

    Christopher Hitchens , a polemicist whose tone is that of an erudite straight-talker , does not .

  3. 他真是个狡诈的辩论家,总是拒绝给出直截了当的回答。

    What a shifty arguer he is , refusing ever to give a straight answer .

  4. 类似的,当大批量生产成为19世纪的大潮之时,威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)和约翰•拉斯金(JohnRuskin)等英国辩论家希望将这股浪潮推回去。

    Similarly , when mass production became a spring tide in the 19th century , British polemicists such as William Morris and John Ruskin were there to wave it back .

  5. 机智的辩论家;以机智的方法解救尴尬的局面。

    Quick-witted debater ; saved an embarrassing situation with quick-witted tact .

  6. 举例来说,一个大学一年级的学生想当一名辩论家。

    For example , a freshman wanted to be a debater .

  7. 辩论家从事或精通论辩的人。

    One given to or expert in dispute or argument .

  8. 她是个很棒的演说家,也是个出色的辩论家。

    She was a good speaker and an excellent debater .

  9. 衡量辩论家的最高标准是推理能力。

    A debater 's highest criterion is reasoning .

  10. 父亲很快就加入了学生自治会,成为众所皆知的演说家和辩论家。

    My father quickly got involved in student politics and became known as a talented speaker and debater .

  11. 孟子,战国时期著名的政治家、教育家、辩论家,儒家的主要代表人物之一。

    Mencius , as a famous thinker , politician , educator , is one main representative figure of the Confucianism in the Warring States period .

  12. 他集古希腊、罗马教育经验之大成,在着重阐述演说辩论家的培养问题时,对教师素质提出了许多有价值的见解。

    Having combined the educational experiences from Greece and Rome , he put forward many individual ideas about teachers ' quality on the cultivation of orators .

  13. 问题不再是理论性的了;谈话对象也不是辩论家,而是主权国家,其中有一些是以物质力量来使它们的看法得以实现。

    Problems were no longer theoretical ; the interlocutors were not debaters but sovereign countries , some of which had the physical power to make their views prevail .

  14. 实际上,对也好错也罢(借用巧舌如簧的辩论家的话),在夏季天气晴朗的日子里,安琪尔与其说在大小教堂里听人讲道,不如说是在大自然里接受教训。

    Angel , in fact , rightly or wrongly ( to adopt the safe phrase of evasive controversialists ), preferred sermons in stones to sermons in churches and chapels on fine summer days .

  15. 在晚餐桌上进行的激烈辩论也是伊曼纽尔家的特色。

    Passionate debate around the dinner table was the norm .