
ruǎn jiàn pán
  • soft keyboard
  1. Android设备包括带软键盘、物理键盘或双接口的Samsung智能手机。

    Android devices include Samsung smartphones with soft keyboard , physical keyboard , or dual interface .

  2. 您可以通过键盘在地址栏中直接进入Web站点,但是如果有必要的话,也可以显示iPhone软键盘。

    You can enter Web sites directly in the address bar with the keyboard , although if you simply must , the iPhone soft keyboard will also show up .

  3. 使用iPhone和IPad,您可以在显示屏上显示软键盘;物理键盘不是一个选项。

    With iPhone and IPad , you can show a soft keyboard on the display screen ; a physical keyboard is not an option .

  4. 通过简单的触摸或按压,无需电池辅助,科学家们成功地在液晶触摸屏、一排20盏LED灯以及软键盘上完成操作。

    Scientists successfully operated an LCD touch screen , a bank of 20 LED lights and a flexible keyboard , all with a simple touching or pressing motion and without the aid of a battery .

  5. RIM设备(BlackBerry)有三种输入模式:软键盘、QWERTY键盘和双接口。

    RIM devices ( BlackBerry ) come in three input modes : soft keyboard , QWERTY keyboard , and dual interface .

  6. 论文最后提出了一种嵌入式中文输入法的解决方案,并在嵌入式Linux上基于Qt/Embedded实现了一种软键盘拼音输入法。

    The paper describes the design of an embedded Chinese pinyin input method which uses a software keypad as an input device . The input method is based on Qt / Embedded on embedded devices running Linux .

  7. 掌上型计算机(palmPC)是一种新型、灵巧的个人数字助理(PDA),由于其没有键盘,目前采用软键盘或手写体识别作为主要的输入手段。

    Palm PC is a kind of novel subtle personal digital assistant ( PDA ) . Without keyboard device , it currently adopts soft keyboard or handwriting recognition as its major input method .

  8. 用户控制界面部分采用Visualc++内嵌CVI进行开发,内容主要包括菜单、软键盘、视图显示区、配置测量信息区以及显示测量信息区。

    The user interface is developed with CVI embedded in the Visual C + + develop environment , including menu , soft keyboard , view area , measurement information configuration area and measurement information display area .

  9. 门禁控制器中的软件是在Linux下用Qt实现,除完成了门禁管理系统基本功能外,还实现了嵌入式桌面管理器、软键盘和中英文输入法、采集视频数据等功能。

    The software of access controller is designed by Qt in Linux Operating System . In addition to accomplishing the basic functions of the Access control management system , it also realized the embedded desktop management , soft keyboard and the text input , capture video data and other functions .

  10. 你只能是在屏幕软键盘上费力地打出字母。

    You have to peck out letters on an on-screen keyboard .

  11. 基于动态软键盘的口令认证安全客户端的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of a Security Client Based on Password Authentication with Dynamic Soft Keyboard

  12. 在触摸屏上使用屏幕上显示的软键盘来输入数据,似乎很不错。

    It may be tempting to make use of an onscreen keyboard for entering data on touch screen kiosks .

  13. 数控代码编辑模块实现了应用系统主界面、文档编辑及输入用软键盘等功能。

    In the NC code edition module , the system main interface , document edition and soft keyboard used to input are realized .

  14. 在蒙文短信系统中,根据不同的手机,系统提供不同的短信编辑方式,包括硬键盘输入和软键盘输入。

    In the system of Mongolian message , according to different mobilephones , the system offer to different compile methods of the message , including hard keyboard input and soft keyboard input .

  15. 在实际应用中,在客户端使用动态软键盘,并对用户密码进行加密,以保证数据在传输过程中的安全性。②服务器端对敏感数据的加密控制。

    And in actual application , hold dynamic usage soft keyboard in the customer , the password carries out an encryption on the consumer , to ensure that the data is transferring security in process . Second , the encryption being that the server holds pair of sensitive data controls .