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qīng wēi
  • slight;light;touch;trifling;to a small extent
轻微 [qīng wēi]
  • [light;trifling;slight] 数量少而程度浅的

  • 轻微的消化不良

轻微[qīng wēi]
  1. 你恢复得不错,大概可以做些轻微的运动了。

    You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise .

  2. 轻微的阵雨在窗帘上留下斑斑水迹。

    The curtain came out in spots with the light shower .

  3. 虽有轻微碰撞,但我的汽车没有损坏。

    There was a slight collision but my car was undamaged .

  4. 他的右肩有时感到轻微的疼痛。

    He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder .

  5. 那对夫妇被指控犯有重大/轻微盗窃罪。

    The couple were charged with grand / petty larceny .

  6. 这种药的轻微毒性反应包括恶心和呕吐。

    Minor toxicities of this drug include nausea and vomiting .

  7. 她注意到他颧骨下面的轻微凹陷。

    She noticed the slight hollows under his cheekbones .

  8. 我听到树丛里发出一阵轻微的窸窣声。

    I heard a faint rustle in the bushes .

  9. 轻微罪行正对社区生活产生有害影响。

    Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life .

  10. 该手术有导致脑损伤的轻微风险。

    There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure

  11. 这次爆炸只对这所加固过的房屋造成了轻微破坏。

    The explosion caused superficial damage to the fortified house .

  12. 即使你只感到很轻微的胸部疼痛,也不要继续锻炼。

    Never keep on exercising if you have even the slightest chest pain

  13. 我的手腕患有轻微关节炎。

    I have a touch of arthritis in the wrist .

  14. 对较轻微的抑郁症,某些形式的心理治疗效果的确不错。

    For milder depressions , certain forms of psychotherapy do work well .

  15. 这个俱乐部流行着一种轻微的传染病。

    There was a bug going around at the club .

  16. 即使是轻微的头部创伤也会对心理产生长期影响。

    Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects .

  17. 我感觉到一点儿轻微的碰撞,便立刻意识到发生了什么。

    I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened

  18. 他开始注意到轻微的水滴声。

    He became aware of the soft , faint sounds of water dripping

  19. 他受伤的腘绳肌感到一阵轻微的刺痛。

    He felt a slight twinge in his damaged hamstring .

  20. 芦荟可能对发炎以及轻微的皮肤炎症具有镇痛作用。

    Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations .

  21. 两名运动员一直在忍受轻微的伤痛。

    Both players have been suffering from niggling injuries .

  22. 间或发作的轻微头疼困扰了我一辈子。

    I 've had occasional mild headaches all my life

  23. 轻微的划伤和擦伤通常不用包扎就可以自愈。

    Minor cuts and grazes can usually be left uncovered to heal by themselves

  24. 他说话带上了一点轻微的美国口音。

    He had developed a slight American accent .

  25. 吉尔说话带有轻微的爱尔兰口音。

    Gill speaks in a quiet Irish brogue .

  26. 墙上挂钟的指针走动着,发出轻微的咔嗒声。

    The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click .

  27. 袖珍相机所拍的照片往往比较暗,因为存在轻微的曝光不足。

    Photos taken by compact cameras are often dark because they 're slightly underexposed .

  28. 指压按摩是用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。

    Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body .

  29. 约翰有轻微的言语障碍,这令母亲很难理解他的话。

    John 's slight speech impediment made it difficult for his mother to understand him .

  30. 大多数药物要么不能使病情真正好转,要么最多只能带来轻微的改善。

    Most drugs offer either no real improvement or , at best , only moderate improvements .