
  • 网络Transgender;Trans;LGBT;cross-gender;transsexual
  1. 今年,玫科菲(MakeUpforEver)与安德烈娅·皮杰斯(AndrejaPejic)签下一纸美容用品合约,成了首个签约跨性别模特的品牌。

    This year , Make Up for Ever became the first brand to sign a transgender model , Andreja Pejic , to a beauty contract .

  2. Karen是个跨性别者。

    experience . Karen said she is a transgender .

  3. 模特支持公司ModelAlliance发布声明,表示对Razek关于跨性别和大尺码内衣模特的言论非常失望。

    The Model Alliance , a model 's advocacy group , put out a statement saying it was disappointed by Razek 's comments about trans and plus-size models .

  4. 但是吉梭曼并不将自己界定为女同性恋,而是一名跨性别者(transgender)。

    But Gieselman self-identifies not as a gay woman but as transgender .

  5. 华盛顿州立大学呼吁反对“不恰当言语”的号召呼应了加利福利亚大学(theUniversityofCalifornia)和田纳西大学(theUniversityofTennessee)的决定。这两所学校鼓励学生们使用中性代词指代跨性别和同性恋学生。

    Washington State University 's call against inappropriate terms follows a decision by both the University of California and the University of Tennessee to encourage students to use gender-neutral pronouns for transgender and queer-identifying students .

  6. TNT剧院创立于1980年,以其简洁的舞台设计、纯正的英伦风和跨性别表演等特点而独树一帜。

    The TNT Theater , founded in1980 , has been distinguished for its simple stage decoration , strong British style and cross-gender performances .

  7. 研究表明,MSCS是一个适应广泛的量表,可以基于观察数据进行跨性别、学校、城乡的平均数比较和方差齐性检验。

    The study indicates that MSCS is a widely-adapted scale and can he used to test difference of mean and homogeneity Of variance across group based on observational data .

  8. 校长山姆·巴斯(SamBass)称,做出这一改变的部分原因是,八名学生不属于传统的性别分类,他们中有的是假小子、有的是跨性别者。

    Principal Sam Bass said the change was in part due to eight students who do not fit into traditional gender norms - and range from tomboys to transgender .

  9. 吉梭曼开始抽出时间参与佛蒙特出柜联盟(OutrightVermont)的活动,这是一间面向跨性别者和同性恋者的青年中心,活动分子和学术界的性别用语在这里广为接受。

    Gieselman began spending time at Outright Vermont , a trans and queer youth center where the gender lexicon of activists and academe is widely accepted .

  10. 上周,我的埃尔顿·约翰艾滋病基金会(EltonJohnAIDSFoundation)宣布,向女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者组织提供一系列捐赠,以推动艾滋病毒检测和预防活动,提升公众意识,洗除抗艾滋病毒的污名。

    Last week my organization , the Elton John AIDS Foundation , announced a series of grants to lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender organizations to promote testing and prevention , spread awareness and fight anti-H.I.V. stigma .

  11. 以及亚马逊的《透明家庭》(Transparent)的主角莫特(Mort,杰弗里·坦波[JeffreyTambor]饰演,他向孩子们出柜后就改了女名“莫拉”)等电视形象,他们都进一步把跨性别叙事推向主流视野。

    and television fare like " Transparent , " the series on Amazon , its lead character Mort ( Jeffrey Tambor ) coming out to his children as Maura .

  12. 英国皇家邮政、英国街头分行,政府部门还有一些大学如今都接受Mx这个称呼前缀Mx是对跨性别者和其他有性别认知障碍个人的称呼。

    Royal Mail , high street banks , government departments and some universities all now accept Mx which is used by transgender people or other individuals who do not identify with a particular gender .

  13. 无论是对最初的演员挑选还是对Bustle的声明,witter上的许多人对此愤怒地进行了回应,他们认为:跨性别角色应该由变性演员扮演。

    Many on Twitter responded angrily , both to the initial casting and the statement to Bustle . The overwhelming consensus : Transgender characters should be played by transgender actors .

  14. 上周四(2月13日)Facebook发布的这个调整,该公司称最初针对的是其在美国的1.59亿月度用户,目的在于给大家更多描述自己的选择,如雌雄同体、双性人、阴阳人、流性人、跨性别。

    Facebook stated the adjustments , launched on Thursday , initially quilt the corporate 's 159 million monthly Customers in the US and are aimed toward giving folks more picks in how they describe themselves , such as androgynous , bi-gender , intersex , gender fluid or transsexual .

  15. 一项调查指出在美国生活的亚裔LGBT人士(女、男同性恋者、双性恋者、跨性别者),比起结婚的权利,更关心移民、医疗、种族歧视和仇恨犯罪。

    Notably , one study revealed how LGBT Asians in America found concerns over immigration , healthcare , racism , and hate crimes as more critical than obtaining the right to marry .

  16. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,8月31日,位于密苏里州圣路易斯市的希尔斯伯勒高中(HillsboroHighSchool)的近200名高中生走出校门,抵制跨性别青少年莱拉·佩里(LilaPerry)使用女厕所和女更衣室。

    On August 31 , almost 200 high school students walked out of class in Hillsboro High School outside of St. Louis , Missouri to protest the use of the girls ' restrooms and locker room by Lila Perry , a transgender teen , according to the New York Times .

  17. 但是,哥本哈根电影基金会首席执行官托马斯·戈梅尔托夫特(ThomasGammeltoft)说,关于跨性别者的电影仍然不多,该基金会资助了《丹麦女孩》的拍摄。他说,关于埃尔伯与魏格纳的故事肯定会产生巨大冲击。

    But movies about transgender people are still rare , said Thomas Gammeltoft , chief executive of the Copenhagen Film Fund , which helped finance " The Danish Girl . " So the film and its story of Elbe and Wegener will probably have an impact , he said .

  18. ILGA是当今世界上唯一一个关于男女同性恋、双性恋以及跨性别人士的国际性联盟,成立于1978年。

    ILGA is the only worldwide federation campaigning for lesbian , gay , bisexual , trans and intersex ( LGBTI ) rights and was established in1978 .

  19. 据《好莱坞记者报》和《综艺》报道,她正在加入了导演鲁珀特桑德斯的新片《Rub&Tug》,这是一部基于跨性别按摩院老板Dante“Tex”Gill真实故事的电影。

    She 's joining director Rupert Sanders to star in " Rub & Tug , " a film based on the true story of transgender massage parlor owner Dante " Tex " Gill , The Hollywood Reporter and Variety ? have reported .

  20. 今年11月,美国跨性别饶舌歌手米基·布兰科(MykkiBlanco)原定用作演出会场的Solyanka遭到抢劫,于当日上午关门停业,便是#LOL接过了主办的重任。

    LOL played host for the transgender rapper American Mykki Blanco in November when Solyanka , the venue where she was scheduled to perform , was raided and closed that morning .

  21. 在塞巴斯蒂安·莱利奥(SebastiánLelio)执导的这部影片中,跨性别女人玛丽娜(Marina)在哀悼去世情人的同时,还要面对他的家庭的敌意。该片有时十分现实,有时又夸张、雄辩,富于诗意,既直截了当,又天马行空。

    Sebasti á n Lelio 's portrait of Marina , a transgender woman mourning the death of her lover and facing the hostility of his family , is at once bluntly realistic and ripely melodramatic , polemical and poetic , pointed and , well , fantastical .

  22. 布劳尔女士找到了教务主任基思·威廉姆斯(KeithP.Williams),此人曾与佛蒙特大学的律师们携手合作,允许跨性别者学生更改登记在校内系统中的名字,但是要求学生必须亲自到这位主任的办公室填写相关文书。

    Ms. Brauer reached out to the registrar , Keith P. Williams , who worked with the university 's lawyers to allow transgender students to change their first name in the schoolwide system , but doing so required an in-person visit to the dean of students " office and filling out paperwork .

  23. 在工程顾问公司奥雅纳(Arup)设立的LGBT(女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者与跨性别者)网络的发起仪式上,布朗表示,商界的宽容度仍比不上其他社会领域,并呼吁设定衡量进展的“具体目标”。

    Speaking at the launch of a lesbian and gay , bisexual and transgender network set up by Arup , he said business is still less tolerant than other areas of life and called for " concrete targets " to measure progress .

  24. 从男女平等到性别平等&当代妇女观与跨性别弱势群体

    From Equality of the Male and the Female to Gender Equality

  25. 跨性别社区无法获得保护在现有的纽约州法律框架下。

    The transgender community is not protected under current state law .

  26. 尼恩多夫还牵头请跨性别学生和校友做相关讲座。

    Niendorf also initiated informational panels with trans students and alums .

  27. 那些跨性别或双性的孩子又该何去何从?

    Where would a transgender or an intersex child fit in ?

  28. 在卫尔斯理,一位倾向男性的跨性别学生成为宿舍的主席。

    At Wellesley , one transmasculine student was a dorm president .

  29. 对于跨性别话题的关注从去年开始高涨。

    Awareness of transgender issues has surged over the last year .

  30. 跨性别拒绝言语行为是一个复杂的现象。

    Cross-sex refusal speech act is a very complex phenomenon .