
  1. 从信贷资金运动规律&三重支付,三重回流的六个环节看和从信贷资金效率内涵的三个方面看,我国信贷资金效率相对较低。

    By the look of three respects of the efficiency intension of the credit funds , of our country credit funds production efficiency , dispose efficiency , efficiency relatively low function .

  2. 资金筹集是决定企业资金运动规律和生产发展的重要环节。

    Capital raising financing is an important link that determining capital running rule and manufacturing development of enterprises .

  3. 通过采用滚动分段技术和变量组合,建立资金动态优化的经济模型,揭示资金运动的内在规律,从宏观和微观两个方面来加强对资金的优化控制,并对影响资金优化的各项因素进行分析;

    By means of rolling segment technique and variations grouping , building the economic model of dynamic fund optimization to reveal the internal rule of fund movement , strengthen optimized control of fund in both macro and micro ways , analyzing various factors affecting fund optimization ;